Chael Sonnen - The Voice of Reason

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

You're Welcome! With Chael Sonnen

Noniin 2. episodi oli Chris Leben (ei THE CHRIS tosin mikäli joku jonne ei muista)

Ja nyt 3. episodi on GEORGES ST. PIERRE! :rock:
- tässä kuulemma käyvät läpi, miten Aldo saisi tehtyä "läpi murron" PPV markkinoilla, et sais paljon rahaa jne!

Just ajattelin kuunnella ton GSP episodin, Merenneidon ja Lebenin sit joku toinen kerta.

EDIT. onpa muuten tosi paska äänenlaatu, ku puhelimessa/skypessä ovat. Shalen äänen kuiten kuulee selvästi.
Aiheita GSP haastiksesta!

- GSP:n takaisin tulosta, treenauksesta nykyisin
- Nick Diaz, GSP ylistää häntä kuinka vaikea vastustaja oli. Lisäksi puhuvat Silva vs. Diaz ottelusta
- GSP:n jutut JRE:ssä, UFO & Alien shit jne.. avaa vähän mistä oli kyse oikeasti, "Missing Time" jne.
- José Aldolle vinkkejä: HOW TO MAKE GSP MONEY 101
- Takaisin tulosta taas, Unmotivated GSP haluaa liittyä Motivated B.J. Pennin & Motivated Anderson Silvan joukkoihin, että voi tehdä comebackin, tai iBackin if u will!

Olihan tuo ihan kelpo haastis, ei mitään ihmeellistä tai uutta, paitsi nuo Aldolle vinkit, tai GSP kertoi vain mitä itse omalla kohdalla teki, että oli mahdollista tulla staraksi.
joku oli postannu sherdoggiin tän... Shalen mielestä GSP on GOAT ja et GSP koulutti sitä sparreissa. Paraikaa myös Silva on sherdogin GOAT pollissa kolmantena/neljäntenä Jonesin kanssa. GSP selvä 2. ja noh ykkösen nyt kaikki tietää heh. Vaikuttaakohan Silvan käry nyt liikaa tähän? :rolleyes: Tuntuu siltä. Silvan 16 ottelun putki oli kuitenkin aivan sairaan uskomaton.

On GSP as the GOAT

“I don’t think there’s any argument. it definitely goes to GSP. And GSP was ranked #1 in the world pound for pound. There was a press conference done and they said “no Anderson’s the best” and our president Dana White argued that, and that is his opinion. But the entire media shifted, they dropped GSP from #1 to #2, the moved Anderson to #1. Anderson’s a FANTASTIC fighter, this isn’t a commentary on him, but if you want to talk about the greats, I’ve fought Anderson twice, I’ve worked out with Georges, I’m just calling it like it is, it’s Georges.

On if if he’d have fought GSP in his prime, as to who would win.

“ Well I will tell you this, I worked out with GSP and it was competitive and close, but Georges got the best of me. He was strong as an ox, it was shocking to feel his grip, I remember when he would grab a hold of me it was like a vice grip, and he was also a lot quicker than me because of that size factor. And it was enough to upset me, I remember driving home that night thinking “I need to get my hands on this guy again, I can beat him I can beat him.”
… but if you want the reality of our one private training session to which Kenny Florian was the only witness, I will admit that St. Pierre was impressive."

When asked whether he thought Anderson was using when they both competed against one another.

"There's two tests that you take, Steven.. the first test is not the visual test. The first test is the visual test. When a guy takes his T-shirt off and gets into the ring or steps on the scale, you look at him. If a guy got better with time, you can't do that on your own. Anderson Silva's body doesn't appear to have changed AT ALL. So any reasonable person would conclude, that whatever he's on now, he was on before but there's no evidence to support that."

On becoming a father and seeing the ultrasound for the first time.

