MULTI Grand Theft Auto V

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Tonne Social Clubiin pystyy tallettelee radiosta myös biisin nimiä. Hiton näppärä, koska radiosta tulee yllättävän hyvää matskua.
Joskus ennenvanhaan tuli kiinnitettyä paljon enemmän huomiota radioon. Nelosessa vielä tosi vähän , mutta tässä ei oikeastaan ollenkaan. Ei mitään käryä mitä mikäkin kanava soittaa, tulee vaan vaihdettua next jos soi ärsyttävä kappale.
Itellä on pari kanavaa, joita kuuntelee..tollasia disco/nudisco -kanavia. Trevor ainakin jossain vaiheessa alko kiroilee, et mitä vitun paskaa tää on ja vaihto jonkun punkkikannun päälle :d
Onko sairaalamaksu muuten riippuvainen rahatilanteesta vai henkilöstä? Kun Franklinilla kuolin niin maksu oli jotain tyyli 100$ ja Trevorilla se olikin jo 5000$...
Noista radiokanavista tulee pääasiassa kuunneltua west coast classicia ja non stop poppia.
Vaihoin Trevoriin ni se heräs sen kaverinsa urposerkun vierestä. Tunnelma oli vähän sellanen että jonkun tason perseraiskaus oli tapahtunu.

Vessassa näytti tältä:


Ekan kerran koskin noihin osakkeisiin kun Franklinillä aloin tekemään niitä assassination hommia. Se äijä mainitsi puhelimessa jotain että niiden 4 tyypin kuolema auttais monia tyyppejä, mm. Debonairen osakkeiden omistajia, niin menin ja iskin kaikki rahat Debonaireen. Se nouskin tappojen jälkeen 80%. Luin jostain et vähä tän jälkeen Redwood olis noussu 300%.
Kiva on tehdä noita assasination tehtäviä kun tyyliin jokatoisessa niitä osakkeita mistä puhutaan, ei sillä hetkellä olekaan pörssissä. Tämä johtuu siis siitä että ne on siellä online puolella...
Kiva on tehdä noita assasination tehtäviä kun tyyliin jokatoisessa niitä osakkeita mistä puhutaan, ei sillä hetkellä olekaan pörssissä. Tämä johtuu siis siitä että ne on siellä online puolella...

Joo itelläkään ei ole tällä hetkellä sellaista laajakaistaa, että sais boxin liveen. Olis hyvä, kun live-systeemit sais ladattua koneelta tikulle niinkuin nuo boxin päivityksetkin saa.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe


Kovasti on haluttua tavaraa. Juuri kuvan oton jälkeen joku jakkupukuinen nainen yritti varastaa ja sitähän sitten joutui vähän muiluuttamaan.
Eikö toi BAWSAQ toimi kun netissä vai? Itse pelaan pleikalla joka on koko ajan netissä niin en tiedä. Siihen tupakkafirmaan liittyvät osakkeethan löyty siitä toisesta mestasta.

Ihan lemppari autoiksi tullu Ubermachtit, varsinkin toi taustalla oleva rättikatto. Tuunattavaksi vaan ja pikimustaksi. Mul on tallissa vissiin 2 identtistä versiota :D just in case.
GTA 5 Properties Locations Map

Weekly-Yearly Income/Property Missions

Smoke On The Water

Cost: $204.000

Characters Required: Franklin

Weekly Income: $9.300

Yearly Income: $446.400

Smoke On The Water is the most profitable property in Grand Theft Auto V and you should buy it as soon as you can. The property doubles your investment in less than a year, but once you buy it, your employee will call you and ask for your help. Nevertheless, Smoke On the Water should be your first investment.


Cost: $600.000

Characters Required: Michael/Franklin

Weekly Income: $4.700

Yearly Income: $225.600

The GTA 5 Hookies property is a medium investment and you will recover your money in less than 3 years but more than 2. Additionally, you have to be aware that the location must be protected, because it will be attacked.

The Hen House

Cost: $80.000

Characters Required: Michael/Franklin/Trevor

Weekly Income: $920

Yearly Income: $44.160

The Hen House is a good investment which will return your money in less than 2 years. Similar to Hookies, this property must be protected.

McKenzie Filed Hangar

Cost: $150.000

Characters Required: Trevor

Weekly Income: N/A

Yearly Income: N/A

McKenzie Field Hangar is a mandatory investment and also a profitable one. Available only to Trevor, the property unlocks the Trafficking Missions. For every Air Trafficking Mission you get a minimum payout of $7.000, and for each Ground Trafficking Mission you get $5.000, which means that you will be able to recover your investment quickly, since there is an unlimited number of trafficking missions.

Sonar Collections Dock

Cost: $250.000

Characters Required: Trevor

Weekly Income: N/A

Yearly Income: N/A

Also a mandatory property, the Sonar Collections Dock must be purchased as soon as you have enough funds to invest. The Sonar Collections Dock allows you to start looking for Nuclear Waste Barrels.

For each barrel you find, you will receive $ 23.000, and since there are 30 barrels, your profit once you find all of them will be $440.000. Furthermore the Sonar Collections Dock is required to find the Submarine Pieces for Abigail, who will also unlock the Nagasaki Dinghy boat, equipped with a scuba diving suit. The suit allows you to search for the Submarine Pieces and the Hidden Packages which contain even more money.

