the width of the flexed upper arms exceeded the height of Sergio's head – his arms were literally
larger than his head, a size ratio never before approached by anybody else.
Sergio Oliva's biceps muscles are so long that he has much less than the normal range of movement around the
axis of the elbow, something on the order of 120 degrees of rotary movement – as opposed to nearly 160
degrees of movement in the average man; he simply cannot "bend his arms" as far as most men can – but this
has little or nothing to do with his degree of development, it is, instead, a result of much longer than average
biceps muscles. Arnold Schwarzenegger's arms are almost as large as Sergio's, and he shows no signs of
restricted movement around the elbow joint. Secondly, since the greatest thickness of Sergio's forearms occurs
near the middle of his forearms, it happens that this also serves to restrict his movement –instead of fitting into
the normal hollow of the biceps just above the elbow, the mass of his forearms meets the middle of his biceps.