“You know it’s such a cool process… Seeing the baby move and open his hand and do all of these little things and be a little person, It’s a cool experience. It’s emotional it’s life-changing, it’s all of those things that you hear, and I’m not immune to it.
“I was pro-life to start with, but here’s the argument on pro-life. You either believe that it’s a child or it’s not. If it is a life then we all understand that we must protect it, but when you end up in a debate with somebody, that’s the stance they’ll take. They’ll just say that it’s not a life. If you ever have that ultra-sound, it really defeats that argument. It’s very clearly a life. It’s moving and it’s kicking, they’ll show you, there’s the lungs, there’s the heart. There are his ears, there’s no way around that.
“If you come away from that ultrasound and say that it’s not a life… that’s just a silly thing to say. For sure, it is.”

On whether he knew about Jon Jones’ cocaine use beforehand, and the infamous “Can of Coke” Conspiracy theory.

“I would tell you this… Gatorade is for suckers, pedialyte is for babies and cocacola is for gangsters and there is absolutely no correlation other than Coke sponsored me, and it’s delicious.”

On a slight falling out with Mike Dolce BECAUSE he loved coke so much/drank it at the weigh ins.

“He was so mad, and he told me ahead of time that it was going to make him mad. I didn’t take him as sincere, I thought it was like a “joke” mad. We went to dinner after that, he didn’t come to dinner…
I want to put into context, I was 17 pounds overweight, 22 hours before I made the weight, so I lost 17 lbs in 22 hours, to explain to you the level of thirst and dehydration I couldn’t speak, because there was no saliva… Imagine how good an ice-cold cocacola tasted right there. There is one shot in YOUR LIFE, to enjoy a coke that much… Dolce the fight before had taken my cocacola away. I literally resented him for an entire year after that. I said I can’t do it again, I gotta have a pop.”

Though he was very gracious and praising of Jon Jones, he had a hilarious take on Jon Jones rehab stint.

“ Listen, this is funny, this is not right. But to pretend this isn’t funny…. he checked into rehab, he signed in, and he signed his ass right back out! They can’t force you to stay in rehab, they also can’t disclose how long you stay, there’s absolute anonymity…So when he wants to make a statement and say “hey I checked into rehab.” He never stayed in rehab! He never said “I completed rehab.” That might possible be, the funniest thing that he’s done. I’m not weighing judgment at all… but that’s straight out of a movie! The guy walked in, signed his sheet and walked right back out to his Bentley and drove him. That’s a gangster move! Any way you look at it.”
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The Bad Guy : MMA

Muutama highlight:







3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

On se vaan hyvä puhumaan. Video vanha ku mikä, joten ei jaksanut selata ketjua löytykö jo.

UFC & Fox voisi nyt tehdä pelivedon ja kotiuttaa Chaelin kun Kenny meni kopsailemaan ja Brendan sai monoa. Sitten kun/jos Rogan päättää lopettaa niin sinne tilalle. Tosin saattaa olla tällä hetkellä aika kiireinen mies mutta näin fanina kaipaan Chaeliä UFC:hen jossain muodossa :(
Manager: Chael Sonnen will return for 'right fight' after NAC suspension ends

Chaelin ura ei saanut mielestäni oikeaa päätöstä, oli se sitten tappio tai voitto niin kaipaan ainakin vielä yhtä ottelua. En tiedä minkälaisiin suorituksiin mies pystyy uudella dopingtestauksella mutta sopiva vastus niin I'm all for it. Räpläämiset ei kuitenkaan aja samaa asiaa.
Manager: Chael Sonnen will return for 'right fight' after NAC suspension ends

Chaelin ura ei saanut mielestäni oikeaa päätöstä, oli se sitten tappio tai voitto niin kaipaan ainakin vielä yhtä ottelua. En tiedä minkälaisiin suorituksiin mies pystyy uudella dopingtestauksella mutta sopiva vastus niin I'm all for it. Räpläämiset ei kuitenkaan aja samaa asiaa.

Silva vs Sonnen v3 - Clean Edit.


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