MULTI Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

  • Keskustelun aloittaja Keskustelun aloittaja JerZe
  • Aloitettu Aloitettu


100 % puhdaslaatuista kreatiinimonohydraattia

Peliin tulossa myös zombie mode: Twitch clip striimistä, ei voi upottaa.

Kommentti deviltä asiaan:


Eli ensin se oikea pelimoodi, a.k.a. battle royale, kuntoon ja sitten vasta tulee tommonen leikkisämpi moodi.
Onkohan tämä EA ollut koskaan tarjouksessa? huutele jos tulee niin hyppään remmiin =)
En muista varmaksi, mutta ihan kuin olisin jopa kuullut kommentin että ainakaan EA:ssa ei vielä alennusta nähdä.
Steam summer sale huhutaan alkavan nyt torstaina ja kestävän aina 5.7. asti, silloin semmonen on jos on.

En tosin jotenkin usko, peli kuitenkin myy ihan helkkarin hyvin. :) 23.3. alkoi myynti ja näemmä 3.5 miljoonan kappaleen raja mennyt rikki.
Tällä viikolla pamahtaa 100h rikki. Tuota uutta päivitystä kyllä odottelen innolla,jos sen jälkeen kaveri osaisi kiivetä metrin korkuisen aidan yli
Joo, erittäin mukava päivitys kyllä.
Oletettavasti se tulee ensi viikolla?
Huomisen pätsi, alkaa kello 11 ja kestää noin tunnin.

Server Performance

  • Resolved an issue with server performance dropping drastically in certain circumstances.
Client Performance

  • Improved rendering performance of other characters.
  • Improved client performance during ranged combat.
  • Improved rendering performance of vehicles, motorbikes and boats from far-off.
  • Improved the rendering performance of weapon effects from far-off.
Bug Fix

  • Fixed a client crash that occurred when changing character appearance.
  • Prevented users from removing shadows by changing Steam start option.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to use more ammos than loaded.
  • Fixed a bug that caused lung icon to be displayed as full while taking damage due to lack of oxygen underwater.
  • Fixed an issue of indoor wall and objects overlapping each other.
  • Fixed a bug that caused metallic gloss to be shown inside doors.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some parts of the clothing to be shown when firing a weapon in Scope mode, using 4x or higher scopes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a character to be in DBNO underwater when drowning inside a vehicle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused healing items not to be used when opening inventory while firing full auto mode.
  • Fixed a bug that caused flower beds to be shown incorrectly by distance
  • Partially fixed a bug that caused a character to be stuck in terrain.
  • Partially fixed a bug that caused camera to pass through some objects.

Anabolic Overdrive

2 kg, Orange

On melkoinen lista patch notes. :rock::rock:
Torstaina tulee liveen, ellei keskiviikkona ilmene ongelmia testiservereillä.

Early Access - Month 3 - Patch Notes

Server Performance
  • Improved network performance by reducing the amount of data being sent from the server to the client.
  • Reduced network lag by preventing a large amount of data being sent from the server to the client simultaneously.
Client Performance
  • Fixed an issue of frame drop when other characters were around by optimizing nearby characters.
  • Fixed an issue of frame drop when vehicles were around by optimizing vehicles.
  • Optimized the starting airplane and Care Package airplanes.
  • Improved rendering performance of weapons from far-off.
  • Made improvements to the weapon animations.
  • Optimized many in-game effects, including the red zone bombing effect.
  • Improved many UI features.
  • Improved features regarding rainy weather.
New Items
  • Added Groza. Groza is an AR chambered for 7.62mm ammo, and can only be acquired in Care Packages.
  • Added P18C. P18C is a pistol chambered for 9mm ammo with a full auto fire-mode.
  • Vector and UMP now support burst mode.
  • You can now pick up items while moving. The interaction animation will not force you to stop anymore, but make you walk slowly.
  • You may interact with doors, items, or vehicles while reloading. Reloads will be canceled with such interactions.
  • The screen will be gradually desaturated based on remaining health during the REVIVE state.
  • Blood effect does not appear during the REVIVE state anymore.
  • Adjusted kill count system in Duo and Squad modes. A person knocking an opponent out will receive a kill count regardless of the actual killer.
  • Adjusted F key (interaction) to prioritize the REVIVE action in certain cases
  • You can now pull out pistols faster.
  • Fire mode can no longer be switched during reload.
  • Adjusted the play area to spawn more evenly within a circle, so that the play area does not appear in the center so frequently.
  • Adjusted default quantity to be selected at 1 when pressing CTRL key at inventory to partially drop or pick up items.
  • Adjusted motorcycle and motorcycle with sidecar to move more smoothly.
  • You can no longer switch to/from prone while picking up items.
  • Red Dot Sight is now attachable to pistols, except for the revolver.
  • Increased the recoil on UMP.
  • Added two new weather settings: Sunset and Clear Skies.
  • Added destructible cabins.
  • Added new animation for when a character is at the speed of taking fall damage.
Items & Vehicles
  • Adjusted vehicles to face random directions at spawn.
  • Adjusted loot balance for certain items.
  • VSS will no longer be found in Care Packages. It will remain to be spawned in the map.
  • At a low probability, you will be able to acquire AR Silencers, SR Silencers, and 4x Scopes in Care Packages.
  • Spawn rate of UMP was slightly decreased.
  • Spawn rate of UZI was slightly increased.
  • Level 1 Helmet was being spawned at a much higher rate than the Level 1 Vest, and the spawn rate was adjusted so that both items will be spawned at a similar rate.
  • Increased spawn rate of items in regions and buildings with relatively low spawn rate.
  • Changed the names of certain weapon attachments.
  • Adjusted the spawn time of vehicles and speedboats, so that they can be seen from farther away.
  • Improved the starting airplanes.
  • Cargo door opens when participants get ejected from the airplane.
  • Optimized lighting inside and outside of the airplane.
  • Adjusted the direction of teammate icons to the direction the teammate faces.
  • Added teammate list on World Map.
  • Improved character’s recoil animation.
  • Removed death marks of teammates after a certain period of time or distance away from the place of death.
  • Added three new languages: Thai, Indonesian, and Vietnamese.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue when the voice chat volume blasted momentarily after getting on an airplane.
  • Fixed an issue where the character was not at the center of the screen while on a parachute.
  • If you reload into game while in a parachute, you will still be in the parachute.
  • Prevented users from removing outer walls of buildings by deleting certain files.
  • Partially fixed a bug that caused a character to be stuck in terrain.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a character to be misplaced after getting in a vehicle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused effects to look identical underwater and outside of water.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a character to make an interaction motion trying to pick up an item when there is no inventory space.
  • Fixed a client crash that occurred when fences were destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue of invisible fences even after destruction.
Olen jo pidemmän aikaa haaveillut talvimapista. Lumipuku ja sukset.. mmmm

