Pakkometallin pikku-uutiset 2023

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Hevi Reissun 2. osa on kuvattu.

KK'S PRIEST Premieres 13-Minute Documentary Detailing the Return of K.K. Downing and the Band's Debut Performance in Wolverhampton, U.K.

Today, in anticipation of the approaching album release, the band has revealed a brand new, 13-minute documentary film directed by up and coming British filmmaker Sam Singer. The piece was filmed at the first official KK’S PRIEST show this past July 6, 2023 at KK’s Steel Mill in Wolverhampton, England. The documentary gives a raw, behind-the-scenes look at the band preparing for the concert, and includes exclusive live footage as well as personal commentary from K.K. Downing, Tim "Ripper" Owens, and the band.

Former @judaspriest and current KK's Priest vocalist Tim "Ripper" Owens being interviewed to Chaoszine about his journey as a metal vocalist.

Ola learns is back and this time I'm trying to learn the song Fictional Reality from Slayers Divine Intervention. It's a bit intricate and the intro riff is a frigging spidery one.

Shining and Høstsol frontman Niklas Kvarforth being interviewed to Chaoszine about his journey as a metal vocalist.

Former @motorhead and current @scorpions drummer Mikkey Dee being interviewed to Chaoszine before his sold-out solo show at Bar Hönö in Tampere, Finland on September 22nd, 2023.

M-Nutrition juomat hurjassa alessa, jopa puoleen hintaan



@OMandMTV vocalist Aaron Pauley being interviewed to Chaoszine about his story as a metal vocalist. Band will be releasing a new album "Tether" on October 6th via SharpTone so remember to check it out!

BRB Director Carlos Acosta is turning up the volume in Black Sabbath - The Ballet!

This show honours Birmingham’s musical legacy with this celebration of Brummie legends Black Sabbath!

Ballet and heavy metal come together in an explosion of passion driving audiences to their feet with excitement.

This documentary uses interviews with Ozzy and those closest to him, along with previously unseen footage, revealing the true, often misunderstood, story of the Madman of Rock! This riveting documentary captures Ozzy at the height of his career as well as the darkest and most disturbed times in his life and everywhere in between.
Uudelleenmasteroitu versio tulevalta Chaospheren 25 -vuotis juhlajulkaisulta.


Rock 'n' roll juggernaut KISS set the MCG alight during the Telstra Pre-Game Entertainment at the 2023 Grand Final!

Metalliliiteri-podcastissa pohditaan vaihtuvien vieraiden kanssa, mitä mielen liiteriin on varastoitu, mikä nostaa mielen synkkyydestä ja luo valon pilkahduksia elämään. Podcastia juontaa Mielenterveyden keskusliiton kulttuurikummi, kitaristi ja Raskasta Joulua -perustaja Erkka Korhonen.

Ensimmäisen jakson vieraana on Nightwishistäkin tuttu muusikko Marko Hietala. Marko kertoo elämästään masennuksen kanssa, aikuisiällä saadusta ADHD-diagnoosista ja miten tieteisfantasia on auttanut häntä elämän myrskyissä. Miltä tuntuu, kun synkkyyden mustat lonkerot valtaavat mielen ja miten hän on tullut synkkyydestä takaisin? Entä, mitä Marko ja Erkka ajattelevat julkisuudesta, menestyksestä ja sen mukanaan tuomista paineista ja vastuusta?


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