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Kirjoitus alunperin saitilla xtremepaintballcanada.com:

"I am posting this on behalf of my son whom you see coming to visit this great site as fruit_loops. My son is 13 years old and very sick. He wants to play paintball but his disease wouldn't allow him. His friends play paintball while he is left at home in the mercy of pain.

Ever since he registered with this great site, no day would pass without him checking what's new with paintball in Canada. He reads them, both of us actually, and finds fun in reading them. He loves clicking on the flags to change provincial locations. He boasts of being able to know what's happening in paintball in different provinces just by clicking the flags. He loves looking at your markers tirelessly in the showcase.

2 nights ago, he checked the Live Chat feature but I remember him saying nobody was online. Then suddenly "Welcome" was sounded from his speakers. It was the Support Crew. Then they started chatting. The guy from the other end asked him how he was doing and my little man answered, "I have a headache". I remember the guy asking him questions about how frequent his headache occurs, what type of pain, what his age was and whether he has seizures. My son answered them truthfully. Then, the guy asked him if he was taking medicines and if he is, what medicines were they. My son listed his medicines then suddenly the guy said ... "You must be very sick buddy. Are you on chemo?" I started to wonder, how come a computer guy can be conversant in the medical field, too. Their conversation became so interesting until the guy said: "Correct me if I'm wrong and you may not answer my question if you wish. Did your doctor tell you that your seizures is caused by meningioma?" That totally stopped my heart and my suspicion that he might be a medical professional was proven right. A computer guy knows medical diagnosis just by interviewing? I thought, only kids use this site.

The guy asked my son if he can ask permission from me to phone him. Thinking why not, I gave our number. We had a chat and he was such a nice guy. Changing topics, he asked what presents he received for Christmas. Then asked my son what he wanted that he didn't get. He replied: "xbox. My nintendo is too old". The guy casually said, you'll have it pretty soon, don't worry. My 13-year old kid replied: I will work for it when I get well.

About 1 'o clock this afternoon, a lady knocked on our door with a big gift nicely wrapped. I asked where it came from and she answered me: open the box when I leave. At the sight of the big present, my poor son whispered: "this is the biggest present I have ever received". The lady introduced herself as "Stacey". According to her, they got our address from our phone number then left while we were still at the door.

When we opened the present, it's an XBOX! I found myself lost in tears while my son was so amused. I thought it was from a relative. It came complete with everything he needs: a wireless router, a wireless xbox adapter, 2 wireless controllers, 2 headsets, a prepaid xbox Live subscription for 1 year and 10 DVD games. More tears flowed from my eyes, I will never afford to buy my son these stuff. A card was enclosed: "This must be your missing gift. I hope this takes some of your pain away. It's all wireless so you won't bother getting up just to play. A technician will come by your place and hook you up with high-speed internet and make sure that you will be playing your xbox before the day ends. Tell your mom not to worry about anything. I already created your Gamer Tag and I will play online against you soon. Be sure to beat me. Get well buddy. Be strong. I'll always remember you. Pdx.Sierra (xtremepaintballcanada.com)". He was the guy my son had a chat with and must be one of the Support Crew.

About 3 'o clock, the technician came and brought with him a high-speed modem and hooked my little man's xbox and fixed our computer. With just a phone call the technician made, we got upgraded from dial-up to broadband prepaid for one year. He played a game with him before he left. He requested to keep the identities of everyone involved.

I'm in tears. I definitely am. We will never forget your kindness, sir. Please call us back. Thank you thank you. May the Lord help you and keep you safe always.

To you all who participate in this site, thank you. You all help ease the pain and hardships my son is suffering day in and day out. Thank you. Happy holidays everyone."
Joo mielestäni on hienoa, että nykyaikana on tuollaisia
ihmisiä olemassa!
Harmi vaan ettei kaikki sairaat lapset saa samanlaista huomiota:curs:

:thumbs: :5: Noille tyypeille!
Kyllä on upeita ihmisiä olemassa.
Kaikki kunnia heille.
Samaisella foorumilla oli myös viesti:

"For 10 days, his charisma filled the world and temporarily united all people from all nations. Not the use of any word will ever describe the immensity of his bravery. Known only as fruit_loops, the unknown soldier of the internet yet in real life he existed, he is our new icon of hope.

