
BB PRO Lee Priest
August 8, 2016 International Iron Episode 33
Topics Discussed:
1. Lee is on tour!
2. Fans taking Lee far to literally
3. Australians claiming “Jedi” as their religion
4. Hardening drugs
5. Industry insiders say that Lee would easily win the 212 Olympia
6. Special guest Aarron Lambo!
7. Bodybuilding corruption overseas
8. Lee and Aarrons adventures in the UK
August 19, 2016 International Iron Episode 34
Topics Discussed:
1. Why is Lee down 15 pounds?
2. Lies on/at the Olympics
3. Lee records from the car on his trip across Australia
4. Fat, unhealthy “fans” judging top professional athletes
5. PED use at the Olympics
6. Did we really make it to the moon?
7. Lee’s terrible connection/inconsistencies in technology
8. Has Donald Trump magically become “insane” in the last few months?
9. Lee films the car skanks at the dealership LIVE!
September 14, 2016
International Iron Topics Discussed:

1. Police brutality?
2. Political correctness in the justice system
3. What was Lee’s favorite pro show to compete in?
4. Stories from the late 90’s Mr. Olympia contests
5. Kevin Levrone’s comeback
6. How good is Phil Heath?
7. Why the 212lb guys are lucky that Lee is not competing
8. Lee’s Olympia predictions
9. Why people just need to take a step back and relax

Anabolic Overdrive

2 kg, Orange

Hahahah Lee antaa palaa :D On se kyl hieno mies, ei kumartele ketään ja kertoo oman mielipiteensä joutu ongelmiin tai ei

Mitäs meni Sugar Ray sörkkii muurahaispesää ;)
Toi ihonväri vertaus oli aika paha :D

Mutta ihan vakavasti ottaen taitaa tuo Ray oikeesti olla aika kusipää persoona.

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