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EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Sanos muuta, ja tuonki olis voinu hoitaa kahdessa eventissä perinteiseen tapaan niin olisi loppunut jo 2013 joulukuussa tai tän vuoden tammikuussa :D
Just tuli katseltua K-1 World MAX 2013 Finaali. Buakaw vs. Kehl uusintaottelussa.

siis mitäs vittua oikeasti? 3 erää oteltiin ja tilanne oli tasan, Buakaw vaan lähti pois ennen ku tuomarit antoi tuloksen, näin Kehl voitti via forfeit/disqualification. :/
ug:lta löysin tällasen postin joka oli sitaatti youtubekommentista:

"Hey, I got info for Thai News. It said that there was a gamble website going on here and K-1 was the one organizing that gambling website. Buakaw already gave info to the police in Thailand before the fight began and he mentioned that if it was a draw, he would not fight the extended round because that means the results was locked; If it is a draw, K-1 will get most profit from the gambling becuz most of people already bet that Buakaw would win in 3 rounds. ?"

VASTINEEKSI, toinen kommentti ketjusta:

"Pretty much everyone int his thread has no idea what they are talking about here.

First of all K-1 has nothing to do with Japan anymore, the head offices are based in China nowadays.

As for the whole Buakaw thing, I dont understand why people are blaming K-1 here and calling them shady. The fight was close, Buakaw landed maybe 5 clean strikes the entire fight, he did control the pace, but he kept using illegal dump throws every 2 seconds, which not only dont score but are actually illegal under K-1 rules, you saw the ref warning him about them. if this was muay Thai or shootboxing Buakaw, clearly won but under K-1's rules that only allow the one hand clinch, Buakaw did very little scoring.

On top of that Buakaw has been trying everything possible to get out of the K-1 contract recently as he signed a long term deal with Top King behind K-1's back. He has been publically talking shit about them in the lead up to the event and now he pulls this shit leaving the arena before the decision is announced, with no explanation and people blame K-1?

Buakaw has Top King in his ear and Thais are known to be difficult to deal with. I know everyone loves Buakaw, I do too, but this is on him, he fucked over K-1 who have been jumping through hoops to make him happy, on top of paying him a ton of money.

This entire event being in Thailand was for Buakaw, seems like Top King didnt want K-1 promoting in their backyard."

ja kolmast kommentti:

"From Sityodtongs facebook:

"Organize K1 is based on their sponsors. It used to be held in Japan but somehow the sponsors goes bankrupt so that they started it again somewhere else and then now in Thailand. However, they didn't even a permission from the Muay Thai coucil in Thailand that they wants to organized a fight here in Thailand. Buakaw is only allowed to fights 3 rounds of more than that's he has to go jail. So this might be one of the reason he left the ring. It's not that he's pussy or whatever. And then again. There's always a story behind it that we all don't know. Since 2004 the K1 rules has been changed from time to time because of Buakaw. They try whatever ways to bring down Buakaw but they failed until now. Gambling is one thing cheating is another. Put yourself in his shoe. You have no idea how hard he bring himself to be who he is today. He's been through a lot. Trust me if you get to talk to him or live with him. You'll definitely know what kind of person he is. He can choose to live a life like Mayweather and yet he chose to be humble and stay normal life like how he used to as a kid. That's all I have to say for now. Thank you for your time reading this." "

ja 4.

"Of course I have seen all the ridiculousness being thrown out by Top King and the Thais.

The police weren't informed about a fix, Buakaw noticed that K-1 were sponsored by a small time betting company, just like how UFC is sponsored by unibet.com, and tried to use that as one of the reasons to get out of his K-1 contract.

He went to the police saying he was worried about the betting connection, which is beyond ridiculous, seeing as muay Thai likely would not exist in Thailand anymore if it was not for betting.

I also saw the ridiculous claim that Buakaw would have gone to jail if he fought more than 3 rounds, that was also just more laughable nonsense from the Thais/Top King. Muay Thai fights are usually scheduled as 5 round fights...

Top King just signed Buakaw to a long term deal, that is all this is."

Olipa kyl harmillinen päätös tälle kaikelle.. tässä vähän huumoria kuvan muodossa: http://oi60.tinypic.com/n143ut.jpg

tästä voi katsella ottelun.

Buakaw on kyllä paska jätkä tai sitten melko yksinkertainen. Kuinkakohan mones matsi toi nyt jo oli, jossa Buakaw käyttää säännöissä kiellettyjä kaatoja?
Tämä on kyllä tosi hämmentävä tapaus. Olen varma että taustalla on tosi paljon sellaista mitä ei ole tullut esiin, niin en viitsi arvioida yhtään että kumpi on oikeassa, Buakaw vai K-1.

Kaadot ei tosiaan ole pistesuorituksia ja matsi oli oikeasti varsin tasainen kun miettii osumien määrää. Mutta jos kehätuomari ei pidä kaatoja virhesuorituksina eikä niistä rankaise, niin kyllähän niitä kannattaa tehdä. En muista miten asia on K-1:n säännöissä ilmaistu että oliko tuomari pihalla vai ei.

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