Poliisit vs Virolainen kanttarellikauppias

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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Ai että suutari pysyköön lestissään? Enkö saisi/osaa arvostella mitään, jos en ole kyseisen alan asiantuntija?

Voi kuule, arvostele ihan rauhassa jos tunnet siihen tarvetta. Se vaan huvittaa mua kovasti.

Ei itselle vaan tulis mieleen lähteä arvostelemaan esimerkiksi lentäjien tekemiä toimenpiteitä laskeutumisen yhteydessä, lääkärien suorittamaa haavan hoitoa tai floristin tapaa tehdä kukkakimppu, näistä aiheista kun en itse tiedä mitään.
Lol. Kaikki on ennalta suunniteltu näytöstä varten. Ei nuo hommat kentällä ihan noin liukkaasti mene. Toisekseen, mitä vitun järkeä on kolmannen tyypin osoittaa aseella maahan niputettua jannua, kun kaksi kaveria on kopittamassa sitä? Riskinä on ampua oma kaveri. Ryssien nationalistista paskan suoltamista only on Youtube. Totuus on se, että harva oikeasti lähtee suoraa päätä keppijannun päälle, vaikka olis mikä ninja. Etäisyys ja kunnon lataaminen patukalla, jos ylipäänsä on välittömästi pakko toimia ilman kahta tai useampaa partiota vastaavassa tilanteessa.

Lisätään vielä...

jeesus mitä paskaa!! Kohdassa 1.28 "rosvo" vie oma toimisesti vasemman käden selän taakse :D
Idioottihan tuo on vironmies nuiden jälkijuttujen perusteella.

Mutta naurettavaa pelleilyähän tuo oli poliisienkin toiminta. Poliisihan tuon tilanteen tuohon ajoi, ettei juttelut enää riittänytkään ja sitten kun vironmies osoitti että voi hänkin hippasille alkaa jos kerta halutaan, niin siihen loppuikin poliisimiesten konstit heti kerralla. Yritetään toki suihkia vähän kaasua ja hutkia pampulla, mutta näytti pahasti siltä, että ensi kertaa edes kosketaan moisiin kapistuksiin.

Jos tuo viron mies ois ollut oikea sekopää isolla S:llä, niin se ois niputtanu nuo smurffit kaikki. Nyt mies sai rauhassa resuta ympäriinsä ja poliisit yrittävät käydä väliin jonkun epätoivosen hutkasun tekemässä, mikä korkeintaan vain vituttaa ja ärsyttää entistä enempi. Mitähän nuo poliisit ois tehneet, jos tuo sälli ois hutkassu tuolla saamalla kepakolla muutamaa sivullista kuuppaan ja tosissaan käynyt kohti nuita poliiseja? Varmaan lähteneet karkuun ja soittaneet poliisit... eiku prkl, nehän oli jo paikalla.

Jossei kerta parilla miehellä uskalleta iholle ja laittaan miestä nippuun, niin oisivat nyt soittaneet enempi porukkaa paikalle ennen kuin itse uhosivat tuon tilanteen fyysiselle tasolle. Nythän tuossa aiheutettiin jos jonkinlaista uhkatilannetta turhaan myös sivullisille.
Vielä lisää kiinteästi tapahtuneeseen liittyviä humoristisia videoita.
Tämä on nimeltään "mustan ninjan niputus". Osataan sitä muissakin maissa.

Suosikkikohtani on se, jossa tää kaveri pääsee vielä livohkaan hetkeksi.

Tämmösistä tapauksista käy lähinnä selväksi se, että ei ne voimankäyttövälineet aina autuaaksi tee.
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Vielä lisää kiinteästi tapahtuneeseen liittyviä humoristisia videoita.
Tämä on nimeltään "mustan ninjan niputus". Osataan sitä muissakin maissa.

Suosikkikohtani on se, jossa tää kaveri pääsee vielä livohkaan hetkeksi.

Tämmösistä tapauksista käy lähinnä selväksi se, että ei ne voimankäyttövälineet aina autuaaksi tee.

0:06 kohdossa ninja diggas, että "mä meen bare hands loppuun saakka, kuten aidot ninjat."
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Niinpä, kyllä mulla meinas kerran nousta sisu kurkkuun, eli paskat housuun.
Olin yksin ovella ja 2 vanhaa Kakolan ruunaa haluaa tulla sisään(toisesta poliisi on sanonut että älkää toimiko itse vaikka teitä olisi 4, vaan soittakaa partio). Tätä ennen olin pyöritellyt lähinnä humalaisia nuoria/sekakäyttäjiä.
Tyypit otti kännissä/piripäissään hirveet agret kun en ottanut sisään, toinen repäs järkkälätkän irti ja puristi paskaksi. Selvisin onneksi tilanteesta n. 10 minuutin juttelulla, pataan olis tullut jos olisin provosoinut. Kyllähän se järkkälätkän paskaksi vetäminen vähän söi miestä , mutta se oli kuitenkin 2
-1 mua vastaan. Ja nää kaverit olis toiminut yksissä tuumin, siitä ei epäilystäkään.

Sähän alistit ne etkä edes itse tunnu tajuavan sitä.
toi "sankari" luudan kanssa tossa videossa on kyllä parasta antia :D

Hah repesin tolle aika pahasti :D Aika munattomia poliiseja huh huh :wtf:
Vielä lisää kiinteästi tapahtuneeseen liittyviä humoristisia videoita.
Tämä on nimeltään "mustan ninjan niputus". Osataan sitä muissakin maissa.

Suosikkikohtani on se, jossa tää kaveri pääsee vielä livohkaan hetkeksi.

Tämmösistä tapauksista käy lähinnä selväksi se, että ei ne voimankäyttövälineet aina autuaaksi tee.

Eikös meidän poliisit sentään saanut hoidettua 4 miehen voimin tuon "sieni"kauppiaan.
Tuossa oli jo lähes koko laitos mukana leikissä, eikä siltikään saatu heti kaveria maahan:D
Kyllä se täällä netissä on helppo laittaa kavereita maahan:D
Pitäisikö herätä todellisuuteen tai sitten vaihtaa alaa;)
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Melko pahat patoutumat on kaverille jäänyt tuosta keissistä. Kattoo sitä sen facebook-seinää: postannut "WAR IN HELSINKI *ja videon linkki*" eri sivujen seinille...
poliisihan ei voi alkaa tappelemaan, niiden pitäs pystyä ottamaan tilanne hallintaa.
eikä se tosiaan ole helppoa varsinkaan jos tollainen iso kaveri jolla on kokemusta noista tilanteista alkaa tappeleen kunnolla vastaan.
tosin noiden ensimmäisten poliisien ois pitänyt olla valmiita viemään tilanne loppuun asti kun kerta voimakeinoihin turvauduttiin.
ja mitä jos tuolta viereisen kojun tiskiltä olis löytynyt vaikka puukko, mansikkalaatikon sijasta.
Miksei poliiseilla ole tainnuttimia? Jenkeissä ne ampuu heti semmoisella, eikä siinä käy uhrille mitenkään.

"According to Amnesty International, between 2001 and 2008, 351 people in the United States died after being shocked by police Tasers."
"According to Amnesty International, between 2001 and 2008, 351 people in the United States died after being shocked by police Tasers."

Ja monta kertaa on sähköä käytetty? Ihan Mutu, mut jenkkien taserin käyttäminen on aika villin oloista. Ei tollainen luku oikeastaan sano yhtään mitään.
Melko pahat patoutumat on kaverille jäänyt tuosta keissistä. Kattoo sitä sen facebook-seinää: postannut "WAR IN HELSINKI *ja videon linkki*" eri sivujen seinille...
Todella pahat.

