BB PRO Jay Cutler

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Koskien Jayn kehon toispuolleisuutta:
Jay's so called Injuries!, A word from Jay
There is a bunch of rumors circulating on the net about Jay having injured his right bicep or arm, he's aware of what people are saying and would like to give you guys the right information.

For the past two months Jay has been having a bit of tendonitis in his right forearm making it hard for him to train his arms, that coupled with the fact that Jay has been travelling all over the world including France, Belgium, Holland and Germany and all over the States, training has been sporadic at best and sometimes he could only eat twice daily, 6 meals a day would be considered a good day.
He's been really depleted at times and that's when his problem a little more visible.

Jay says he's been having problems with his arm since the beginning of his carreer and problem with his right leg since 2001, check back on the pics and you'll notice. He is getting 6 hours of various therapy per week to work on his leg and his arm, they are minor problems but he takes them seriously. With all his travelling, it has been hard to keep up with the therapy but as soon as his official Olympia prep starts in a month, it'll be back to the grind full time and come Olympia time when he wins his second title in a row, no one will be talking about his arm or his leg. He's been staying in great shape in the off season and even though everybody says his is huge right now, he feels small as he was only 290 in these shots at the Orange County backstage. If you think he looks great there, wait until he actually starts his prep.

Jay wanted you to know that he's aware of people's concerns and wants to says thanks for all the positive feedbacks, he will make all his fans proud this coming September and show all that 2006 was not a fluke.
Kuvia pippaloista:;act=ST;f=1;t=11888
yllättävän kireä on. eipä tuosta yhestä kuvasta nyt voi hirveästi arvioita heittää.

Kyllä siitä sen verran voi heittää, että tulee kisaamaan olympian voitosta.
Kyllä siitä sen verran voi heittää, että tulee kisaamaan olympian voitosta.

Mielestäni varsin epätodennäköistä, sen verta heikossa kunnossa on.

...eiköhän se nyt ole ihan itsestäänselvää että hallitseva Mr Olympia kisaa voitosta ellei lopeta tai loukkaannu pahasti.:)
Sen verran mitä tuo Dave "Madmax6" antoi ymmärtää on Jay "off" tällä hetkellä tiedätte kyllä mistä...varsinainen valmistautuminen siis alkaa kesäkuussa.Niin ja tämä Dave on Cutlerin ystävä ja yhteistyö kumppani ,jos jotku eivät tiedä.
Itselläni ei ole mitään syytä epäillä etteikö Jay voittaisi tänäkin vuonna.Eikä tämä perustu tuohon ylläolevaan väittämään.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Korjattu on. Kaikki haluu nähdä autoja...nopeesti;)
Onko kaikilla pro bodareilla tosiaan noin paljon kusta päässä, että täytyy esitellä autojaan netissä jne.? Who cares? Colemaninkin leffoissa tuntuu olevan pääosissa sen autot! Ja yäk. ruma autohan tuo on.

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