Huijareita huijataan - Scamming the scammers

Todennäkösesti kohta alkaa tulemaan materiaalia tännekin, kun yks scambaittaus loppu vähän lyhyeen. Pitää enää saada vastaus viimeiseen postiin. Huijari vaan jatkuvasti kinus multa passikopioita, eikä sille kelvannut mitkään vioittuneet tiedostot tai liian pienet kuvat. Ei voinu muutakaan kun pistää vähän överiks.
Laittakaa noille huijareille joskus (esim. se valokuvatiedosto tai vastaava), johon bindaatte jonkun haittaohjelman sisään. :D Siitä sitä iloa irtoaa enemmän. Tai linkkaatte heille suoraan linkin johonkin sivustoon, mistä pamahtelee 0-day uhkia koneelle.

(Nämä kaikki omalla vastuulla, ja en siis oikeasti ketään yllytä ko. toimenpiteisiin, enkä siis tarkoita tätä kuin sarkastisella sävyllä.) :D
"Otan Poskeen" -tarina jaksaa naurattaa päivittäin :D naapuri lentokentällä pitämässä kylttiä suomalaisten edessä, ja vielä vakavalla naamalla :lol2: kuva ois kruunannu kaiken.

Jatkakaa samaan malliin, nää on hauskempia ku tusinameemit!
Noniin. Tässä sitä nyt tulee...

Tel: +1-401-236-5165


I barrister Michael L. Morkin have decided to bestow this trust on you, which I hope and believe you will not ignore or betray. I apologize in advance for any inconveniences this may cause you. I am the Personal Attorney to late Mr. George K. Moor, who was a contractor here in United States. Who, on 20TH December 2005 with his entire family perished in the Air-Crash on Atlantic off South Beach in Miami, you can view website report.

Florida plane crash kills 19 | World news | The Guardian

As a matter of fact, my client made a fixed deposit Amount, valued at (USD$20.5M) with a Security Finance Company in Channel Island, and upon the duration time of their agreement, the Security Finance Company start ed contacting him but no response.

Consequently, the Security Finance Company issued me a notice to provide the next of kin to the deceased as his personal attorney and witness or have his fund confiscated after eight years as it is in the Company policy statement.

I have made several contacts to His Country's Embassy in order to locate any of his extended relatives which had also been unsuccessful.

Since I have been unsuccessfully in locating the relatives for over 5 years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased since none of his relatives were nowhere to be found so that the proceeds of this fund valued at $20.5m will be transfer to you,
thereafter, we will both share it in percentage, I take 60% you take 40%

I have all the necessary legal documents that can be used to back up all the claims we will make. All I require is your honest coo peration to enable us making this great benefiting transaction successfully.

I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please get in touch with me as fast as possible by email to enable us discuss further the progress of this transaction.

With best wishes,

Michael L. Morkin

Dear Mr. Morkin

My name is Jorma Armas Petolinnunrektaali (I am Hungarian). I'm very happy if I can help you, but let me introduce myself to you first. I work as a rector in a local church. I am always ready to help people when they need it, and if you want to share the 20.5m with me, I can promise that I use the money to help others. As a christian, I know that greediness is a sin, so I would be ready to decrease my percentage to 30%. I would be happy with that. I am sure that Jesus would have done the same thing.

Please reply me as fast as you can, so we can get started. I don't own a telephone, but i hope that we can discuss by email.

Will the God be with you, Jorma Petolinnunrektaali

Tel: +1-401-236-5165

Dear Jorma,

I received your urgent respond and I acknowledged your acceptance to my proposal, my gratitude to your kindness as a Christian, but I insist to offer you 40% of the total fund for working with me to success this transaction.

Kindly provide me with your personal details for confirmation.

Full Name:

Home Address:

Telephone Number:

Attachment copy of Identity (International passport or driver license)

I will give you the security company contact information to enable you contact them for the act of claim as the rightful next of kin to Late Mr. George K Moor that after I receive your personal details requested.

Call me on this line +1-401-236-5165 for further clarification and verbal discussion.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Best wishes,

Michael Morkin

Dear Mr. Morkin

Here is my details:

Full name: Jorma Armas Yrjänä Petolinnunrektaali

Home Adress: Peräröörineljä 19, Pâs'kaläjá, Hungary

Telephone Number: As I told you in my previous e-mail, I don't have a telephone. I don't own a telephone because I have once survived from esophageal cancer. Due to the scars that the tumor removal operation left on my vocal cord, my speaking ability is very limited, especially if i have to speak foreign languages, for example english. But i gladly communicate with you via e-mail.

I attached my passport photo to the attachments.

"Jer 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

Will the god bless you,

Jorma Petolinnunrektaali
Edellisessä viestissäni laitoin passikuvan jota ei pystynyt avata.

Dear Jorma,

I acknowledged your letter and I also got your information, but I am finding it very difficult to view your international passport you claim was sent.

Kindly resend the international passport copy so we can proceed with this transaction.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation, God bless you and protect you.

Best wishes

Dear Mr. Morkin,

I am very sorry if your computer wasn't able to open the passport picture. I wonder if there is some kind of security system in my/yours email, that one cannot copy any passports. However, i will try at least one more time, maybe it works if i use a different format. How important is the passport copy? Because I'm worried that if this doesn't succeed, I don't want that the whole deal depends on this.

