Koronavirus, COVID-19

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3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%


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Muuten vaan 85% kuolleista läskejä. Vai oliko se teholla.. Kuolleista vanhuksista varmaan iso osa myös kuihtuneita eivätkä enää lihavia? Alkanut tuntuun että mikasa lipsuu koko ajan enempi ja enempi tuonne Lehtosen linjoille, kun aiemmin melko neutraalisti laitteli kaikenlaista juttua. Oonko muut pistänyt saman merkille vai olenko vaan ainut?

Joko mikasa pitää tätä koronapassi hommaa hyvänä ideana? Aiemmin taisit olla vastaan. Lasten piikityksiä vastaan olit myös vaan nyt selvästi sen kannalla.
Mikä on lehtosen linja sun mielestä?

M-Nutrition juomat hurjassa alessa, jopa puoleen hintaan


vastaan @jsp n kysymykseen toiseen osaan; oonko passeja vastaan edelleen. Olen.

Olenko lasten rokotusten kannalla... ei oo enää niin simppeliä:


Kun tälläsiä lukee, niin väistämättä MULLA ainakin herää kysymys pitäiskö? En sano että pitää mutta kun lukee näitä nyky lukuja niin ainakin pistää omaa kantaa kyseenalaistamaan.

According to the CDC’s COVID data tracker, 805 children younger than 18 years have died of COVID-19 thus far. If 20% of decedents were healthy, this means that around 161 healthy children have died of COVID-19 in the USA. 161 dead children isn’t nothing – at least I feel that way. It’s less than the number of children who drown per year, but it’s more than the number of children who die from school shootings or bike accidents each year, as well as from other multiple other vaccine-preventable diseases before vaccines were available.


A common strategy for those who wish to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on children and young people is to claim that only those with underlying conditions die from the virus. As such, it is worthwhile to explore the veracity of this claim, to examine the underlying conditions that endanger children, and to consider the implications of these findings. Information on this topic comes from two studies, one by McCormick et al. that examined 112 deceased people under age 21 years, and another by Bixler et al. that examined 121 deaths in this age group.

What percentage of deaths occur in healthy young people?​

The study by McCormick et al. found that 86% of decedents had at least one underlying condition, while the study by Bixler et al found that 75% of decedents had an underlying condition. Overall, 46 out of 233 (20%) young people who died in these studies had no underlying conditions. Considering the base rate, specifically that about 75% of children are healthy, this means the risk of death to any individual healthy child is exceedingly low. No one knows the exactly number of infected children, but a ballpark estimate is that fewer than 1 in 100,000 healthy children who contract COVID-19 will die from it.

Which are the risk factors for severe disease and death in young people?​

The study by McCormick et al. found that found that obesity (42%), asthma (29%), and developmental disorders (22%) were most common underlying conditions in deceased young people. The study by Bixler et all found that asthma (28%), obesity (27%), neurologic and developmental conditions (22%), and cardiovascular conditions (18%) were the most common underlying conditions in deceased young people. In both studies, about 75% of deaths occurred in Hispanic, non-Hispanic Black, and non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native persons. Another study found that, obesity, type 1 diabetes and cardiac/circulatory congenital anomalies are risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness, as is prematurity for children younger than 2 years-old.

This means the risk for healthy young people is very low, but not zero​

It is clear that certain common underlying conditions pose a significant risk for death from COVID-19 for young people. However, the risk of death for healthy children is not zero. As millions of children have contracted COVID-19, rare risks have added up. According to the CDC’s COVID data tracker, 805 children younger than 18 years have died of COVID-19 thus far. If 20% of decedents were healthy, this means that around 161 healthy children have died of COVID-19 in the USA. 161 dead children isn’t nothing – at least I feel that way. It’s less than the number of children who drown per year, but it’s more than the number of children who die from school shootings or bike accidents each year, as well as from other multiple other vaccine-preventable diseases before vaccines were available.


