Dextroosi, glukoosi on simple "lyhyt" hiilari ja Maltodextrin on complex "pidempi". Kummastakin saa kovin insuliinipiikin, koska GI arvot ovat kummassakin korkeat. Tuskin kannattaa murehtia kumpaa käyttää. Itse olen käyttänyt maltodextriiniä, koska dextroosi on mielestäni imelän makeaa palautusjuomassa verrattuna maltoon.
Kreatiinin kanssa käyttämisestäkin voi olla useampaa mieltä, tässä ohessa mielenkiintoinen tutkimus, josta päätellen ei varmaan ole sillä malto vs dextroosi lusikallisella mitään virkaa, tilastollisesti alta 50g dextroosia ei ollut juuri merkitystä:
J Appl Physiol 2000 Sep;89(3):1165-71 Related Articles, Links
Protein- and carbohydrate-induced augmentation of whole body creatine retention in humans.
Steenge GR, Simpson EJ, Greenhaff PL.
School of Biomedical Sciences, University Medical School, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, United Kingdom.
This study investigated the effect of creatine supplementation in conjunction with protein and/or carbohydrate (CHO) ingestion on plasma creatine and serum insulin concentrations and whole body creatine retention. Twelve men consumed 4 x 5 g of creatine on four occasions in combination with 1) 5 g of CHO, 2) 50 g of protein and 47 g of CHO, 3) 96 g of CHO, or 4) 50 g of CHO. The increase in serum insulin was no different when the protein-CHO and high-CHO treatments were compared, but both were greater than the response recorded for the low-CHO treatment (both P < 0.05). As a consequence, body creatine retention was augmented by approximately 25% for protein-CHO and high-CHO treatments compared with placebo treatment. The areas under creatine- and insulin-time curves were related during the first oral challenge (r = -0.920, P < 0.05) but not after the fourth (r = -0.342). It is concluded, first, that the ingestion of creatine in conjunction with approximately 50 g of protein and CHO is as effective at potentiating insulin release and creatine retention as ingesting creatine in combination with almost 100 g of CHO. Second, the stimulatory effect of insulin on creatine disposal was diminished within the initial 24 h of supplementation.
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