Nate Diaz

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Nate ainakin sanonut haastiksissa/TV:ssä, et katsoi [muutama JCVD elokuvan nimi tähän] pikkusena ja aina ollut kova fani. Jotain kautta Damme varmaan kuullut tästä ja voinut ottaa jopa itse yhteyttä?

Stockton Slap mainittu. :D (kelasin valmiiksi)


Huomasin muuten, ku vähä aikaa kuuntelin tota, että aina kun Stockton sanottiin, niin jotenki tuli mieleen / odotin kuulevani / kuulin mielessäni loppuosan MOTHERFUCKER! :D :hyper: varmaan liian monta kertaa diaz videoita katottu youtubesta, joissa käytetty tuota Roganin lausetta, jossa kertoo siitä ku Nick noin sanoi aikoinaan Lawleria vastaan. Aina "assosioin" Stockton sanan Motherfucker sanaan siis. :rolleyes:
WAR Nate!!!!

Onkohan ollu taas jotain "how about 8k to show and 8k to win, then no ppv points but you can get 2,500 reebok money (you fucking goof!!!!)"

TMZ is reporting that things did not go well between Dana White and Nate Diaz when they met to discuss a rematch with Conor McGregor.

If you believe TMZ, things weren't all peachy between UFC president Dana White and lightweight fighter Nate Diaztoday. The celebrity news site reported that White flew up to Stockton to meet Diaz in regards to a rematch with Conor McGregor. This was after he met with McGregor last night, where they seemed to iron out their differences.

According to the report, White and Diaz were in good spirits when they meet up outside a tavern (as you can see in the video). But things went sideways while they were inside discussing things, and White abruptly ended the meeting and walked out to his waiting SUV.

TMZ stated that White was "visibly angry" when he walked out after talk had "turned serious".

Diaz bested McGregor by submission in the second round of theirUFC 196 welterweight bout, and the two men were expected to meet in a rematch at UFC 200. A promotional disagreement between McGregor and the UFC nixed that though, and it was rumored that they'd meet at UFC 202 instead.

If the strife between Diaz and White is legit, who knows what will happen next.

Uncle Danalla kivat reidet, tai sit vaan noi löysät housut valehtelee, mut näyttäs olevan taas enemmän kunnossa! :puntti: Lorenzo on skipannu jalkapäivät.. rhp. Ihan ku vanhempi versio Jersey Shoren Ronniesta. :hyper:
Viimeksi muokattu:

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

WBC-Ronda tyrmää naisten mestareita sparreissa, Nate ei oo tyrmänny Andre Wardia tai edes muita pro nyrkkeilijöitä. :david:

Mut oikeesti tuo on niin hölmöä noin mukatosissaan TAI Rondatosissaan sanoa, että voittais Floydin nyrkkeilyssä. :yäk:

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