BB PRO James "Flex" Lewis

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%

Lukekaas tämä Flexin kirjoitus, minusta voi ihan hyvin myös tarkoittaa että, hän eläköityy kokonaan kilpailijana. Varsinkin kun puhuu Dallas ja siitä aiheutuvasta masennukseta ja oikeista huolista lajissa, vaikka ei niistä suoranaisesti puhu.
Mielestäni olisi kaikista mahtavin päätös lopettaa tähän ja posehousut naulakkoon.

  • flex_lewisSo with so much speculation, rumor, I had a sit down with @flex_magazine to answer all questions.
    The full article is available in the link in the bio and will answer all, and below is something added from the heart❤️
    This has been one the hardest decisions, I have EVER had to make and THEN come to terms with, in my entire life.
    I been called Flex since 6yrs old been a fan of this sport since I was 12, joined my first gym at 15, stepped on stage at 19 (for the very first time) traveled the world winning titles all over, won my pro card at 23 with a undefeated amateur record.
    Fast forward and Now at 34 it’s finally time to say this 212lb chapter is over. I will be finishing with my last 212lb show at this years 2018 @mrolympiallc
    I won’t lie and say this was easy, I have battled the fact that this will be my last show many times, I went through some very tough times, and being transparent depression, I kept this all to myself, never let a sole in, I suffered massive highs and very low lows, still trying to comprehend last years loss of Dallas and then make this decision the beginning of this year- after months of battling this whilst, still acting walking talking all around the world as a Champion, I can now say I am VERY at peace with my decision.
    Without my family, my team, coach and certain people, I wouldn’t be were I am today!
    At one point I was very lost on direction, but I know in my heart this is the best for me, my family and the evolution of what and where I go next.
    I love this sport and I love being the humble, driven, blue color, peoples Champion, I know I will give that fan at the end the same energy as the one at the front, why as I love it!
    I fucking love all you guys, that’s not cliche it’s the truth, I’ve been given the opportunity by the IFBB pro league to take this sport all over the world and I have, from mainstream tv to things in countries unseen. We grown this 212lb class to where it is. You have no idea what you have given me, it’s ever lasting is why this year is for YOU the fans.
    I can’t wait to see you ALL in September where I will be there to defend my title won last time!
    #Legacy #EndOfEra #dontBeSad#LoveMyFans #AllForYou
Viimeksi muokattu:

Lukekaas tämä Flexin kirjoitus, minusta voi ihan hyvin myös tarkoittaa että, hän eläköityy kokonaan kilpailijana. Varsinkin kun puhuu Dallas ja siitä aiheutuvasta masennukseta ja oikeista huolista lajissa, vaikka ei niistä suoranaisesti puhu.
Mielestäni olisi kaikista mahtavin päätös lopettaa tähän ja posehousut naulakkoon.

  • flex_lewisSo with so much speculation, rumor, I had a sit down with @flex_magazine to answer all questions.
    The full article is available in the link in the bio and will answer all, and below is something added from the heart❤️
    This has been one the hardest decisions, I have EVER had to make and THEN come to terms with, in my entire life.
    I been called Flex since 6yrs old been a fan of this sport since I was 12, joined my first gym at 15, stepped on stage at 19 (for the very first time) traveled the world winning titles all over, won my pro card at 23 with a undefeated amateur record.
    Fast forward and Now at 34 it’s finally time to say this 212lb chapter is over. I will be finishing with my last 212lb show at this years 2018 @mrolympiallc
    I won’t lie and say this was easy, I have battled the fact that this will be my last show many times, I went through some very tough times, and being transparent depression, I kept this all to myself, never let a sole in, I suffered massive highs and very low lows, still trying to comprehend last years loss of Dallas and then make this decision the beginning of this year- after months of battling this whilst, still acting walking talking all around the world as a Champion, I can now say I am VERY at peace with my decision.
    Without my family, my team, coach and certain people, I wouldn’t be were I am today!
    At one point I was very lost on direction, but I know in my heart this is the best for me, my family and the evolution of what and where I go next.
    I love this sport and I love being the humble, driven, blue color, peoples Champion, I know I will give that fan at the end the same energy as the one at the front, why as I love it!
    I fucking love all you guys, that’s not cliche it’s the truth, I’ve been given the opportunity by the IFBB pro league to take this sport all over the world and I have, from mainstream tv to things in countries unseen. We grown this 212lb class to where it is. You have no idea what you have given me, it’s ever lasting is why this year is for YOU the fans.
    I can’t wait to see you ALL in September where I will be there to defend my title won last time!
    #Legacy #EndOfEra #dontBeSad#LoveMyFans #AllForYou

Tosta kirjoituksesta voisi tosiaan haistella, että kilpaileminen loppuu

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

Ois kiva tietää paljon joutuu polttaa lihasta, että mahtuu 212. Onkohan kuinka monella muulla kisaajalla sama ongelma.

Viimeksi muokattu:
Flex on nykykehonrakennuksen TOP-3-äijä. Toivottavasti ei lopeta kokonaan kisaamista, vaan siirtyisi siihen isompaan sarjaan. Siinä jäisi Bonacit ja Röllit kakkoseksi. Flexillä olisi kaikki mahdollisuudet jopa voittoon.

Täysin samaa mieltä. Selkä aivan älytön ja mielestäni symmetrisempi ja tasalaatuisempi kuin itse Heath.
Kiva olisi nähdä ukko isoimpien poikien joukossa. Bodaus kun ei ole pelkästään koosta kiinni.
Esim. Shaun Clarida osoittaa tämän väitteen todeksi aika hyvin.
Flex on vielä moneen toiseen PRO:hon verrattuna pystynyt koko ajan parantamaan fysiikkaansa pitkänkin aikavälin tarkastelussa. Tuo on harmittavasti aika harvinaista nyky ammattilaiskehonrakennuksessa.

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