Pakkometallin pikku-uutiset 2022

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We ask members of Anthrax, Motorsister, Dethklok, Meshuggah, Honeybee, and Incite who the best drummer in metal is!
Before The Dawnilta uutisia:

Mastodon drummer-vocalist Brann Dailor knows a thing or two about his instrument. While he'd certainly be included among the finest drummers in heavy music history, we asked him to share his expert opinion on who he thinks are the most talented percussionists in the hesher lexicon (other than himself). From Slipknot's Joey Jordison and TOOL's Danny Carey to prolific pioneers like Gene Hoglan, Dailor not only gives his props to the musicians he admires, but explains exactly what makes them so groundbreaking.

Mokoman Marko Annala valottaa oman huutolaulunsa syntyä ja taustaa Kaaoszinen videohaastattelussa.

M-Nutrition juomat hurjassa alessa, jopa puoleen hintaan



Official Motörhead trailer for the album Iron Fist from 1982.

Kävimme 26.8.2022 Stam1na-yhtyeen keikalla katsastamassa yhtyeen kitaristin Pekka "Pexi" Olkkosen soittokamat. Mukana myös Stam1nan kitarateknikko Jyri Kangastalo. Paikkana oli legendaarinen Tavastia-klubi Helsingissä. Kiitos Stam1na!
Brian Johnsonilta ilmestyy elämäkerta ensi kuussa.


This pop drummer has never listened to Slipknot.

So naturally, we challenged her to play one of the metal band’s most popular songs.

Domino Santantonio is known for her upbeat pop drum covers of artists like Dua Lipa and SAINt JHN. For her, drumming to metal would be like trying to speak a language without being fluent.

But we love encouraging drummers to get outside of their comfort zone, and Domino was up for it. Though she opted not to use the double pedal we set up on her kit, she found a way to make Slipknot’s “Before I Forget” her own (get the full song transcription in Drumeo).

Without knowing Joey Jordison‘s famous drum part in advance, Domino managed to hit many of the punches. And while some of her ideas were very different from the original drum part she still made some accurate guesses.

Watch the video to see how she builds her parts, reevaluates her decision-making, and explains her thought process. You’ve never heard Slipknot like this before!
Waltteri Väyrynen on lähtenyt Paradise Lostista.
Entiset Children Of Bodomin jäsenet avaavat Bodom Bar & Saunan 10.11.22.


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