Kellään tietoa, ketä Ironmaniin tulee?
Getbigin foorumilla oli tällaista infoa, tiedä sitten, pitääkö paikkaansa..
David Henry
Rusty Jeffers
King Kamali
Erik Bui
Marcus Haley
Mark Dugdale
Joel Stubbs
Luke Wood
Silvio Samuel
Ahmad Haidar
Toney Freeman?
Itse getbigillä sanotaan näin..
"So who is competing. While we are awaiting a list, currently we have heard that David Henry is the man to beat at this contest, and will be ready and fired up, after being overlooked at the 2006 Olympia. Marcus Haley also plans to compete, as well as Mark Dugdale, Luke Wood, Moe El Moussawi, And Tamer Elshahat."
"I asked for a competitor list today but due to the fact that they do not have a deadline as to when competitors have to enter the show, they do not have a definitive list of who is competing at this time. Hopefully, one will show up shortly before the show starts."
Jep jep .. :D