Pakkometallin pikku-uutiset 2022

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This video diary documents the first tour Finntroll did after the pandemic, from drum tech's perspective. The Finnish tour (+Tallinn) with Insomnium took place between April 13th and 23rd. It felt so good to be back on the road again after such a long time, but the big question here obviously is, which venue had the best food?! Me and our tour manager figured it out, sort of...

Sons of Northern Darkness was praised in the press for its "reasonably confused" and "boisterous" trailer.

Finnish extreme metal does not bow to the images, the spirit is primitive both on and off the stage. Commercialism is a curse in these circles, things are not ready to be smoothed in the hope of commercial success.

The documentary is a tribute to these men who make world's most brutal music in their own uncompromising style. The film features several Finnish extreme metal bands, including Azazel with it’s great frontman Lord Satanachia.

Directed by Jarno Lahdensalo and produced by Baltic Sea Productions.

Ensiesitys 28.7.2022.

Join us as we travel to the Jorvik Viking Festival in York, England to learn about the true Great Heathen Army that acts as the inspiration for our upcoming album of the same name.

Presented by EMG Pickups, this Northern California Gold Rush story has a surprise twist you didn't see coming. Thrills, chills, suspense, and groove that won't quit. Precious Metals, a 5 star film for the masses.

Starring Les Claypool and Robert Trujillo Filmed and produced on location in Northern California by Claypool & Claypool 2020.

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Former Nightwish bassist / vocalist Marko Hietala talks about his split with the band and reveals a bit about his future plans.
Thrills, chills, suspense, and groove that won't quit. Precious Metals, a 5 star film for the masses.
😄 ehdottomasti. Jos Claypoolin soittoa voi jotenkin kuvata, niin mainstream olisi se sana.

Lost Societyn Samy Elbanna raottaa omaa tarinaansa huutolaulun saralta.

@Heilung invited press and fans for a special night at the National Museum in Copenhagen, where they presented their new album 'Drif' to the audience for the first time. Catch a glimpse of this magical night with this video report. Special thanks to the National Museum of Denmark - @natmusdk.

Evading all conventional genre tags and the confines of any specific labels, HEILUNG aptly self-describe their sound as “amplified history", emphasizing their ability to connect modern society with the rudiments of humanity’s beginnings through music. HEILUNG once again journeys back in time with new chapter ‘Drif, an album which explores great ancient civilizations.
Wackenin ensi vuoden 80000 lippua myytiin loppuun kuudessa tunnissa.
Delainin laulaja on vaihtunut. Charlotte Wesselsin tilalle on otettu Diana Leah.



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