Evan Centopani loi useita kuukausia sitten, Centopani's Circle is the social media network for IFBB Pros and its fans.
Alkujaan siihen kuului, Evan, Lee Priest, Fouad, Jose Raymond, James Hollingshead, Chris Tuttle ja Guy Cisternino.
Ehkä vielä joku muu, kuitenkin sitä kautta Fouad ja Lee tustustuivat paremmin ja lopulta päätyivät tekemään RBP podcastin.
Mahtava podcast
kannattaa kuunnella!!
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EYKdxD6KdQ&t=77s
Time Stamps:
00:00 - Intro, sandwiches, never stressing.
12:13 - Lee's IG, turning pro, moving to the US, opening doors.
29:49 - Stories about Wayne Demilia and his time with the IFBB, including suspensions and bans.
48:47 - Athletes rep and value of openly having discussions of new ideas.
1:08:30 - People's negativity and trolling.
1:12:45 - IOGIYG, Lee's family and younger life.
1:29:20 - Lee's small amount of gear use. Paul Dillet stories.
1:41:58 - Lee on cars.
1:53:28 - Lee & marriage. Lee on drugs.
2:11:55 - Lee on coaches/gurus.
2:19:00 - Lee's eating habits and staying lean.