Ei taida olla ihan noin mustavalkoista. Kun kontakteja vähentää ei vastustuskyky pääse kehittymään jolloin immuunipuolustus laiskistuu. Tätä kautta tulee korkeammat tartuntamäärät kun porukka palaa "normaaliin".
Kontakteja vähentää ei ole synonyymi, eristäytymiselle.
Nää on kyl melkosia tarinoita.. JOtenkin... tuttua. Kaverin mielenmaisemassa.
Olisivat Vältettävissä:
Brandon Notz, 48, Oak Grove, MO, Registered Nurse (DOD), anti-vaxxer, in ICU with COVID
Updated: 2 days ago
According to his wife's and sister's posts (below), Brandon is in the ICU intubated with COVID. Well, we have yet another Registered Nurse in the ICU with COVID because he wasn't vaxxed, as Brandon has been a RN for the Department of Defense for the past 7 years. If there is one post that completely represents the stark contrast between the anti-vaxxer fantasy conspiracy theories and the reality of medical intensive care, it is this post. On one hand we have Brandon, who as you'll see is one of the biggest conspiracy nuts we've had on this site, and on the other hand is his wife, Wendy, who has to deal with the pain, worry, and anguish of his illness. Wendy writes out her feelings and all of the details of everything she is dealing with, and does so with brutal honesty combined with grace. Some of her posts are so long that I've added some text-to-speech audio of her posts so you can listen while you work or exercise or whatever you do as a healthy and protected vaccinated individual. Again, this might be the longest post yet, so
here is a shortcut to the comment section.
NOTE FROM VAXMAN: Please do NOT post on either Brandon or Wendy's Facebook pages. This would be very disrespectful of Wendy, who is laying her heart out, and at the same time speaking to her and Brandon's conspiracy minded friends to teach them about the reality of COVID. Let's let her do it her way and stay of it. But please use this post to send to your anti-vaxxer friends and family as I think her message is a powerful example for them to see.
Edit: Oh good, Wendy turned off public comments on both of their accounts. Ok, carry on!
There will be two parts to this post. The first part will be establishing Brandon's thoughts on COVID, the vaccine, and anti-government mindset that that he spread to all of his FB friends and family and which led to his current condition. The second part with the heart wrenching results of his positions and decisions that his wife (and him) has to deal with. Again, please be respectful to Wendy, she deserves it.
PART I: First Brandon "Let's Go Brandon" Notz:
I think we can all agree we all have an immune system:
Did you hear that the vaccine is experimental (fact: they don't contain graphene oxide):
And yet, WE have lost our minds:
He's posting
Christopher Key who as we know recently is recommending
drinking your own piss in order to protect yourself from COVID:
On December 6 he was all about the vaccine being about depopulation: When all of the depopulation seems to be happening to conspiracy theorists. Ironic, eh?
The standard anti-vaxxer misunderstanding of VAERS (anyone can post anything thing without vetting):
Just a bald faced lie:
Turning on Trump. He was in on it the whole time!!
Oh look, SAVers, it's a repost of a Judy Mikovitz post. You know the Plandemic woman who let her husband die because she was against vaccines:
Some people think the virus has never been isolated. I know. It's ridiculous.
Ok, that's enough. What happens next? Well according to his sister, Randa, he was in the hospital at least by December 19, 2021:
PART II: And now for the second part of this post. What does Wendy have to say about all of this?
Some of these posts are so long I thought it'd be good to offer a Text-to-Speech AI reading of the posts for those who'd rather listen than read. In fact, the posts are so long that I can't screen shot it in one take:
And her original Jan 2 post:
Second part of the post:
This was her next post on January 6, 2022, I also created a text to speech soundcloud for this post as well (more to come still after):
First the Text to Speech version of Jan 6 post:
and her original January 6 post:
Post continues...
Then on January 7 a short update (no Text to Speech necessary):
On January 10 she posts that the hospital is now out of ventilators, and people on Brandons floor are dying and being replaced by new patients (no text to speech necessary):
Our final post for today at least is also long enough to earn a Text to Speech version. Wendy's January 13 update:
And her original post on January 13:
All very powerful stuff from Wendy. Messages that everyone, especially anti-vaxxers should hear and understand. Please share.
AGAIN, NO POSTS ON BRANDON OR WENDY'S PAGES OR I'LL HAVE TO SHUT DOWN COMMENTING ON THIS POST. PLEASE?! Edit: Never mind, their public comments are shut down. Carry on!
GET Better Brandon, for Wendy's sake, and denounce all this bullshit you've been believing, and come back to reality.
Addendum to the original post (1/14/22); One of our savvy (pun intended) members caught this exchange on Brandon's sisters page: