Fedor vs. Silva Live !Spoilers!

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Luulis että vahvat bjj ukot ja painijat pääsis alta pois, mutta fedjan lisäks en tiedä toista joka tollasista pommeista olis selvinny ilman että olis tullut tyrmätyks.
Niin kyllä esim. Cain ehkä pääsisi pois..

Cainilla mitään mahkuja bigfoottia vastaan olis. Sil on joku sininen vyö BJJ:ssä ja huono leuka ni mitä se voi tehä? Korkeintaan yrittää maata Silvan päällä vältellen tappelua mahollisimman paljon.
Brock Lesnar ei pitänyt Cainia maassa, ja Silva ei saisia Cainia maihin. Uskoihin että miehellä ei olisi jakoa Cainia vastaan.
Ja Fedorin tiimiltä jälleen uusi syy miksi hävittiin, nyt on selvinnyt että Silvan kätyrit käyttivät hypnoosia Fedoriin..

Fedor was under hypnosis
Mentor of the "last emperor" told the real reasons for the defeat of Theodore Silva.
Yegor Bogdanov, 11:43, Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Throughout the fight Fedor literally beaten
We believe that we used the forbidden psychological Technology
Vladimir Voronov

Trainer of multiple World Champion MMA Fedor Emelianenko sure against the Russians had used illegal methods of psychological warfare.

According to trainer Vladimir Voronov Emelianenko, before the fight, both athletes have received various "charges" of hypnosis.

- It seems to us that not everything is just so, and were used certain technologies - said Life Sports Ravens. - Certainly not those who would see the naked eye. This is likely to have psychological technologies that worked on both fighters at a distance from the floor. That is why during the fight Fedor was just not like himself. It seemed very strange behavior Fedor. He stepped into the ring and did everything exactly the opposite of what we practiced before the fight. We were all shocked! Fedor had not previously done so. Now a week passes, everything settles, and we understand why all this happened.

Note that before the fight Fedor actually looked a little depressed.

In turn, a rival "Emperor" Anthony Silva literally glowed from the overflowing of its energy.

And after the victory over "cool person on the planet" behavior of the Brazilian was difficult deemed inadequate - first published Silva inhuman screams, and then completely fell at the feet of Emelianenko rossiyaninu kissed his hands and thanked them for battle.

Nevertheless, Ravens notes that the defeat did not break the mental state of Theodore and the athlete is ready to continue the fight.

- It is important that Fyodor is ready to "rip" - said Ravens. - He is not got depressed and ready to continue the fight. Now he will train in a threefold volume and prepare for the next battle. Hopefully, we'll be able to return to the tournament.

In the words of Theodore, a detailed "debriefing" will be held later.

At the moment the main thing for a fighter - to regain form and recover from injury.

Emelianenko himself did not make a tragedy out of what had happened and soon intends to thoroughly analyze the fight in seconds.

- While no detailed analysis is not done, - said Emelianenko - all this will come later.


The specialists of Russia's largest schools of hypnosis confirmed the fears of Russian coaches.

- The human mind has enormous power of suggestion, it explains all sorts of curses, evil eye, etc., - has told Life Sports Specialist Schools Gennady Goncharov Nicholas Zakharkin. - Therefore, if a well-trained specialists are in the area of visual contact with Emelianenko, then he could convince all that he pleases, and have any effect. If the hypnotist was set up and sat at a distance where he could meet eyes, for him big problems would not have made any hypnotic influence.


On ne aika ovelia siellä Brasiliassa.
Ja Fedorin tiimiltä jälleen uusi syy miksi hävittiin, nyt on selvinnyt että Silvan kätyrit käyttivät hypnoosia Fedoriin..


On ne aika ovelia siellä Brasiliassa.

On kyllä harmillista, että homma menee tommoseks paskanpuhumiseksi ja loanheitoksi. Paras (ja ainut) ratkaisu ois vaan sanoa, että turpaan tuli ja tästä viisastuneena joko 1. aletaan treenaamaan eri tavalla / kovemmin tai 2. jäädään eläkkeelle.
Cainilla mitään mahkuja bigfoottia vastaan olis. Sil on joku sininen vyö BJJ:ssä ja huono leuka ni mitä se voi tehä? Korkeintaan yrittää maata Silvan päällä vältellen tappelua mahollisimman paljon.

Hyvää läppää, Cainin tyylihän on just vaan maata, niin ku teki Brock kuperkeikallekin just :)
UG:sta kopioitua pätkää Fighters Only Magazinen toimittajalta;

Before I even put pen to paper this morning I sent the original russian quotes, in cyrillic, to my friend Elena from St. Petersburg. She translated it all for me.

Evgeni Kogan of M-1 is now saying the quotes were a sarcastic joke by Voronov; they werent at all. My friend Elena not only translated the quotes, she offered the opinion that Vornovs comments were entirely plausible.

When I asked what she was on about she went into something about mind-war technologies and so on, she finds it all very believable. Is this a Russian thing? I dont know. They did produce Systema, so maybe.

Anyway, Voronov has also made comments previously about Fedor having "a halo".