I previously argued that how COVID-19 affects children is independent of how it affects elderly people. COVID-19 isn’t necessarily benign for children just because elderly people are more endangered. Similarly, COVID-19’s potential impact on healthy children is independent of how it affects children with underlying conditions. COVID-19 isn’t necessarily benign for healthy children just because children with underlying conditions are more endangered. Healthy children have some risk of dying, and of course death is not the only bad outcome from COVID-19. Healthy children are also at risk for hospitalization, and some hospitalized children are extremely sick, needing mechanical ventilation. Other children may feel sick, some for weeks. We need to be humble about the possibility of long-term consequences we cannot currently appreciate. There have been over 5,200 cases of MIS-C. Other than being more common in Black and Hispanic children, MIS-C seems to strike children randomly. The majority of children with MIS-C spend time in the ICU and 20% need mechanical ventilation. 46 children have died of MIS-C. The vast majority of healthy children who contract COVID-19 will be fine, thankfully, but not all.

View: https://twitter.com/JHowardBrainMD/status/1478210031493517315?s=20

ELi näiden tietojen valossa MINUSTA ois ihan helvetin hölmöä vähintään olla kyseenalaistamatta omia mielipiteitä ja kysyä- pitäiskö sittenkin..

Mielestäni mulla on vielä syykin sille..
Viimeksi muokattu:
Nämä kansalaisaloiteet ei valitettavasti ei koskaan johda yhtään mihinkään, tälläinen tehty vain siksi että meidän Muka annetaisiin jotenki vaikuttaa. Vitut nuo kyrvät räkii tälläisten aloitteiden päälle.
Juu. Niin ne tekee mutta joutuu sentään räkimään päälle ja noteeraamaan. Sekä on legit kannanotto ja äänet tuossa. Ei tässä politiikassa johda mihinkään mutta on iso HV noille.
Vai olisiko oikeasti toimitusvaikeuksia? HSL:llä paljon sairaslomia ja niin on muuallakin logistiikan parissa.
Voi olla hyvinkin mutta ei sen takia että ihmiset olisi sairastuneet koronaan, flunssa ja turhanpäiväiset karanteenit joita jaeltu vaikka kuinka ja paljon saattaneet aiheuttaa saikkuja.
Mikä on lehtosen linja sun mielestä?
Piikit ja passi kaikille, muulla ei merkitystä. Vaikka vähän totuutta kiertäen. Lehtosen kohdalla ymmärrän koska voi mahdollisesti hyötyä itse. Eihän nykyään muulla ole merkitystä kuin rahalla.

Olet aiemmin tainnut sanoa ettet passia kannata ja lasten piikityksiä vastaan olit aiemmin, mutta nykyään olet välillä postaillut juttua mistä saa käsityksen että sulla olis mielipide muuttunut.
Piikit ja passi kaikille, muulla ei merkitystä. Vaikka vähän totuutta kiertäen. Lehtosen kohdalla ymmärrän koska voi mahdollisesti hyötyä itse. Eihän nykyään muulla ole merkitystä kuin rahalla.

Olet aiemmin tainnut sanoa ettet passia kannata ja lasten piikityksiä vastaan olit aiemmin, mutta nykyään olet välillä postaillut juttua mistä saa käsityksen että sulla olis mielipide muuttunut.
En mä passia kannata. Mä kannatan sitä, että lapsia(kaan) ei tämän vertaa joudu sairaalaan/teholle/kuole. Jos niitä sais vähennettyä rokottamalla, käy mulle.

Mutta kuten kirjotin tos aikasemmin, ainakin mielestäni on vähintään syy kyseenalaistaa omaa aikasempaa kantaani.

eli vastaus, en ole lehtosen linjalla.
vastaan @jsp n kysymykseen toiseen osaan; oonko passeja vastaan edelleen. Olen.

Olenko lasten rokotusten kannalla... ei oo enää niin simppeliä:

katso liitettä 237766

Kun tälläsiä lukee, niin väistämättä MULLA ainakin herää kysymys pitäiskö? En sano että pitää mutta kun lukee näitä nyky lukuja niin ainakin pistää omaa kantaa kyseenalaistamaan.

According to the CDC’s COVID data tracker, 805 children younger than 18 years have died of COVID-19 thus far. If 20% of decedents were healthy, this means that around 161 healthy children have died of COVID-19 in the USA. 161 dead children isn’t nothing – at least I feel that way. It’s less than the number of children who drown per year, but it’s more than the number of children who die from school shootings or bike accidents each year, as well as from other multiple other vaccine-preventable diseases before vaccines were available.

katso liitettä 237768

A common strategy for those who wish to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on children and young people is to claim that only those with underlying conditions die from the virus. As such, it is worthwhile to explore the veracity of this claim, to examine the underlying conditions that endanger children, and to consider the implications of these findings. Information on this topic comes from two studies, one by McCormick et al. that examined 112 deceased people under age 21 years, and another by Bixler et al. that examined 121 deaths in this age group.

