loops sanoi:
Hahhah mitä läppää heiniksellä.. oletko nainen? Vai edustatko jotain muuta vähemmistöä(en meinaa että naiset ois vähemmistöä).
Jep, edustan sellaista vähemmistöä kuin kypsät aikuiset miehet, joka on tällä foorumilla selvästikkin katoavaa kansanosaa.
Ei se pojista sen huonompia tee jos ne haluaa haaveilla. Ei saa tuhota toisten pilvilinnoja asioilla mitkä saattaa olla jopa totta. Antaa toisten kokea se itse oliko se sitten niin jumalaista. Ite oon sitä mieltä että tuo on taivaallista siihen asti että ite pääsee tuohon tilanteeseen, sen jälkeen voi olla ettei halua samaa tilannetta enää uudestaan kokea, ikinä. Eli ajatuksena kunnon ryhmä orgiat tuolta laatua pojille threadin pimatsuista houkuttelis varmasti melkein kaikkia, mutta todellisuudessa se ei ois kuitenkaan välttämättä sitte niin ihanaa
edit: oli muutenki niin katkera viesti että ettei vaan ois käyny niin että sun muijaas ois paukutettu oikeen urakalla?
Totta kai on paukutettu, ollaanhan sitä oltu naimisissakin jo 23 vuotta. Missäs sinä olit 23 vuotta sitten?
Ikä on sellainen asia, joka hyvin usein pilaa hyvän nuoren miehen, ja siitä tulee aikuinen. Tällöin ajatusmaailmaan ilmestyy muutakin, kuin se alati vaivaava kuvitelma siitä, että elämän on tarkoitus olla ikuista taistelua vitusta ja leivästä. Elämään ilmestyy ns. arvoja, jotka on tuttuja lapsuudesta, mutta jotka ovat olleet kadoksissa koko teini-iän(joka toisilla kattaa ikävuodet väliltä 13 - 35). Näistä sen enempää luennoimatta voisin vaikka heittää esimerkin: sitten kun on sinun aikasi antaa elämänohjeita tyttärellesi, sanotko että:" jaappas sitä pillua sitten niin auliisti kuin ikinä kykenet, ja mieluusti vielä monelle yhtä aikaa, ettei poikaparkojen tarvi käyttää omaa kättä niikus isäs aikoinaan"...Vai luuletko että ohjeesi on pikemminkin korkeaa moraalia korostavia, siveyteen kannustavia jne. :D
Mutta asiaan: eräs osuvimmista kommenteista joita ko. rikoksesta olen nähnyt, on oheinien freecraigtitus.comin foorumilta lainattu:
You muscleheads are truly one of the most pathetic subcultures I've ever had the misfortune of covering as a reporter. However, you crave the info on these two sad leatherfaced losers, so here it is: Craig and Kelly had both turned to prostitution to pay for their out of control drug habits. Craig had for sometime been selling himself homosexually and had forced kelly into the skin trade as well long before they made the news for their swinging lifestyles. They were at rock bottom, they had nothing, including sanity, and they killed this stupid groupie that was living with them for nothing more than a small amount of cocaine.
Tutkimuksethan on todentaneet, ettei pariskunnalla ollut juurikaan rahaksi muutettavaa omaisuutta mukana olevan reilun 8000 taalan lisäksi, vaan kaikki muu on kiinni jossain/velkana jopa heidän asianajajansa mukaan.
Toinen hyvä:
Kelly on video in WalMart on Ft. Apache Rd. at 3:30 a.m. buying six 64-ounce containers of Kingsford charcoal lighter and 64 ozs. of an off-brand (probably bought all the Kingford.) She also buys a bar-b-que accessory set (to make the purchase look ligit.) The outside video shows her walking up to the red 2003 Jaguar, with Criag seated in the drivers side. It's a four-door, she puts the stuff in the back seat behind craig, gets in the passengers side and they leave.
When the car is found burned, the police/firefighters find a body in the trunk, James's suitcase in the backseat, and the BAR-B-QUE SET she bought at Walmart ... in the backseat behind the driver's seat ... just where she left it on the video. How much more busted can you get. They can't say they just burned the car and didn't know the body was in the trunk, there was starter fliud still unburned around the head area of the body, which was covered with a blanket.
They tell police investigators that they didn't discover the car missing until 5:00 a.m., hours after they burned it. The whole story is incriminating, with numerous witnesses who I won't mention in respect for the case who were involved, with Craig and Kelly hiding at different homes/motels and talking too much. OJ Simpson wasn't on videos and phone records, and Scott Peterson had much weaker circumstancial evidence. The jury will have plenty to go on, no matter what there defence is. And I agree, Melissa was no angel, and as the blog above states, you reap what you sow. I'm no f**king angel either, but I go to work everyday and try to make it. If I hate someone, I eat it and look the other way. But this is a criminal murder case that is well-publicized, and murder is totally illegal, as well as drug use. But cops take murder/death just a little more seriously, because they have families to answer to when it is all said and done. I am a professional researcher and I've been glued to this since day one ... obsessed for no known reason other than it happened in my town the same week bodies were found in two other burned out cars in Las Vegas. It seemed to have been that week's homicide trend. But this one stuck in me like a thorn. I am studying the time Melissa was last known alive, 11:33 on the Dec. 13th to the time the car was found, at around 6:00 a.m. on the 14th. That is the critical time and she was murdered in that time slot, and a lot happened. Telephone records show that Melissa's outgoing phone calls stopped at a certain time, after talking to her mom, and Titus and Ryan chattered between each other and Anthony Gross, the acomplice who had his tires changed the next day at a tire store (tire prints.) Videos, receipts, cell phone records will fill in a lot of the details. Things they told the police and people. Skipping town, changing their immediate apearances simoutaneously, draining accounts and shopping for passports. Their friend Matt who deterred them while the FBI was sitting in his livingroom as Titus and Ryan drove around his neighborhood trying to call him. This is just known and released information. The police and CSI people most likely have juicy, incriminating details they'll sit on until the trial. One thing for sure, bodybuilding is a still great American sport, and even though I work out, I have yet to come close to feeling confident working out next to someone like Titus or Ryan in a gym or fitness center. I do not think this will hurt the sport at all, just like the OJ thing didn't hurt the NFL or the Peterson thing will damage fertilizer salesmen's reputations. Weightlifting and it's respected organization will go on forever, with new blood every year. This is just a pothole, and a couple of formerly-respected people who made a stupid mistake. This will not keep people from going to gyms, pumping-up and competing, and ironically, will get more people in the gym via media coverage. Steroids? They were legal until about ten years ago. I don't think they are harmful if kept under excess, like anything else. But I don't make those calls. Nor do I think this blog is a waste of time. Freecraigtitus.com has kept the vigil throughout this whole ordeal, and keeps people wanting to know informed with the best information out there.
As far as this blog ... never turn a cold ear to your fellow man or woman my friends. We're on the super f**king information highway!
Voip olla että pariskunnan pelit on pelattu; jos ei ihan hengiltä pistetäkkään, niin lusimista tulee sen verran pitkästi, että riittää ;)