Copypastetaan nyt tännekin, ettei häviä :D

What happend in Helsinki Central Market 13.08.2009 and the time was 10.00-12-00

Black Helsinki thursday

Since Estonia achieved its indipendents estonians have vindemiated berries, mushrooms etc from their woods and send them to Finland. All the companys in Finland, Latvia, Lithuania have been really interested in estonian berries because we have had really low labor costs. People were starving- 2 Gin Longero cost as much as estonians got their monthly pay. Finn people bought berries and mushrooms from Estonia and sold it in Finland with huge profits ( 200-500%).

Whilst Estonian berries and mushrooms were with really good quality, then finns said that those berries/mushrooms are from Finland- so they could earn even bigger profit. Estonians have been trying for decades to sell their products directly to consumer and avoid Intermediaries. But because of the corruption on a bigger level it has been impossible. People have been trying to point out that seller´s on a market are cheating them- they are selling berries from different countries and claiming that its origin is Finland and also they are selling berries with litres ( but it should be gramms or kilogramms). They are exporting berries from the Baltic´s, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine etc- and they are claiming that all the berries are from Finland.

Finland exports most of the berries/mushrooms from different EU countries. But advertisies them as berries/mushrooms from Finland, because people are willing to pay more when products are home-grown! They could never achieve that kind capacity just with their own products.

1How they cheat people in Finlands markets
The tradition in Finland is to sell berries with litres. Example: 1 litre is about 200 gramms mushrooms. And Finland companys want only big mushrooms because in that way the jar holds less mushrooms.

1 litres chantarelles costs 5 euros 1 litre.
Finns buy chantarelles from Estonia 3,5-4 euros 1 kilogram.
200gr x 5 = 1 kg
1 litre holds 5 euros, so 1 kg costs 25 euros.

So basically 20 euros is net profit. Do you think they are paying fairly taxes? No they dont!
Chantarelles profit only in Helsinki central market is 3-4tons and about 75-100 000 euros!
1 litre holds about 500grams blueberries and the price is about 4 euros.
Finns buy blueberries from Estonia with 2 euros per kilogram maximum.
Profit from blueberries 6 euros per kilogram- Day capacity is about 3-4tons its about 2500 euros.
Monthly profit only in Helsinki central market is minimum 5 million EUROS.
But how many big cities and markets there are in Finland?

When Helsinki central market profit extends to 5 million euros- then its underestandablewhy they dont want to let any foreigners into their markets. And they are using all kind of methods to keep them away.
I went there alone on 13th because I wanted to change it- I wanted to bring new breathing, start a discussion about the markets and show Finlands people how they are being cheated.

I started to sell chanarelles from my mini van MB Vito, I had in my van 100 plastic boxes in every box there was 2 kg mushrooms. I had electronical scale and one box was on it with a sign that 1 box is 15 euros. I think it took about 4-5 minutes when one of the market sellers came to me and told me that I can not sell here- he basically threatened me. He even didn´t ask if I had selling license. After him there was another seller who came to me and he threatened me as well- he threatened me with physical violence and that I my property will be damaged. After that came two market security guys and told me to pack my things and leave immediately. They told me that they will call police and I will go to prison. I told them that very good if they are calling police- then I can reveal their cheating. I waited the police for about15-20 minutes, I saw that market sellers and guards were talking, calling and discussing something.

When the police came, they introduced themselves and asked for my documents. I gave them my passport- which I didnt get back. They asked for my sellere´s license- but I didnt have it. I asked from them that what Im doing wrong and what is fine for it. Of course they didnt tell me anything and just said me to fuck myself ( in finnish) and that was Finlands police!!!
One more thing- just a moment before police came there was two black guys who claimed that they are from Somalia and they will cut my throat, burn my car and that I will never leave Finland. I told them to fuck themselves!

I had one friend with me, he was the one who translated when I tried to explaine to police that the market sellers are cheating people and that there is corruption in the market. All the time I told police that I want a lawyer, attorney.... and all they told me was fuck you! I sent my friend to ATM that he could take out some money and I was willing to pay 1000 euros for that I wanted to sell my mushrooms without sellin-license. When my friend was gone, then police was turining more aggressive- because more and more tourists came to look whats going on ( there was about 30-40 Japanese tourists).

