BB PRO Cedric McMillan

Cedric voitti Levrone Pro Classicin.

"Finally I got some obliques...hopefully one day I can get them as good as @flexatronrhoden
Happy that I'm still making steady progress
Thank yall for supporting what I'm trying to do."


Pure Creatine 300 g -25%

Puhdaslaatuinen kreatiinimonohydraatti

Poor Ced :p

So I was just takin a lil nap during Lunch. Yea they got me... mutha.....fuckas.
Lookin like somebody shot off on my face bruh... damn smh

Onko McMillan edelleen aktiivisessa palveluksessa? Onko joku ottanut näistä Cedricin armeijakuvioista tarkemmin selvää? Missä roolissa pro-bodari oikeen voi toimia :D
Onko McMillan edelleen aktiivisessa palveluksessa? Onko joku ottanut näistä Cedricin armeijakuvioista tarkemmin selvää? Missä roolissa pro-bodari oikeen voi toimia :D
Olen siinä käsityksessä, että on edelleen päivätöissä intissä. Samasta toimistosta on näkynyt kuvaa ennenkin ja muistaakseni mainitsi siinä Palumbon haastattelussa, että totta tosiaan armyhommissa vieläkin. Mitä mestari sitten siellä tekee, niin ihan perus toimistohommaa, mitä nyt sotavoimissa on siinä kuin muuallakin. Muistikuvissa olisi, että värväykseen liittyviä juttuja. Mulle ainakin kävisi oikein hyvin järkeen, että noita hommia Cedu tekisi. Ei turhan rasittavaa tai edes jatkuvaa läsnäoloa vaativaa työtä, mutta kuitenkin saa joka kuu shekin postilaatikkoon. Voisin kuvitella, että urheilijoiden keskuudessa vastaavissa puolittaisissa (nakki)suojatyöpaikoissa viihdyttäisiin oikein hyvin.

"Man back then I thought I was jacked... nowadays I think I'm small. That body dismorphia shit, plus the Internet makes it worse with people talkin shit haha
I think i was 19. And I was about 180 lbs. I had been lifting weights since i was 13 but not with a serious plan or hard workout... just basically learning. Almost 20 years ago. No gains. But I had no aspirations to be a bodybuilder. I just wanted muscles tho. I was more focused on getting a job and having some type of career. During this time frame is when my workouts were more serious than when I was younger tho. I had a job so I was able to get a gym membership and buy weight gainer protein. I still didn't know shit about eating to gain weight, increasing calories, eating protein and carbs and fats etc. I ate maybe 2 or 3 times a day, and drink some weight gainer. I thought the weight gainer would make muscles grow by itself! I had no clue haha
Look how long my arms are"

cedricmcmillanYall already know I'll go to a PF when necessary... for some reason tonight this sign got to me... Bodybuilding is the reason the fitness revolution began back in the early 80s and gyms opened everywhere... it's a shame that this is how we are looked upon now. But the truth is we created this stereotype by acting the way some of us act.
I remember a time when bodybuilders were awe inspiring and popular... but now we look stupid and superficial cause we wanna be "hardcore" or look intimidating, or show off our sexy booty gains and boobs..
I wish for a time where we don't be viewed like this because I know alot of us aren't anything like the stereotype.
It's not OK to judge or pick at homosexuals or overweight people... but it is OK to make fun of bodybuilders and fitness people... u know why? Cause some of us act like we are better than other people because our bodies are more developed... so before u talk shit about PF because they have cookie night and pizza night (that pizza and cookies are good btw) realize that your ass may be the reason people had to find a place to escape from us and just workout when they want eat what they want and look how they want without us acting like self righteous demi-gods that non fitness people should bow down to.
And my workout sucked tonight

itse kyllä toivon Cedulle menestystä Olympiassa. Mielestä paras malli bisneksessä, jos saa samanlaisen kondiksen tai hitusen vielä paremman mitä oli Arnoldissa, niin top 3 sijoitus olympiassa on täyttä realismia.


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