Tässä käytännön suosituksia:
" Loading: Creatine should be loaded for 5 consecutive days. During this period, 20 to 25 grams of creatine should be consumed daily in 5 gram doses throughout each day. The creatine should be spooned directly into the mouth and swallowed with water accompanied by a regular meal. No high GI simple sugars should be used at any time aside from post weight training.
Maintenance: After the initial 5-day loading period, creatine should be maintained for 6-8 weeks, although longer periods may also be beneficial. On weight training days, 5 grams of creatine should be ingested upon waking with an additional 5 grams ingested post weight training. On non-weight training days, 5 grams of creatine should be ingested in the morning only. Upon cessation of creatine supplementation, a 4-6 week washout period is recommended, but not necessary.
Steenge et al. (2000) studied creatine uptake with protein. It is fallacious to suggest that creatine must be taken with a high GI carbohydrate in order to be taken up in skeletal muscle. Utilizing this protocol will decrease insulin sensitivity and prove to be catabolic for the athlete. However, Steenge found that creatine does not have to be taken with a high GI carbohydrate. The ingestion of creatine in conjunction with 50 grams of protein and a complex carbohydrate (as found in a normal meal) is just as effective at potentiating insulin release and creatine retention as ingesting creatine in combination with almost 100 g of high GI carbohydrates."
"Glucose plus Creatine (but with a much smaller glucose intake than currently accepted) is potentially the most effective means of elevating total creatine accumulation in human skeletal muscle."
Eli lusikalla suuhun ja vettä päälle, ei voisi olla helpompaa. Ei maistu millekään eikä tartte sekoittua tms. turhaa
edit: Nii itse asiasta :D :
"Since heat degrades creatine, however, cooking will reduce their creatine content and increase the amount you'll need to eat to obtain a given amount of creatine"