I told the police again and again that I want peaceful solution and you dont need to use any violence on me. All I wanted was a lawyer!
And then after they had got a phone call they turned very aggressive. They told me to put my hands behind my back. I told them that I will not do that and I just want a peaceful solution. After that they spraid 2-3 doses pepper-spray on me amd two of the police men hit me with a telescope club- my elbow was all broken. So I had to protect myself. They spraid more pepper-spray and hit with telescope club(its made from metal)- my left knee and thigh got hit- so my left leg and left hand were crushed. One of the police mens tryied constantly to hit my head but instead he hit my neck. I seemed like they wanted to cripple me- and I tryied to protect myself with anything.

My left arm and left leg were crushed and I didnt had anything to protect myself anymore and there was 4 armed police mes against me. There was one of the sellers too who kicked me with broom. I was shouting for help and I was telling people to call ambulance, lawyer- and I pleaded police to stop. They got me on the ground, punched my with fists and feet- they handcuffed me like I was the most dangerous criminal. They handcuffed me so hard that I could not move my fingers or toes- I peged for doctor but Police told me fuck you.

And after that came the worst hour in my life- They had handcuffed me so hard that my hands and legs were dead. The pain was indescribable. I fainted. They just throwed me into tiny cell in the car. Then the pepper-spray started to work- my eyes burned so badly- that I thought that I will be blind. I couldn´t move. We were driving like this for a long time. After I got back my consciousness they took me out of the car. I was still handcuffed- My weight is 105 kg and only 2 men carried me- I was basically hanging on the handcuffes- my 105 kilos. The pain was terrible.
Finally we were in the prison- where they throwd my on the floor and took away handcuffs. The cell´s floor was covered with vomit and urin and I was lieing there. I aksed for doctor and lawyer- they told me fuck you!

I was lieing on the concrete floor for 6 hours until they took me into regular cell. There was no toilet in the cells. I aksed for doctor and lawyer all the time- all they told me was fuck you!
Next morning I started to ask my rights more aggressively- but they just ignored it. I started to behave outrageously and I was throwing books against the door to get attention.

All the other prisoners started to strike too. Police asked me to stay calm- but they still ignored my rights for doctor and lawyer. They wanted to take me into another cell, but I refused. Then they left and I knew that I have about five minutes before they are coming back with telescope clubs. So I knew that I have to do something for my own protection.
I took sheets from bed and made them wet- and wrapped it around my crushed elbow. Into other sheet I put some books- that was my weapon. Then they came- 4 police men- I told them that I will fight until the end. I used Spartans technique- they couldnt enter all together- just one at the time and I knew that I could beat them that way.

I guess that I seemed so dangerous
because they stopped fighting and asked me to go with them calmly so that I could meet detective and translator. I asked them to back off and give me their word that they will not attack me- They kept their promise.
Detective was total asshole. Finally I told him my story. But even then they didnt give me eny medical help or lawyer.
Then I went to criminalist who took my finger prints and did some modelling pictures.
After that I had to wait in the cell until 8 pm, my wounds were bleading, my body and head were acheing badly.
But I hanged on and now finns Im going to be your worst enemy. The way you treated me- I didnt ever believe that you hate estonians that much! I dont leave it like this!And you have a lot to loose!!!
Suomen poliisi sanoo vaan fuckyou, vaikka mies selkeästi tahtoo peaceful solution, taistelee peaceful solutionin takia Spartatyylillä loppuun saakka ja tämä ei jää tähän.
Jaaha olikohan tää tässä. Omat suosikkikohokohdat olivat harjasankari ja se, kun toi kaveri spammaili tota videota ihan randomisti facebookissa.
I didnt ever believe that you hate estonians that much! I dont leave it like this!And you have a lot to loose!!!

Voi ei, jääkö ens kesänä kanttarellit saamatta? Vai jäädyttääkö se koko Helsingin torikaupan :wtf:. "Ei tipu mjustikoita suomi-homot!" Vai kenties pommiattentaatti? Panokset kovenee...
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