What percentage of deaths occur in healthy young people?​

The study by McCormick et al. found that 86% of decedents had at least one underlying condition, while the study by Bixler et al found that 75% of decedents had an underlying condition. Overall, 46 out of 233 (20%) young people who died in these studies had no underlying conditions. Considering the base rate, specifically that about 75% of children are healthy, this means the risk of death to any individual healthy child is exceedingly low. No one knows the exactly number of infected children, but a ballpark estimate is that fewer than 1 in 100,000 healthy children who contract COVID-19 will die from it.

Which are the risk factors for severe disease and death in young people?​

The study by McCormick et al. found that found that obesity (42%), asthma (29%), and developmental disorders (22%) were most common underlying conditions in deceased young people. The study by Bixler et all found that asthma (28%), obesity (27%), neurologic and developmental conditions (22%), and cardiovascular conditions (18%) were the most common underlying conditions in deceased young people. In both studies, about 75% of deaths occurred in Hispanic, non-Hispanic Black, and non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native persons. Another study found that, obesity, type 1 diabetes and cardiac/circulatory congenital anomalies are risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness, as is prematurity for children younger than 2 years-old.

This means the risk for healthy young people is very low, but not zero​

It is clear that certain common underlying conditions pose a significant risk for death from COVID-19 for young people. However, the risk of death for healthy children is not zero. As millions of children have contracted COVID-19, rare risks have added up. According to the CDC’s COVID data tracker, 805 children younger than 18 years have died of COVID-19 thus far. If 20% of decedents were healthy, this means that around 161 healthy children have died of COVID-19 in the USA. 161 dead children isn’t nothing – at least I feel that way. It’s less than the number of children who drown per year, but it’s more than the number of children who die from school shootings or bike accidents each year, as well as from other multiple other vaccine-preventable diseases before vaccines were available.


I previously argued that how COVID-19 affects children is independent of how it affects elderly people. COVID-19 isn’t necessarily benign for children just because elderly people are more endangered. Similarly, COVID-19’s potential impact on healthy children is independent of how it affects children with underlying conditions. COVID-19 isn’t necessarily benign for healthy children just because children with underlying conditions are more endangered. Healthy children have some risk of dying, and of course death is not the only bad outcome from COVID-19. Healthy children are also at risk for hospitalization, and some hospitalized children are extremely sick, needing mechanical ventilation. Other children may feel sick, some for weeks. We need to be humble about the possibility of long-term consequences we cannot currently appreciate. There have been over 5,200 cases of MIS-C. Other than being more common in Black and Hispanic children, MIS-C seems to strike children randomly. The majority of children with MIS-C spend time in the ICU and 20% need mechanical ventilation. 46 children have died of MIS-C. The vast majority of healthy children who contract COVID-19 will be fine, thankfully, but not all.

View: https://twitter.com/JHowardBrainMD/status/1478210031493517315?s=20

ELi näiden tietojen valossa MINUSTA ois ihan helvetin hölmöä vähintään olla kyseenalaistamatta omia mielipiteitä ja kysyä- pitäiskö sittenkin..

Mielestäni mulla on vielä syykin sille..

Miten Pohjoismaissa?
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Tässä nyt on se ongelma, että alusta lähtien on tahallaan sekoitettu käsitteet "kuollut koronan kanssa" ja kuollut koronaan. Lapsia nyt kuolee, varsinkin jenkkilän kaltaisessa toisen maailman valtiossa. Paljonko lapsia on kuollut aiempia vuosia enemmän? Kuinka moni noista "koronaan kuolleista" on tullut koronan takia sairaalaan, ja kuinka moni on tullut sinne kuolemaan muusta syystä ja on sitten sattunut löytymään virusta ruumiista? Edelleen, koronan kanssa kuolleet ja ilmenevyysluvut ovat täysin yhdentekeviä mittareita.

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