Hahaha, mulla on koko ajan pyörinyt sen edellisen Suomessa nähdyn jakson Rob Schneider -trailerit päässä:
"Rob Schneider was an animal. Then he was a woman. And now, Rob Schneider is -- A STAPLER! And he's about to find out -- that being a stapler -- is harder than it looks! Rob Schneider is -- THE STAPLER! Rated PG-13."
"Rob Schneider is a Wall Street executive, with everything going for him. Only problem is -- he's about to become -- A CARROT! It's 24-carrot comedy! Rob Schneider is -- A CARROT! Rated PG-13."
"Rob Schneider, derp dee derp! Derp dee derpittee derpee derp! Until one day, a derpa derpa durba derp! Derp dee derp, -- da teetley tum! From the creators of -- DER -- and -- TUM TA TITTALY TUM TERPA DERP, Rob Schneider is -- DA DERP DEE DERP DA TEETLEY DERPEE DERPEE DUMB. Rated PG-13."
"Rob Schneider is a somewhat popular comedic actor who seemed to have it all, until one day, he came across a pot roast, and his life changed forever. Now he's sharing his body with an eight-year-old boy. And he's about to find out that being eight ain't so great. Rob Schneider is KENNY! Rated PG-13."
