Kovimmat rap-biisit

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Sopivan rapeella ololla alko tää päivä, mut ollut niin vitullisen siisti ilma koko päivän, et eihän tätä darras jaksanu viettää. Sopivan kosteeta tasottelua ja vielki parempaa g-funkkia tähän vitun siistiin ilmaan. Huomen töihin, mut se on huomisen juttu.

Tavaris: Allnighters
YouTube - Tavaris-Allnighters (G Funk)

Mad CJ Mac: Come And Take A Ride feat. Poppa LQ
YouTube - Mad CJ Mac feat. Poppa LQ - Come & Take A Ride

Trigga: Take A Ride
YouTube - Trigga - Take a Ride

2-11: Parlayin In The Bay
YouTube - 2-11-Parlayin In The Bay

Vontel: 4 My Homiez feat. Roger Troutman
YouTube - Vontel ft. Roger Troutman- 4 My Homiez

Chilee Powdah: Talez From The Rich feat. Lil Ric & Mafiosos
YouTube - Chilee Powdah - Talez From The Rich (Feat. Lil Ric & Mafiosos)

Onhan noita paljo, pistän nyt muutaman jotka tulee mieleen ekana :thumbs:

YouTube - eminem - Bad Meets Evil - The Slim Shady LP Eminem feat royce da 5,9 - Bad meets evil

YouTube - Demon Inside - Eminem Eminem - Demon inside

YouTube - Immortal Technique -- Point of No Return Immortal technique - point of no return

YouTube - Nas NY State of Mind Nas - NY state of mind

YouTube - Royce da 5,9''- Who got Bodied? (Mistah F.A.B diss) Royce da 5,9 - Who got bodied

YouTube - Canibus - Poet Laureate II Canibus - Poet laureate II

YouTube - 2 PAC GHOST 2pac - Ghost

Tos nyt jotain, en nyt mitään kauheen undergroung rap lauluja tohon pistänyt, mut tuos nyt on jotain josta luulis kaikkien pitävän (ainakin pitäisi) :rock: Jos tänne kaikki kovimmat räpit pistäis nii tulis varmaan kolkytäseittemän sivua noita lauluja... :evil:
Guru on kuollut.

Jaahas, tuli kyllä mulle ainakin tämä uutinen puun takaa. Hemmetin harmi.



M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

no niinhän väitetään ainakin että guru delasi, tosin se on pelkästään Solar tyypin sanomaa, toiset sanoo että Guru on vieläkin koomassa jossa on ollut sen 2kk

saas nähä miten tähän uutiseen tuole valoa kun jenkkilän ihmiset ei ainakaan usko että tuo kirje mistä puhutaan on Gurun itsensä kirjottama...
no niinhän väitetään ainakin että guru delasi, tosin se on pelkästään Solar tyypin sanomaa, toiset sanoo että Guru on vieläkin koomassa jossa on ollut sen 2kk

saas nähä miten tähän uutiseen tuole valoa kun jenkkilän ihmiset ei ainakaan usko että tuo kirje mistä puhutaan on Gurun itsensä kirjottama...

Joo tosta gurusta on monta kertaa aiemminkin tullut uutisia että kuollut.. mut en tiedä josko nyt ois totta, aika moni paikka tuosta uutisoi.. :confused:
totta, en itsekkään tiedä mitä uskoa mutta kun lueskelin tätä Gurun (oletettavasti) kirjoittamaa kirjettä niin nousee hieman epäluuloisuutta ilmaan

"I, Guru, am writing this letter to my fans, friends and loved ones around the world. I have had a long battle with cancer and have succumbed to the disease. I have suffered with this illness for over a year. I have exhausted all medical options.

I have a non-profit organization called Each One Counts dedicated to carrying on my charitable work on behalf of abused and disadvantaged children from around the world and also to educate and research a cure for this terrible disease that took my life. I write this with tears in my eyes, not of sorrow but of joy for what a wonderful life I have enjoyed and how many great people I have had the pleasure of meeting.

My loyal best friend, partner and brother, Solar, has been at my side through it all and has been made my health proxy by myself on all matters relating to myself. He has been with me by my side on my many hospital stays, operations, doctors visits and stayed with me at my home and cared for me when I could not care for myself. Solar and his family is my family and I love them dearly and I expect my family, friends, and fans to respect that, regardless to anybody's feelings on the matter. It is my wish that counts. This being said I am survived by the love of my life, my sun KC, who I trust will be looked after by Solar and his family as their own. Any awards or tributes should be accepted, organized approved by Solar on behalf myself and my son until he is of age to except on his own.

I do not wish my ex-DJ to have anything to do with my name likeness, events tributes etc. connected in anyway to my situation including any use of my name or circumstance for any reason and I have instructed my lawyers to enforce this. I had nothing to do with him in life for over 7 years and want nothing to do with him in death. Solar has my life story and is well informed on my family situation, as well as the real reason for separating from my ex-DJ. As the sole founder of GangStarr, I am very proud of what GangStarr has meant to the music world and fans. I equally am proud of my Jazzmatazz series and as the father of Hip-Hop/Jazz. I am most proud of my leadership and pioneering efforts on Jazzmatazz 4 for reinvigorating the Hip-Hop/Jazz genre in a time when music quality has reached an all time low. Solar and I have toured in places that I have never been before with GangStarr or Jazzmatatazz and we gained a reputation for being the best on the planet at Hip-Hop/Jazz, as well as the biggest and most influential Hip-Hop/Jazz record with Jazzmatazz 4 of the decade to now. The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time. And we as a team were not afraid to push the envelope. To me this is what true artists do! As men of honor we stood tall in the face of small mindedness, greed, and ignorance. As we fought for music and integrity at the cost of not earning millions and for this I will always be happy and proud, and would like to thank the million fans who have seen us perform over the years from all over the world. The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time and is my most creative and experimental to date. I hope that our music will receive the attention it deserves as it is some of the best work I have done and represents some of the best years of my life.

toi Gurun nykyinen main-man oikeakäsi Solar oli julkaissu ton mutta jotenki jotkut noi lauseet ja sun muut muotoilut tossa kirjeessä on outoja

everything doesn't match up
Nyt on kova keikka!

Rap Allstars Arsenio Hall Showssa joskus -94

Yo-Yo, MC Lyte, Naughty By Nature, A Tribe Called Quest, Fu-Schnickens, CL Smooth, Guru, Das Efx, Wu-tang clan, KRS-One!

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