Tivoli Cinema

Cost: $30.000.000

Characters Required: Michael

Weekly Income: $142.300

Yearly Income: $6.831.984

If you spend time on protecting and promoting it, Tivoli Cinema may become a profitable investment, if not, you should postpone its purchase.

Los Santos Customs

Cost: $349.000

Characters Required: Franklin

Weekly Income: $1.600

Yearly Income: $76.800

On long-term Los Santos Customs is a bad investment since you will need more than 4 years to recover your money, but you have to be aware that if you buy it, all cars Franklin owns will be upgraded for free, which makes Los Santos Customs a property that should be acquired.

Downtown Cab Co.

Cost: $200.000

Characters Required: Franklin

Weekly Income: $2.000

Yearly Income: $96.000

Downtown Cab Co. is a profitable investment, first because you won’t have to pay when using a taxi, and second because once you purchase this property you will be able to unlock the Taxi missions. It also generates a fair amount of money weekly and annually.

Cinema Doppler

Cost: $10.000.000

Characters Required: Michael

Weekly Income: $132.200

Yearly Income: $6.345.600

The Cinema Doppler is a profitable investment. You will get your money back in less than two years and if you defend and promote it, it will generate even more money.

Vinewood Garage

Cost: $30.000

Characters Required: Michael

Weekly Income: N/A

Yearly Income: N/A

The sole purpose of the Vinewood Garage is to store Michael’s cars. Inside the garage you can deposit all vehicles you steel and it also holds all vehicles you order online.

Los Santos Golf Club

Cost: $150.000.000

Characters Required: Michael/Franklin/Trevor

Weekly Income: $264.500

Yearly Income: $12.696.000

Unless you want to play golf for free, you should avoid purchasing the Los Santos Golf Club, because you will recover your investment in more than 10 years.


Cost: $750.000

Characters Required: Michael/Franklin/Trevor

Weekly Income: $7.100

Yearly Income: $340.800

The GTA 5 bar known as Pitchers is also a good investment because you don’t need too many funds to buy it, and it will generate them in 2 years; but as all bars, gangs will try to attack it.


Cost: $2.000.000

Characters Required: Michael/Franklin/Trevor

Weekly Income: $16.500

Yearly Income: $792.000

Tequi-La-La is another good investment that will return your money in around 2 years, but to purchase it you must complete Vinewood Souvenirs-Willie mission.

Ten Cent Theater

Cost: $20.000.000

Characters Required: Michael

Weekly Income: $264.000

Yearly Income: $12.672.000

Ten Cent Theater is an expensive building, but you should try to buy it as soon as you get the necessary funds, and you should also try to promote it.

Puerto Del Sol Marina Slips

Cost: $75.000

Characters Required: Michael/Trevor/Franklin

Weekly Income: N/A

Yearly Income: N/A

Each character in GTA 5 can own a slip at Puerto Del Sol Marina, allowing you to dock the boats and other water vehicles you buy online or steal. You should consider buying them, but only later in the game.

Vespuci Helipads

Cost: $419.850

Characters Required: Michael/Franklin

Weekly Income: N/A

Yearly Income: N/A

The Vespuci Helipads don’t generate any income but they are used to store your stolen helicopters or those purchased online.

Los Santos International Hangars

Cost: $1.378.000

Characters Required: Michael/Franklin

Weekly Income: N/A

Yearly Income: N/A

Similar to the helipads, the hangars at Los Santos International are used to store planes and tanks. Once you purchase them you will also be able to enter the airport without alerting the cops. The Hangars don’t generate money.

Car Scrapyard

Cost: $275.000

Characters Required: Michael/Franklin/Trevor

Weekly Income: Varies

Yearly Income: Varies

The Grand Theft Auto V Car Scrapyard generates income based on the vehicles you destroy within the city. Depending on your play style and skills, the property can be profitable or not. For each vehicle you destroy the Car Scrapyard generates $150.

Pillbox Hill Garage

Cost: $30.000

Characters Required: Trevor

Weekly Income: N/A

Yearly Income: N/A

The Pilbox Hill Garage doesn’t generate any income, but serves as a drop point for Trevor’s stolen cars and those your order online.

Towing Impound

Cost: $150.000

Characters Required: Franklin

Weekly Income: Varies

Yearly Income: Varies

The Towing Impound becomes available for purchase after you complete the last mission received from Tonya (Pulling One Last Favor). After you complete the mission, you can buy the property, and start towing cars around the city. For each car you bring back to the lot, you get $500; therefore, the income generated by the property depends on the time you allocate to these missions.

Grove Street Garage

Cost: $30.000

Characters Required: Franklin

Weekly Income: N/A

Yearly Income: N/A

The garage on Grove Street is another place where you can store your stolen cars or those you buy online; however, it can be purchased only by Franklin.
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Pitäisköhän käydä hakemassa boksi itsekin...
GTa2 ps1:lle makso itellä 399mk. :D
tais olla jo aiemminki linkattu, sellane muistikuva, muttei varmaa haittaa jos uuestaa linkkaa, nuo on kyl hyviä joskus. :D esim tuossa oli pari tosi hauskaa kohtaa jokka sai repeilemää. :D
En tiedä ajasta, mutta esim läpipelattuna samahan se on mihin ne rahat tunkee ku sitä on niin törkeesti, ite ainakin ostin kaiken ihan fiiliksen vuoksi, paitsi leffat+ golf radan.

Meni kyl hohto aika nopee ku pelas storylinen läpi, kattoo jos online sytyttäis.


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