With these words, I regret to inform you that we lost our little fighter at 1117H (Pacific Time) today, the 5th of January 2004. His recovery was cut short by the worst seizure he ever had that lasted more than 40 minutes despite emergency medical interventions. He is now resting in peace and rest assured, he will struggle no more from pain.

Please accept our gratitude for all your time, your love and your prayers. xtremepaintballcanada.com will always be proud to have been selected by an unknown force to beam to the world the last 10-days of the life of our little fighter or our little man or our wee man as we all have been endeared to the existence of such terms.

Let’s rally the world again one more time and give the family words of encouragement and support. Please go back to where you chanced on the story of our little fighter and post a statement of gratitude not only from us but make it from the world.

If he touched your lives, please submit your post-scripts. In lieu of cards, flowers, gifts or donations to the family, please redirect them to a cancer research organization of your choice.

Do remember the countless fruit_loops we have around the world. Respect their pain and sufferings, please.

To the various men and women and institutions who fought fruit_loops’ battle alongside with him, a thank you is all we can afford. Let’s keep God in our hearts.

[In case you experience connection difficulties, please hold on a bit and retry again after a minute or so. Our servers are definitely overloaded and being choked with tremendous simultaneous connections. This will stabilize as we ease focus on his threads. Thank you for your understanding.] "
Nostan hattua :worship:

Maailma on seko paikka mutta olipa syy mikä tahansa tuntuu pahalta jos lapset kärsivät.
Given just 3 months more to survive that seemed slimmer when he had a chat online with a stranger from this site on Christmas Eve 2003, this 13 year old boy sought refuge to this tiny website quietly shadowing himself and resigning his fate to just reading paintballers' posts. Ditched by frailty and the scourge of constant pain brought about by cancer, he kept his fight to stay alive. We lost our little fighter at 1117H, 05 January 2004.

Meninpä hiljaiseksi.....:(

*kahden lapsen isä*
En muista millo viimeks oon ollu niin liikuttunu kun tän jutun luettuani. Ihan kyynelet tuli silmiin.
Originally posted by Hazz
En muista millo viimeks oon ollu niin liikuttunu kun tän jutun luettuani. Ihan kyynelet tuli silmiin.

Sama homma.

Aika jännä, että oman elämän surujen takia ei ole paljoa silmät kostuneet. Saati sitten itkenyt kunnolla.

Hyvä juttu, että maailmassa on vielä ihmisiä, jotka välittävät ventovieraista vähäosaisista, ja tekevät jotain heidän hyväkseen. Poika oli (ja isä varmasti myös) luultavasti todella iloinen saadessaan Xboxin.

Voi vain kuvitella isän tunteet, kun joku ventovieras tekee pojan niin onnelliseksi kaikkien kipujen keskellä. Ja suru on varmasti suuri, kun poika sitten menehtyi.

Ehkä sitä taas muistaa niitä vähäosaisia, ja antaa kadulla kerjääville muutakin kuin 5 cnt.
On kyllä upea juttu että tuollaisia vielä löytyy. Nykypäivänä on todella hankala uskoa että kukaan haluaa auttaa pyyteettömästi, joten se nostaa vielä teon arvoa minun silmissäni.
Maailmassa on paljon hyvää. Pitäisi vain pysähtyä hetkiseksi ja ajatella asioita vähän.

Tuo tarina oli hieno esimerkki hyvyydestä. Nostan hattua ja ihailen toimintaa suuresti.

:haart: :5: :haart:
Ton luettua tuntuu omat ongelmat niin naurettavan pienilta. Toi oli todella koskettava, mutta sai omalla tavalla paremmalle tuulelle, sita rupee vaan miettii ettei kannata pienista masentua, kun joillain ihmisil on noinkin suuria ongelmia...

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