Minkälaisista miehistä pidät? Testi.

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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Tough guy
You scored 75% masculine, 64% athletic, 36% exotic, and 50% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys.

En mä kauheesti tuosta Vin Dieselistä kauheesti pidä... Jos tuolla olis ollu Robbie W. tai Billy Boyd niin huh huh! :kuola:
Viggokin on aika ihq! :)
Tough guy

You scored 70% masculine, 100% athletic, 27% exotic, and 37% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys.

Hauska testi...nam mitä miehiä:kuola: . Oho täydet 100% athletic...tunnustetaan, vetää puoleensa.
Dieselin kuva tuli mullekin ja se mies kyllä on HOT!!! Aivan huippu! Ja se ääni.... :kuola:

Ja tuloksista tärkeimmät vain tähän.... Athletic 91 % ja masculine 88%!!
Tough guy
You scored 75% masculine, 82% athletic, 36% exotic, and 37% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel.

Taitaa suurimmalla osalla olla tähän mennessä tämä sama herra :kuola:
You scored 45% masculine, 70% athletic, 54% exotic, and 43% refined!
You like your men naughty, mysterious and with abs you can do your laundry on. You like him to look a little more on the boyish side underneath all that naughtiness though. You probably like someone like.......Christian Slater. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

Testi osui aika oikeaan, kuvaa aika pitkälti omaa äijää :)
You scored 75% masculine, 82% athletic, 36% exotic, and 43% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. :kuola:
Action movie star
You scored 90% masculine, 70% athletic, 72% exotic, and 56% refined!
You love a manly man and you don't have time for boys. You like someone who looks exotic and who takes care of his body and hygiene. That is a good idea in case you are trying to eat jello shooters off of his beautiful 6 pack. Someone like.....Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium's hottest export. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys.
:hyper: :lol2:
Ollaan Tikarin kanssa samoilla linjoilla: Action movie star.
You scored 80% masculine, 82% athletic, 63% exotic, and 56% refined!
Tough guy
You scored 75% masculine, 88% athletic, 27% exotic, and 50% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel.

Mulle kelpais hyvin Viggon pää Vinin kropassa :kuola:
Tough guy
You scored 70% masculine, 82% athletic, 27% exotic, and 43% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

Kyllä se Vin kelpaisi. :D

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

:eek: :hyper: APua, ei saa pistää tällasia testejä kun oma mies on opintoputkessa nenä kiinni oppikirjoissa ja pääsee käymään vasta....öh... joskus? Vin Dieseliä tämä mullekin lykkäsi, vaikken kuvaparista häntä ees valinnu. Mutta en valita, en... Noniin tyttö, kylmään suihkuun ja lenkille, niin lakkaa sukat pyörimästä jaloissa, hop hop:whip:

Tough guy
You scored 75% masculine, 76% athletic, 36% exotic, and 50% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!
Hieno testi!

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 87% on masculine

You scored higher than 43% on athletic

You scored higher than 34% on exotic

You scored higher than 20% on refined

Tough guy
You scored 75% masculine, 64% athletic, 36% exotic, and 37% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!
Action movie star
You scored 75% masculine, 70% athletic, 54% exotic, and 56% refined!
You love a manly man and you don't have time for boys. You like someone who looks exotic and who takes care of his body and hygiene. That is a good idea in case you are trying to eat jello shooters off of his beautiful 6 pack. Someone like.....Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium's hottest export. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

You scored 50% masculine, 64% athletic, 36% exotic, and 43% refined!

You like your men with a boyish or feminine face but a manly body. You like him to posess bad boy looks while still maintaining some innocence. He looks like the all-American kind of hunk and I bet you love someone like.......Travis Fimmel.
Mikä on refined? En vieläkään tiedä?:eek:
You scored 50% masculine, 64% athletic, 27% exotic, and 37% refined!

You like your men with a boyish or feminine face but a manly body. You like him to posess bad boy looks while still maintaining some innocence. He looks like the all-American kind of hunk and I bet you love someone like.......Travis Fimmel.

Pitää paikkansa;)
Viniä tarjosi mullekin...

Tough guy
You scored 60% masculine, 64% athletic, 45% exotic, and 50% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!
Mä scoretin tuossa testissä yli 90 % maskuliinisen miesihanteen.. eipä yhtään yllättänyt, mä tiedän jo mistä pidän.. luolamiehistä.
Tough guy
You scored 70% masculine, 82% athletic, 27% exotic, and 25% refined!
You love men, you love testosterone and you know it. You like a bad-ass man who knows what he wants. He isn't what you might bring home to mom but I don't think it really matters - he's hot! Someone like.....Vin Diesel. But let's face it, the whole point of this was to look at a bunch of hot guys. If you liked what you saw, please rate my test!

Aika hyvä testi.... :D huh...


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