BB PRO Jay Cutler

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Tässä toinen.
LaaLaaLeevi sanoi:
Ensimmäinen on paljon menevämpi ja tyylikkäämpi.
Olen aivan samaa mieltä. Tuossa Cutler näyttää siltä, että täältä tullaan ja viedään toinen Olympia ja sillehän ei kukaan mahda mitään!

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

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Jay Cutlerin "From Jay to Z" dvd ulkona pian

Mestarin massiivinen uusi dvd on saatavissa Olympian aikoihin:

"ay's new DVD "From Jay to Z" out for the O!, Get it there!
Jay's new DVD called "From Jay to Z" from the Mitsuru Okabe series will be available at this year's Olympia.
It will be unvailled at the Meet the Olympians on Thursday night at Jay's booth, and available after that at the Muscletech booth during the Expo and also at the Seminar of Champions on Sunday morning after the Olympia.
Jay worked on that DVD for an entire year as he started shooting it before the O 2006. There is a lot of footage including many different locations such as the Ironman 2007, the Arnold 2007, Jay training at Gold's Venice and at the Pit on Muscle Beach, lots of stuff he's never put in, in any of his DVD before. This DVD will become a collector's edition for sure and a must have for any Cutler fan so be amongst the first ones to get a copy at this year's O.
Jay will be glad to sign it for you of course.
He'll also have lots of new merchandise including new Team cutler tees, hats and visors, be sure to check it out.
I will post a copy of the artwork shortly for you guys.
See you at the O.
Kai se on tämäkin pätkä hankittava.
Tottakai. On varmaan aika kattava dvd, filmasivat helmikuussa mm. kokonaisen seminaarin Ironmanin yhteydessä Jayltä tätä varten.
Cutler: "This is not only the most intense full-fledged DVD that I have ever filmed or produced in my career, but I have been told by Mitsuru Okabe that is is unlike ANYTHING ever filmed. We are saving much of the surprise for the official release, but BELIEVE ME, if you've ever witness my past DVD installments and gotten information and motivation from them - then THIS DVD will surely change your life, because it is always about the fans."

TOUR DE' CUTLER: This DVD will include NEVER before seen in-depth footage from around the World, literally! Including the amazing Arnold Classic this year where Martinez dethroned the former winner, TRAINING IN VENICE ON MUSCLE BEACH (a first for any Mr. Olympia in decades!) The 2007 Iron Man weekend, and even an entire scene at IN-AND-OUT BURGER! (Even Mr. O needs to cheat once a year, haha!!)

GUEST APPEARENCES: Everyone is in this DVD, and they bring a lot to the excitement of the filming. Good friend Phil 'The Gift' Heath, Victor Martinez, Dave Bourlet (owner of the Jay Cutler'sMax Muscle).
Jotenkin mennyt usko Jayn filmeihin. Ensimmäinen oli hyvä, toinen oli loistava ja seuraavat ovatkin olleet kopiointeja New, Improvista. Vain paljon huononpia sellaisia.

Eli :emule:


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