Mr. Olympia 2005 Venäjällä?

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Challenge round ei suosi kisailioita joilla on jokainen lihas suhteessa yhtä iso. Esim markuksen most muscular on aivan sairas ja taas dexterillä ei oo yhtään erikoisen kovaa posea kaikki on vaan hyviä.
2005 Olympia in Las Vegas

According to various sources the Olympia weekend will take place in Vegas on October 15th! (how come the GNC is only a week before?????) Unfortunately it will not be held in the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Resort anymore. Rumor has it that the Vegas Hilton will be the official hotel now! With expo and show being held at other locations! Sounds like a lot of traveling to us.............. Stay tuned! The IFBB should release official Olympia weekend information next week!

Before we had into the May shows we have 16 competitors for the big one this year:
Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler, Gustavo Badell, Dexter Jackson, Markus Ruhl, Gunter Schlierkamp, Alexander Federov, Mike Sheridan, Chris Cormier, Kris Dim, Mustafa Mohammad, Lee Priest, Melvin Anthony, Darrem Charles, Ronny Rockel and Troy Alves
We are pretty sure that Victor, Johnnie, Ahmad and Craig will also qualify to compete in Vegas! And we hope to see Branch Warren and Capriese Murray making their O-Debut this year!
Uusi Olympia huhu:

October 14-16th
Competition: Orleans Arena
Hotel: Vegas Hilton
Expo: Vegas Convention Center.

The new rumor is that this will be the last year for the contest in Vegas.

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