Pro Figure, Fitness & FBB 2009 & 2010

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja Anne P
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M-Nutrition EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit


Anne P

APhysiques International
6 648
Tästä se lähtee, Arnoldin listat tulivat eilen ulos.

Ms. International
Heather Armburst
Dayana Cadeau
Iris Floyd Kyle
Maria Del Carmen Gomez
Rosemary Jennings
Debi Laszewski
Cathy LeFrancois
Mah-Ann Mendoza
Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia
Betty Pariso
Brenda Raganot
Isabelle Turell
Betty Viana-Adkins
Dena Westerfield

Fitness International
Jessica Clay
Regiane Da Silva
Nicole Duncan
Tina Durkin
Heidi Fletcher-Sullivan
Bethany Gainey
Tracey Greenwood
Oksana Grishina
Jen Hendershott
Tanji Johnson
Shannon Meteraud
Mindi O’brien
Julie Palmer
Erin Riley
Trish Warren
Nicole Wilkins-Lee

Figure International
Gina Aliotti
Huong Arcinas
Monica Brant
Heather Mae French
Amy Fry
Adela Garcia
Jennifer Gates
Sonia (Adcock) Gonzales
Lenay Hernandez
Georgina Lona
Juliana Malacarne
Zivile Raudoniene
Kristal Richardson
Felicia Romero
Sherlyn Roy
Chastity Slone
Brenda Marie Smith
Erin Stern
Latisha Wilder

FBB:ssä ei nyt mitään mullistavia, paitsi yllätysnimi ehkä Maria Del Carmen Gomez, paremmin tunnettu Maria Seguerana, joka voitti tämän vuoden alussa Arnold Amateurin over allin. Paksua lihaa, ruma ja leveä keskeltä. Fitnessissä kaikki parhaat mukana, kiva nähdä Nicole Wilkins nyt myös fitnessin puolella (kilpaili Olympiassa figuressa, vaikka sai olympia paikan molempiin). Figuressa HURJAN kova lineuppi, vanhoja konkareita ja huomio huomio Monica Brant, joka ei kilpaillut koko kuluvana vuotena ollenkaan, on jälleen takas! Kolme ammattilaisdebyyttiä tähän kisaan eli Nationalssien over all voittaja Erin Stern, Team Universen over all voittaja Sherlyn Roy (oli mukana myös MM-kisoissa, ei kymppisakissa), ja North Americanssien over all voittaja Georgina Lona. Huomionarvoista myös Adelan esiintyminen isossa kisassa figuren puolella.


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Hyvä on lista joo, Armbrust tosin pimahtamispisteessä.

Uuden-Seelannin ammattilaisfigurekisa peruttu..

We posted about it earlier, and it’s now official - the 2009 IFBB New Zealand South Pacific Show is cancelled something many of us assumed was well on the way. Although this website’s email to the promoter has not been returned, we’ve confirmed the cancellation with other sources and the IFBB site has confirmed it in a roundabout method by posting “the 2009 New Zealand show may be rescheduled to another date”.

At the risk of sounding wholly negative, this also doesn’t bode well for a show to be held later this year.

The distance alone of Australia and New Zealand makes it somewhat cost prohibitive for many competitors and adds a unique difficulty that North American promoters don’t have to factor in. The success of last years New Zealand Pro show was largely in part to the timing ‘piggybacking’ on the Australian Pro Show, so the competitors could easily do both shows. Also, now with a history of a rather late cancellation, people may be skeptical to make certain plans to compete. All these factors and more - we think it is very unlikely to see a NZ pro bdybuilding and figure show coming to fruition in 2009.

The show was scheduled to be held in March in Auckland, and appears to have been cancelled with about 60 days notice.


Grapefruit Lemonade

Erin Riley ei kilpaile enää tänä vuonna - due the injury!

I’ve been dealing with shoulder pain for several months now, and it just didn’t seem to get any better, no matter what I tried. I was getting ready to start my prep for the summer shows, but the pain just got to the point that I was having trouble making it through workouts, and routine practice was becoming out of the question. So I finally decided to go to the DR….
and the verdict…

I have a torn labrum. I have tried conservative treatments and rest, but nothing seemed to help. I trained through the pain to get ready for the Arnold, NY Pro Fitness and Europa Show of Champions, but continuing to train on it as is at this point is going to cause further damage.
Surgery is scheduled for july 13th. The game plan is to repair the tear, and the full recovery time looks to be about 4-6 months…no upper body training besides rehab/PT for 3 months!!


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