Minkälaisista miehistä pidät? Testi.

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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Exotic bad-ass
You scored 90% masculine, 70% athletic, 72% exotic, and 31% refined!
You want everything in a man at the same time! Masculine, built like a Greek god, exotic and mysterious and even some bad-ass in there too. I think you would really like Freddy Ljungberg, the Swedish Calvin Klein model. He's the guy on the right. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

aika nappiin meni.... oma ukkelikin vastaa edes vähän noita tuloksia, etten ihan väärin ole valinnut:rolleyes:
Jep, kyllä näin, miehinen ja maskuliininen, nam! :D

Tough guy

You scored 70% masculine, 76% athletic, 36% exotic, and 37% refined!

You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel!!!!
Ahhhh :kuola: Vin Vin Vin..nnjami!!

You scored 65% masculine, 88% athletic, 27% exotic, and 31% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants......

Vin on vaan....Ihku :D
Exotic bad-ass
You scored 75% masculine, 82% athletic, 54% exotic, and 31% refined!
You want everything in a man at the same time! Masculine, built like a Greek god, exotic and mysterious and even some bad-ass in there too. I think you would really like Freddy Ljungberg, the Swedish Calvin Klein model. He's the guy on the right. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

Ihan huijausta. Vin on kaikki mitä haluan..:kuola: :kuola:
You scored 80% masculine, 70% athletic, 63% exotic, and 56% refined!

You love a manly man and you don't have time for boys. You like someone who looks exotic and who takes care of his body and hygiene. That is a good idea in case you are trying to eat jello shooters off of his beautiful 6 pack. Someone like.....Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium's hottest export. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

van Damme! :itku: :lol2: sekin harjoittelee "aikidoa"! Että mahkut on kai tavata tatamilla...? Ei paha...
Ei paha, ei paha...

94% masculine, 91% athletic, 54% exotic, 35% refined

En voi valittaa enkä muuta väittää. Taitaapa tuollainen jo kotinurkassa ollakin. ;)
Meah[/QUOTE sanoi:
Action movie star
You scored 70% masculine, 58% athletic, 63% exotic, and 68% refined!
You love a manly man and you don't have time for boys. You like someone who looks exotic and who takes care of his body and hygiene. That is a good idea in case you are trying to eat jello shooters off of his beautiful 6 pack. Someone like.....Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium's hottest export. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys.


Eli oon täysin oikean sällin kanssa lyöny hynttyyt yhteen:hyper:
Viimeksi muokattu:
Niin totta, niin totta:

Tough guy
You scored 65% masculine, 82% athletic, 36% exotic, and 31% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Exotic bad-ass
You scored 65% masculine, 64% athletic, 63% exotic, and 37% refined!

You want everything in a man at the same time! Masculine, built like a Greek god, exotic and mysterious and even some bad-ass in there too. I think you would really like Freddy Ljungberg, the Swedish soccer player. He's the guy on the right. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

hauska testi. ;>
Tough guy
You scored 70% masculine, 76% athletic, 45% exotic, and 43% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel.

Ei tossa porukassa kyllä ollu ketään todella upeata :rolleyes: .. Hauska silti. Mikähän mahtaa olla paikkansapitävyys?
Tough guy
You scored 70% masculine, 82% athletic, 36% exotic, and 12% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel.

:kuola: *oman kullan kimppuun*
Tough guy
You scored 75% masculine, 82% athletic, 36% exotic, and 50% refined!

Kyllä mullekin Viggo kelpaisi. Just ja just... :5:
Täytyy todeta että oli varsin miellyttävä testi!
Tough guy
You scored 75% masculine, 76% athletic, 45% exotic, and 50% refined!

You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys.
Exotic bad-ass
You scored 80% masculine, 76% athletic, 54% exotic, and 43% refined!
You want everything in a man at the same time! Masculine, built like a Greek god, exotic and mysterious and even some bad-ass in there too. I think you would really like Freddy Ljungberg, the Swedish soccer player...
No tietenkin:
Tough guy
You scored 85% masculine, 64% athletic, 45% exotic, and 50% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

Olin jo unohtanut miten hemmetin seksy se Viggo Mortensen on, uhhuh. Vaikkei oo ees kalju.
Buff sweetie
You scored 40% masculine, 88% athletic, 18% exotic, and 56% refined!

You like a buff guy with a clean and polished look. However, you do prefer a more innocent look to him and not the testosterone pumped manly man kind. Someone you might like is.......Brad Pitt. (At least in this picture - his style changes so much it's hard to generalize about Brad) But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

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