Pyranha sanoi:
Jahas, ja tää on tieto joka pohjautuu mihin? Lähteitä vaan peliin ?
En jaksa alkaa rakentelemaan lähdeluetteloa siitä, mitä on aikojen saatossa silmiin osunut, mutta eksentristen vaiheiden paremmuus konsentrisiin vaiheisiin nähden lihasmassan kasvattajana ei ole edes mitenkään kiistanalainen asia - kaikki lukemani asiantuntijat ja näkemäni tutkimukset ovat sitä mieltä. Tosin kaikkein parasta jälkeä on tehty käyttämällä molempia vaiheita.
Jotta nyt jotain, niin tämä HST:n Bryan Haycockin lausunto osui tällä kertaa ensinnä eteen:
"There are two types of muscle contraction: concentric and eccentric. When a muscle shortens as it contracts, as your biceps does during the lifting portion of a biceps curl, it's called a concentric contraction. An eccentric contraction is the opposite: Your muscle lengthens as it contracts, as your biceps does during the lowering portion of a biceps curl.
"Eccentric contractions are actually the dominant stimulus for muscle growth," says Editor in Chief Bryan Haycock. This is the result of muscle fibers becoming larger as the result of microtrauma, that is, microscopic damage that muscle cells incur when exposed to stress. And eccentric contractions put more of the right kind of stress on muscles than concentric contractions do.
"What happens is that compounds called growth factors literally teak out of damaged cells and into the spaces between them," Haycock explains. "These growth factors activate other cells called `satellite cells,' which then help to produce much bigger muscle cells."
Exercise physiologists have learned that the delayed-onset muscle soreness you feel a day or two after a gym workout is caused primarily by eccentric contractions."