Onhan tästä puhuttu.
Simpanssit ovat tutkitusti 3-4 kertaa aikuista miestä vahvempia, omaavat paremmat refleksit ja niill on olympia-tason voimistelijan notkeus ja tasapaino. Orankien ja gorillojen taso liikkuu siellä 8-10 ketaisissa voimissa ainakin minun kirjojeni mukaan. Olin juuri äskettäin eläintarhassa jossa asiasta luennoitiin enemmän: Simpanssit ovat murtaneet paksua panssarilasia yhdellä potkulla, Urosgorilla on nostanut kaksi miestä yhdellä kädellä ilmaan (taitaisi olla mahtava pystypunnerrustulos), näin itse luontodokumentissa kuinka gorilla kaatoi ison puun kuin tosta vaan, naarasgorilla alkoi kerran huvikseen vetää 600 kg painoista lavaa yhdellä kädellä eläintarhassa jne. Joten ei serkkuja ihan vielä voimissa voiteta.
Lainaus gorilloja luonnossa nähneeltä:
"He (silverback gorilla) munched into the bamboo stalks as though they were breadsticks. He pulled them from the ground and broke them off one-handed, like we would snap a twig, leaving all of us in awe of his strength. "
Ja oran-utengeista:
"Any one seen man vs beast? its some stupid new show where they have humans having contests with animals. The thing that astounded me the most was a tug of war between a sumo and an orangutan. The sumo was F-ing huge and the orangutan wasn't even that big. It wasn't one of the large dominant males with the fat necks or anything. Still the sumo was leaning back and putting all his weight into trying to pull the ape into a pit of mud. He was sweating and his face had the look of pure 100% effort, mean while the orangutan didn't even seem to be trying, it would look around like it wasn't really interested and every now and then it would only use one hand, it eventually won and it could have won much sooner if it tried."