God bless you, Jorma Petolinnunrektaali

PS. Could you please send a copy of your passport also, so I can be sure that you are a trustworthy man?(I know you are trustworthy, but i just want to be sure)
Edellisessä viestissä passi oli niin pieni, ettei siitä erottanut kertakaikkiaan mitään

Dear Jorma,

Your passport appears so small that I cannot even see your data. It is very important for me to have your international passport attachment copy before I proceed on this transaction with you for security reason.

I have attached my passport as you requested, kindly correct your passport attachment and resend it back to me to confirm you are for real so we can continue this transaction.

Your understanding is highly appreciated, God bless you.

Best wishes

Dear Mr. Morkin,

I wonder how is it possible that the passport picture is so small. I am sure that the problem is on your computer, because I can see it very clearly on my computer. My son who is an ADP expert even helped me to attach it. I still ask you, is it so important to send it? I also asked my neighbour(who is a lawyer) that is it even legal to send passport copies in e-mail, and he said that it isn't legal in Hungary (he showed it to me from the hungarian lawbook). He also said that you are also maybe trying to steal my identity. I don't believe that you want to steal my identity, but I am still a little uncertain about sending my passport copy. Is there any other ways to get this done?

God bless you,

Jorma Petolinnunrektaali

Dear Jorma,

I do not have any reason to steal your information, I only offer you an opportunity and I want to be sure you are who you claim to be, I want you to keep this transaction confidential between me and you only. Your passport copy will never be exposed by me, I want a total confidence in you to enable us partnership together to success this transaction.

You don’t have anything to worry about, kindly use Microsoft picture manager to attach your passport and resend it to me so I can see it clearly over here.

Best Wishes,

Dear Mr. Morkin,

It's very nice to hear that you are not trying to steal my information. Now I also know what went wrong the last time I tried to send my passport photo. Now you can see my passport better. The picture might not be so good, but it's good enough for you to see my informations.

Best wishes,

Jorma Petolinnunrektaali
Kappas vain, unohtui kuva...
Dear Mr. Morkin,

Sorry, I forgot to attach it. Now you can see it.

God bless,

Jorma Petolinnunrektaali

I feel so disappointed in you, I am not a Nigerian and you can go to hell, fuck you idiot

- - - Updated - - -

Oho, miksiköhän toi kuva ei näy

Kokeillaampas laittaa pelkkä linkki

haluan varoittaa huijarista scammer nimeltä Miljan Pavlovic. Hän on deittipalstoilla ja esittää asuvansa Suomessa, mutta ei asu. Hän on valerooliltaan insinööri, joka on Aberdeenin öljynporauslautalla työkeikalla ja osaa olla tosi uskottava tarinassaan ja antaa luotettavan ja rehellisen kuvan itsestään. Yllättäen alkaa pyytää rahaa lainaksi ja on vastineeksi lähettänyt valheellisen kuitin saamastaan palkkiosta 750000e. Osaa leperrellä ja käsitellä naista hyvin ammatillisesti. Älkää vaan menkö hänen tarinaansa mukaan...hän on täysi huijari ja luulen, että hänellä on muitakin rikollisia taustallaan, jotka antavat hänelle tilinumeroita ja ihmisten osoitteita, joihin raha lähetetään. Hän on tehnyt itsestään jopa professional link sivun, mikä on tässä. Hänen omasta firmastaan ei löydy mitään tietoa. Itse tutustuin häneen palstalla.
Tuli Facebookkii viesti taas pitkästä aikaa:

"Hello My Dear Friend xxxxxxx ,

How are you today and your family? I do believe that God is really in control.

Please, I would like to introduce myself as Mrs.Fatima Kargbo,of Republic of Benin, widow to Late Mr Usman Kargbo (who worked with Benin Republic embassy in London for nine years before he died in the year 2005, We were married for eleven years without a child and i have recently been diagnosed of Cancer of the Pelvic I am writing you now from my sick bed.

Please consider the transaction on it's content and not the fact that you have not known me before, I saw your e-mail contact through Benin Republic Chamber of Commerce Guest Book, I decided to do contact you after praying over the situation. There is this US$10.5Million my husband has in an account with a Bank here in Benin Republic of which I am the next of kin. With my health condition and because my husband and I have no children, I am looking for a credible person to whom I will pass the right of next of kin.

This person will apply to the bank and request for the transfer of the fund to his/her bank account. This is on the condition that you will take 25%of the fund for yourself, 5% used for expenses, while you will use the remaining 70% for the less privilege people in the society. This is in fulfillment of the last request of my husband: that a substantial part of the fund be used to carter for the less privileged Madrassas and also to orphanages especially to children who will become Children of God.

If this condition is acceptable to you, you should contact me immediately with your full names and contact information so that I will submit your name to the bank as the beneficiary and also send the authorization that will give you the right of next of kin to the account in the bank. I will also give you a text of the application you are to send to the bank. I cannot predict what will be my faith by the time the fund will be transferred into your account,but you should please ensure that the fund is used as i have described above.your reply should be sent through this.

Please get back to me Through this Email: mrsfatimakargbo @

I look forward to your response.God Bless You.

Yours Sincerely,
Mrs.Fatima Kargbo"

Itsehän en jaksa alkaa kiusaamaan, mutta jos jotain muuta kiinnostaa, niin tuossa on tuo maili yläpuolella. :D
^ Luonnonvalintaa jos joku noihin menee.

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