BB PRO Dorian Yates

3 kpl Basic Nutrition EAA -25%
Dorianin tumppu:
Hyi helvetti et näyttää kivuliaalta!!!! Älkää kukaan vetäkö herneitä mutta tollasen mustelman peittämänä ja turvonneena näyttää samalta kun sen yhen voimamiehen synthol hanska :D
On kyllä karun näkönen käsi :s
Eiköhän se pöytäpingiksessä revenny tai surffilaudan päällä rannalla.:D

He had torn his left biceps eight weeks earlier doing bent-over rows; the day of the show, only a fake tan hid the discoloration. Still fresh in his memory was the muscle tear in his left quadriceps from April. In March, the same fate had befallen one of his rotator-cuff ligaments. [paragraph] His victory that year revealed two sides of the same coin: a warrior's ability to endure pain made essential by a ferocious training style, captured for posterity in all its raging glory on the aptly named video Blood and Guts. And they certainly became the hallmarks of Dorian's entire reign as Mr. Olympia, spanning 1992-1997.

Vähän eri suhtautuminen asioihin:

Arguably of greater importance, however, was Dorian's monklike mental application to the craft he had chosen--preparing meals with an actuary's exactness, getting sufficient rest, treating workouts as seriously as religious rites, over and over and over. His nickname was The Shadow, and it referred not to his sun-blotting lattisimus dorsi but to a quiet demeanor and disdain for the limelight. He'd do a show and then, poof, he'd be gone again, disappearance following appearance as surely as night after day.


M-Nutrition juomat hurjassa alessa, jopa puoleen hintaan


Yates menee naimisiin.

"I will marry my fiancé Glauce Ferreira. Glauce is from Brazil and won the IFBB South American Bodyfitness event; she was also the IFBB World Bodyfitness Champion 2007. We met at the Arnold Classic in 2008 and have been inseparable ever since. Obviously it was her beauty that initially caught my attention, but I was really captivated once I found out what a wonderful person she is on the inside as well. Wish us well!"


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