Fedor=Jesus 2.0

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Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

UG:sta kopioitua pätkää Fighters Only Magazinen toimittajalta;

Before I even put pen to paper this morning I sent the original russian quotes, in cyrillic, to my friend Elena from St. Petersburg. She translated it all for me.

Evgeni Kogan of M-1 is now saying the quotes were a sarcastic joke by Voronov; they werent at all. My friend Elena not only translated the quotes, she offered the opinion that Vornovs comments were entirely plausible.

When I asked what she was on about she went into something about mind-war technologies and so on, she finds it all very believable. Is this a Russian thing? I dont know. They did produce Systema, so maybe.

Anyway, Voronov has also made comments previously about Fedor having "a halo".

Fedor=Jesus 2.0

Joo, joku muukin on selvitellyt tätä..
In regards to Kogan’s “lost in translation tweet”, I can assure you guys, there is NOTHING lost in translation. That is exactly what Voronov said in Russian.
This sparked a BIG debate on all Russian MMA forums, cause people call him nuts now.
More that that, Kogan wasn’t even there when Voronov said it, he was in Holland, and Voronov was in the Moscow’s airport. M-1 is trying to put some damage control crap, but those are Voronov’s words, nothing was “lost” or misinterpreted.

Kogan koittaa vaan fixailla mitä fixattavissa on ettei lopulle maailmaa paljastuisi miten sekaisin Fedorin tiimi on :lol2:
Mua on aina ihmetyttänyt, miten Fedor pystyy ylläpitämään mahafättinsä, kun oon kuitenkin saanu kaikista lukemistani jutuista käsityksen, että Fedor juoksee jotain 5-15 kilsan lenkkejä joka päivä ja sparraa kovaa treeneissään ym. cardiot. Mitä se syö?

Tietysti joidenkin ihmisten kehon koostumus nyt vaan on taipuvaisempi fätin kerääntymiseen, mut en tiedä...kaipa mahamakkaroista on jotain hyötyäkin:)
Mitä se syö?
Niinpä, ja kun herra ei edes juo, tai sen käsityksen olen saanut... ?

"Fan: Fedor, how do you feel about alcohol? Fedor: Negative."

Syö varmaan vaan helvetin hyvin (huonosti).
Tai sit ne valehtelee sen treenistä luodakseen lisää mystiikkaa ja kuinka kova ukko se on, psykologista sodankäyntiä:) Vaikealta tuntuu uskoa että ton ikäinen ja ton näköinen treenaa noin kovin. Jos yritän hahmottaa hänen lepohapen kuljetusta, eli jos treenaa n. 4-6h päivässä ja reilu satakiloinen jätkä ja yli kolmikymppinen ni pitäisi saada joku ainakin 8000 Kcal että pystyisi ylläpitää massansa. Tohon määrään saa syödä ihan vitusti, etenkin ku tunnetusti hänellä ei ole paheita ni saa aikamoisia satseja vedellä kotiruokaa:) Jokin tässä yhtälössä ei täsmää:)
Veikkaan, että Fedor ottaa kausittain Vodkaa ja tuskin syö niin tarkasti kun on kuitenkin raskassarjalainen.

Pikaisella googletuksella löytyi seuraavaa (http://www.15rounds.com/demystifying-fedor-011309/). Tiedot jutun mukaan hänen sisäpiiriltään.

"Fedor does not have a cook or a specific diet, but sticks to eating three meals a day. While he strives to eat healthily, he does not go out of his way to limit himself. Mostly, Fedor’s diet consists of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. He also takes in as much liquid as he can, such as fresh juices and herbal teas. Fedor tries to stay away from soda, french fries and candy-some of his favorites when not training. He also refrains from drinking alcohol when he is training."
Pikaisella googletuksella löytyi seuraavaa (http://www.15rounds.com/demystifying-fedor-011309/). Tiedot jutun mukaan hänen sisäpiiriltään.

"Fedor does not have a cook or a specific diet, but sticks to eating three meals a day. While he strives to eat healthily, he does not go out of his way to limit himself. Mostly, Fedor’s diet consists of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. He also takes in as much liquid as he can, such as fresh juices and herbal teas. Fedor tries to stay away from soda, french fries and candy-some of his favorites when not training. He also refrains from drinking alcohol when he is training."

Eli viinaa vasta treenin päätteeksi:D
Ja Fedorin tiimiltä jälleen uusi syy miksi hävittiin, nyt on selvinnyt että Silvan kätyrit käyttivät hypnoosia Fedoriin..


On ne aika ovelia siellä Brasiliassa.

Nojoo. Nyt meni vähän ohi.. Ei ne nyt voi nuin sekasin olla.. Parempi voitti ja piste. propsit Bigfootille. Ite mieluusti näkisin fedorin LHW:ssä..
Brock Lesnar ei pitänyt Cainia maassa, ja Silva ei saisia Cainia maihin. Uskoihin että miehellä ei olisi jakoa Cainia vastaan.

Silva on parempi pystyssä. Cainilla on pumpulitumput ja huono leuka. Pohjaltakin sais subitettua Cainin.


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