Soilwork DVD

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%


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34 962
Björn "Speed" Strid:

"Our plan is to release something next year, which is definitely about time. We want to make it special too, not just taking a plain concert and putting it on the DVD, but also filling it with extras for the fans, like videos and other kinds of bonus material. That's what I like the most and I hope the fans feel the same."
Mike sanoi:
Oujeah, odotettu yhtä paljon kuin Bodomin dvd:tä. Onko Bodom edes tekemässä semmoista?

En kyllä ole ainakaan kuullut, että olisivat... Toivottavasti jossain vaiheessa...
Ei mahda tätäkään tälle vuodelle kuulua. :(

Niklas: Have you made any progress with the live-DVD that we talked about last time?

Björn: With all that has happened, with the new guitarist and everything, we had to put that on hold. But we have definitely not forgot about it. We have contacted a producer who is interested, and we have an idea about doing it in a hangar with lots of fans in it. We'll probably shoot it in America, too. We'll see what happens, but it's definitely coming in the future.

Jännä idea silti kuvata jossain lentokonehallissa konsertti. Ehkä maailman stereotyyppisin metallimusiikkivideon kuvauspaikka, mutta että kokonainen konsertti.
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