- Liittynyt
- 29.6.2013
- Viestejä
- 6 049
Ariel yritti udella mitä Jones on sanonut Malkille lopettamiseen liittyen, johon Malki sanoi, ettei aio kertoa mitään heidän välisistä keskusteluista, mutta kuitenkin puhui lopulta pitkät litaniat ja sanoi, että voitte lukea rivien välistä.
Nythän Jonesilla meni mahdollisuus rikkoa se Silvan ennätyskin peräkkäisissä tittelinpuolustuksissa. Saas nähdä löytääkö mies motivaatiota vielä jostain.
"What I can just tell you and you guys can read between the lines is that I think every athlete comes to a point and it's not just Jon Jones," Kawa said. "I've had other guys when they look in the mirror one day, they realize that a lot of it maybe is just sometimes too much. It's just too much. If you don't fight a guy on seven days notice, you're trash. If you stop a mugger, you're a great guy, thanks so much. Now you're the new world champion, you have to do all these interviews. There's so much that goes into it. It's not just him, that's what I'm trying to tell you. You see it with GSP, you see it with Anderson."
Kawa added: "If he ever doesn't come back to the sport, it's because he doesn't want to come back to the sport. If it was because of too much pressure? Could be. If it's because of the belt? Could be. If it's because the competition is too much, it could be.
Nythän Jonesilla meni mahdollisuus rikkoa se Silvan ennätyskin peräkkäisissä tittelinpuolustuksissa. Saas nähdä löytääkö mies motivaatiota vielä jostain.