It's SHOWTIME!-potkunyrkkeilyä maailman huipulta

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Ehdottomasti paras tilanne olisi se, että kaikki ottelijat olisivat samassa organisaatiossa. Jos K-1, It's Showtime ja Golden Glory löisivät hynttyyt yhteen, niin tämän koalition mestari olisi selkeästi potkunyrkkeilyn kiistaton ammattilaisten maailmanmestari ja kaikki muut tittelit kalpenisivat sen rinnalla.

Ennen ärsytti MMA:ssa nimenomaan se että ei ollut kaikki parhaat samassa organisaatiossa ja kaikki spekuloi kuka sitten on oikeasti mestari.
Nyrkkeilyn seuraaminen jäi minulla miltei kokonaan kun MMA alkoi olla mielenkiintoisin osaltaan juuri tuosta syystä.
Tulee varmasti alettua seuraamaan kaikki eventit jos yhdistyy.
Glory Sports International, owner of the GLORY World Series kickboxing promotion, has purchased its competitor, It's Showtime.

The deal between GLORY World Series and the Dutch-based It's Showtime is expected to be announced today on the live HDNet broadcast of "It's Showtime 58," which takes place in Brussels, Belgium. The deal will put the fighters under the It's Showtime banner now under the GLORY World Series umbrella.

GLORY, which has offices in Holland, the United Kingdom, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore, also will take over other assets owned by It's Showtime.

"This is what the world of standup fighting has been waiting for – all the top fighters competing in the same series each time to find out who is really the very best," stated Marcus Luer, GLORY's managing director. "GLORY World Series will be the ultimate platform and testing ground for these fighters to showcase their talent and skills."

It's Showtime, based in Amsterdam, was founded by Simon Rutz and has been holding shows since 1999. The promotion grew gradually until 2009 and 2010, when it held seven events each year. In 2011, the promotion put on 14 shows, establishing a place of dominance in the kickboxing world after the financial struggles of K-1. Earlier this year, It's Showtime and K-1 agreed to tag-team on events under the new K-1 banner.

But GLORY's purchase of It's Showtime, according to Luer, makes it the definitive leader in the sport.

"By adding It’s Showtime, GLORY has truly established itself as the No. 1 kickboxing league in the world," Luer stated. "This is what the fans have been waiting for and we are here to deliver it."

Luer said announcements of a new GLORY series and a "modernized tournament format" are forthcoming for the rest of 2012 and 2013.

GLORY, which started in 2006 behind Golden Glory and co-owner Bas Boon, regularly holds 16-man grand prix tournaments. Now, Luer said, with the addition of the It's Showtime roster, the sport gets a shot in the arm.

"The matchmaking possibilities will create some amazing fights and fans will truly see the best competing against the best across all weight classes," Luer stated. "We are changing the landscape of this global sport."

It's Showtime 58 airs today at 3 p.m. ET on HDNet and features the retirement match of Peter Aerts, a kickboxing legend. He faces Tyrone Spong, who fights out of the Imperial Athletics camp in South Florida.
Maxilta ei tule showtimea?

Edit. Ehkä se nyt alkaa myöhässä..

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''Revanssi'' :D

Hyvin Aerts jakeli alapotkuja, muttei käsillä saanu vastattia. Ja helvetti kyl noita selostajia, semisti vetivät Aertsin puolelle. Olisihan se kiva jäädä eläkkeelle ilman, että tulee tyrmätyksi. Mutta vittu ei mitään sopuhommia tai tasureita vaan sen takia, että lajilegenda jää eläkkeelle.
Spong sitten nappasi uransa isoimman voiton raskaassa lajilegendasta, mutta paljon kysymyksiä jäi nyt. Mitä tapahtuu It's Showtimen tuleville tapahtumille ja mestaruusvöille, pistetäänkö putiikki kiinni vai vaihdetaanko vain nimi ja show goes on? K-1 tässä nyt selvästi otti erätappion. Toukokuun tapahtumassa otelleet olivat nimittäin 99% It's Showtimen manageroimia. Kooykshän aikoo valloittaa Amerikan ja on viime aikoina värvännyt amerikkalaisia ottelijoita ja aikoo jopa järjestää tryoutit LA:ssa, mutta kiinnostako ketään kun kaikki tietää missä lajin huiput ovat?

- - - Updated - - -

Ja Aertsilla on kuuden ottelun sopimus Gloryn kanssa. Tämä oli vain hänen Beneluxin jäähyväisottelunsa.
Well GLORY was hinting at a big announcement today. It's Showtime has already started and if you noticed, the event is sponsored by GLORY and GLORY logos are plastered all over the ring. This wasn't going to be posted until GLORY made the announcement at It's Showtime, but a bunch of MMA sites already posted the news, without any real insight into the matter at all so here it is.

GLORY just put out a press release on their website stating that they have acquired It's Showtime. All of It's Showtime's fighters are now under the GLORY umbrella, effectively placing pretty much all of the world's best kickboxers under the same umbrella. GLORY will absorb all of It's Showtime's assets and take over management of It's Showtime:

"GLORY SPORTS INTERNATIONAL (GSI), the owner and rights holder of the GLORY World Series championship kickboxing promotion and other related businesses, has agreed to terms with Dutch-based competitor, ‘It’s Showtime,’ led by the renowned European fight manager and kickboxing promoter Simon Rutz.

The landmark deal will effectively place all of the world’s top kickboxers, or stand-up fighters, under the same promotional umbrella. GSI will absorb other assets from and take over management of ‘It’s Showtime.’“This is what the world of stand-up fighting has been waiting for - all the top fighters competing in the same series each time to find out who is really the very best,” said Marcus Luer, Managing Director of GSI. "GLORY World Series will be the ultimate platform and testing ground for these fighters to showcase their talent and skills. It doesn’t get much more exciting than this!“By adding ‘It’s Showtime,”’ continued Luer, “GLORY has truly established itself as the No. 1 kickboxing league in the world. This is what the fans have been waiting for and we are here to deliver it. GLORY will soon announce a new series of events and a modernized tournament format for the rest of the year and for 2013. “The matchmaking possibilities will create some amazing fights and fans will truly see the best competing against the best across all weight classes. We are changing the landscape of this global sport.”"

What we don't know yet, though, is how this affects K-1. K-1 had a partnership with It's Showtime to use their fighters, but now that they're all GLORY fighters, it is uncertain if they will still be competing in K-1. GLORY has not been allowing ther fighters to compete in K-1 and if this continues, then K-1's plans this year are pretty much destroyed. GLORY holds all the power now, so we will see how things unfold.

Either way, this is a very good thing now as we get to see all the best kickboxers under one umbrella. We used to think of fights like Badr Hari-Semmy Schilt 3, Daniel Ghita, Semmy Schilt 2, etc. and now they're all a reality. Kickboxing has had a problem for a while now where a lot of fighters haven't been fighting the best and haven't been brought together under one universal platform due to promotional conflicts, and the hiatus K-1 went on.

GLORY now is the number one kickboxing organization in the world, there is no doubt about it. We will see what unfolds and what happens with K-1. I for one, can't wait to hear about GLORY's plans for the rest of the year and the future.


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