Komialta vaikuttaa kyllä uusikin mappi,harmillisesti hommaa ollaan kai viemässä hiukan lähitaistelupainotteiseksi,noh mapit pienenee toivottavasti pidotkin paranee
Olen jo pidemmän aikaa haaveillut talvimapista. Lumipuku ja sukset.. mmmm

Komialta vaikuttaa kyllä uusikin mappi,harmillisesti hommaa ollaan kai viemässä hiukan lähitaistelupainotteiseksi,noh mapit pienenee toivottavasti pidotkin paranee
Toinen tulevista mapeista sisältää lumisen vuoren.
Kahdesta tulevasta mapista tuo aavikko on vain 4x4km, mutta se toinen on sama kuin nykyinen eli 8x8km.

The first is an island in the Adriatic Sea. The north side of the island is blanketed in thick forest, the south side is a Mediterranean coastline, and there are snowy mountains in the centre. The island will be 8x8km in size and will feature varying architecture.

The second map is 4x4km and is located in a desert city. Once beautiful, it has since been ravaged by war and buried by a sandstorm. A river runs through its south and eastern areas, while the hills to the northwest of the town shelter a number of slums.​
Nyt on ostettu koneen osat oikeastaan vain tätä peliä varten. Saa nähä miten konsolipelaaja tottuu koneella pelamiseen.:D

Saako sen koko version sitten ilmaseksi vai miten se menee jos ostaa tämän early accessin aikaa vai beta vaiheko se nyt on.
Nyt on ostettu koneen osat oikeastaan vain tätä peliä varten. Saa nähä miten konsolipelaaja tottuu koneella pelamiseen.:D

Saako sen koko version sitten ilmaseksi vai miten se menee jos ostaa tämän early accessin aikaa vai beta vaiheko se nyt on.
Early Access-osto antaa oikeuden pelata lopullista versiota, kun se julkaistaan.
Pieni pätsi tällä viikolla, ja monthly update siirtyi (oikeastaan jo viime viikolla kertoivat) ensi viikolle.

Tämän viikon pienempi pätsi:

Early Access – Week 18 - Patch Notes
  • Fixed a bug where characters got stuck in doors after partially destroying them
  • Fixed a bug causing the door Interaction UI to appear even after doors were completely destroyed
  • You can now use consumables while browsing the inventory during a reload
  • Fixed a bug where characters could not pick up items while running despite seeing the looting animation
  • Fixed a bug where characters would shake in spectator mode while running
Ensi viikon pätsin isot asiat:

On August 3rd, we will be adding the following to the game in our monthly update.
  • 1st Person server options are coming to NA and EU SOLO & DUO game-modes
  • FOV Slider for the 1st person view will be added to the game
  • A new rifle will be added to the game
Piru kun odotin jo viime kuussa niitä vaultteja jne, eikä tule seuraavassakaan monthly patchissa vielä. :D
Noh hyvää tahtia tekevät kyllä hommia, ei sillä.

Linkin takana lisäksi infoa ensimmäisesta skin crate kokeilusta.
Oottelen kieli pitkällä FPS-servereitä, jonka jälkeen hyppään kelkkaan mukaan! Mahtavan olonen peli! Toivon vaan että koneesta löytyy tarpeeksi ruutia PUBGin pyörittämiseen.

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