BB PRO Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Arnold Movie News: Escape Plan, EX3, T5, Sabotage & Avatar 2!

We have tons of movie news to serve you so pull up a chair as we'll start you off today with a Terminator 5 appetizer.
We'll start you off today with a Terminator 5 appetizer. Paramount Pictures announced that its highly-anticipated sequel Terminator 5 has moved up five days from June 26, 2015 to a Wednesday opening on July 1, 2015. This is cool news for the die-hard Terminator fan as T2 was released on July 3rd and T3 was released on July 2nd. It's great that T5 will continue the tradition and nostalgia of a first weekend of July opening.

Next we have some Escape Plan news! Two Escape Plan TV trailers starring Schwarzenegger and Stallone are NOW online! Check out the commercials below! Stick around here at TheArnoldFans because we're going to have some BIG exclusive news to report soon from this film!

Now here's your main course. You'll love this: Arnold will play the lead villain in Cameron's Avatar 2! According to, The Austrian Oak will be playing a bad guy human general! Read more, HERE ! Also, when TheArnoldFans spoke to Bill Paxton at Comic Con this year, I asked him if he was approached by his friend Cameron about starring in the sequel. He gave me one of those "you never know" responses accompanied with a friendly wink. This film is going to be HUGE!!!

We don't have much Expendables 3 news except we hear Arnold is now finished in Bulgaria but there is a chance he might be back for additional filming later on (perhaps filming in Los Angeles). But if you are jonesing for some Expendables talk, ABking wrote two pieces. Their first article HERE talks about the 'R' rating we all wish for and the second article HERE is about the possibilities of another Expendables movie beyond the third film. If there is a 4th movie, ABking has some filmmaker and casting suggestions.

Finally, we have a minor Sabotage tidbit. In our last article, we told you about a recent test screening of this film, which tested very high. We have a fan giving us a NEW fan review VERY SOON but here's another promising tweet from a fan who was lucky enough to have seen the test screening.

"SABOTAGE fits well in David's body of work & it's good to see Arnold being more dramatic, mixed w/ some dark action. Sam blends in well too."
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Alkuviikosta nettiin levinneiden huhujen mukaan Hollywood-veteraani Arnold Schwarzenegger olisi kiinnitetty tulevan Avatar 2 -suurproduktion pahaksi pojaksi. Nyt kuitenkin on käynyt ilmi, että kyseiset huhut olivat pelkkä uutisankka.

Latino Reviewin aloittaman huhumyllyn mukaan Iso-Arnold esittäisi pahista James Cameronin odotetussa jatko-osassa. Nyt kuitenkin 20th Century Foxin pomomiehet ovat kiistäneet huhut perättöminä. The Hollywood Reporterin saamien tietojen mukaan elokuvayhtiön edustaja julkaisi tiedotteen, jonka mukaan Arnoldia ei ole edes harkittu kyseiseen rooliin.

Näillä näkymin Avatar 2 saa ensi-iltansa vuoden 2015 aikana.

heh toihan nyt ei pakolla pidä paikkaansa koska siitä päättää cameron:D
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