- Liittynyt
- 17.4.2002
- Viestejä
- 1 132
Wikipedian mukaan: "His bad boy image and tough biker look have led many people to believe that Abbott is nothing more than a common hoodlum with a natural ability to throw punches. In reality, he never practiced any style called "Pit Fighting" and had been boxing for up to 13 years before his UFC debut and had been wrestling since high school and during his years at college. He had been coached in boxing under Jesse Reid and Tyrone Bennett and his wrestling career began at the age of 9 and by the age of 18 he became a Junior college All-American. He is also an educated man, holding a degree in history. "Tänkki toisaalta on vanha ämerikan boxaaja ja katupainija.
Vaikka Tankki nyt edustaakin MMA:n alkuaikojen osastoa, niin olisin silti erittäin onnellinen jos hän pieksisi paskat pihalle tuosta internet karate kidien suosikista.