I hate to say this... VanHalen

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007 (updated)

Yes, it is 100% true that the Van Halen 2007 tour has been indefinitely postponed. Details are a little thin on the ground and no one is talking on the record, but I did manage to talk to my contact who originally told me of the re-union plans in October last year.
Despite what little has been said publicly so far, it seems there are issues beyond paperwork and contracts that need to be ironed out. Van Halen has always been a volatile mix of personalities and 2007 is no different. Basically those involved in putting this tour together won't commit further until all issues are dealt with, hence the postponement of current plans.
I am told though, that this postponement should be just that - a temporary situation that can be sorted so that the dates that had been arranged can be re-booked and announced down the track somewhat. The band is unlikely to comment beyond the fact the tour will (at this stage) start later than originally planned.
The line-up for this tour remains Eddie, Wofgang & Alex Van Halen and frontman David Lee Roth.

For the record - here is what Pollstar has posted regarding the news:
"It's true. The Van Halen tour that was never officially announced is now officially postponed indefinitely, sources told Pollstar. The rumored tour took on an air of reality after a trade magazine announced that original singer David Lee Roth was about to sign on the dotted line, and that was soon followed by a press release via Eddie Van Halen's spokeswoman-slash-girlfriend. Unfortunately, the worldwide frenzy of a VH reunion was too good to be true, at least for the present day.
However, there was a lot of paper getting inked and Pollstar understands that a tour announcement might not have been far off."

And this forwarded to me from a regular contact:
"I work in radio and here's exactly what came across our "prep" service this morning from Premier Radio Network...
We learned last night from a source close to the band that Van Halen's reunion tour with David Lee Roth has been "indefinitely postponed." While Eddie, Alex, Dave and Eddie's son Wolfgang (replacing bassist Michael Anthony) have been rehearsing, their plans are now up in the air. We were told that when Eddie's girlfriend (and spokesperson) announced the reunion on February 2nd, there was no signed deal between the band, Roth and tour promoter Live Nation.
A Van Halen best-of highlighting the Roth years has also been scrapped by Rhino. A source at the label tells us they were unable to make a deal for the planned release.
Regardless of all this drama, Van Halen will be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in New York on March 12th.
The last time Van Halen toured with David Lee Roth was in 1984. The last time Van Halen toured was in 2004 with Sammy Hagar.
We were unable to reach representatives for the Van Halen brothers last night. Roth's spokeswoman declined to comment."

Itse epäilin että 18/40 keikkaa ennenkuin menee sukset ristiin...

Look at all the people here tonight!!
Sonny79 sanoi:
Vaikka kuulostaakin hyvältä, nopea veikkaus on, ettei tule tuota 40-keikkaa kestämään tuo kokoonpano!

Niinpä.. samaa mieltä!:rock:

E: Toisaalta jos homma kaatuu on kommentit taas tyyliin; "DLR:lla on LSD eikä se sovi meidän kokoonpanoon enää koskaan", niin kuin varmaan miljoona kertaa on jo lausuttu, mutta nämä alkavat olemaan viimeisiä "järkeviä" hetkiä alkuperäisen näköisen ja kuuloisen VH:n reunionille, joten on ikävää jos se ei toteudu!


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