BB PRO Arnold Schwarzenegger

Valtavat rintalihakset yhdistettynä kapeaan vyötäröön on kyllä huiman näköistä. Arskan rintafileet vetävät vertoja nykyajankin huipuille, esim. Cutlerille, Colemanille jne.

Pitää paikkansa, mutta rinta ja käsien ohella ei ole niitä lihasryhmiä, missä kehonrakennuksessa on kehitytty. Esimerkiksi nykystandardeinkin kovia rintalihaksia ja käsiä on ollut jo kauan kauan sitten. Jalat ja selkä ovat kenties juuri niitä lihasryhmiä, mitkä ovat viety "seuraavalle tasolle". Vaikkapa Bertil Foxin yläkerta olisi kovaa valuttaa vielä nykyisinkin:

Harva kehonrakentaja muuten näyttää yhtä kovalta vain seisoessaan.
Olihan näitä...nykypäivänä ei tosin, ikävä kyllä. Nubret ja Zane varmaan näyttivät monien mielestä Arskaa kovemmaltakin ihan seisoskellessaan.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's 1977 Oui Magazine Interview

In 1977 interview, actor spoke of orgies, drugs, and homosexuality

AUGUST 27--Arnold Schwarzenegger once told a magazine interviewer about participating in an orgy with other bodybuilders, noting that "everybody jumped on" the woman involved and "took her upstairs where we all got together." The California Republican added that not every muscleman participated in the gang bang, "just the guys who can **** in front of other guys. Not everybody can do that. Some think that they don't have a big-enough cock, so they can't get a hard-on."

Schwarzenegger's lewd talk appeared in the August 1977 issue of Oui, an adult magazine published by Playboy Enterprises until 1981 and still available today on newsstands (we originally reported, incorrectly, that the provocative title was defunct). The five-page Schwarzenegger interview was conducted by author Peter Manso and flagged on the magazine's cover with the headline, "Arnold Schwarzenegger on the Sex Secrets of Bodybuilders."

At the time of the Oui story, Schwarzenegger, then 29, was appearing in "Pumping Iron," a documentary on the bodybuilding circuit. In the Q&A with Manso, today's gubernatorial wannabe spoke about his sex life, drug usage, and belief that men "shouldn't feel like ***s just because they want to have nice-looking bodies."

Schwarzenegger even entertained a question about his penis size. When Manso asked, "Is your cock disproportionate to the rest of you?" Schwarzenegger replied, "Well, that depends on what you mean by disproportionate. The cock isn't a muscle, so it doesn't grow in relation to the shoulders, say, or the pectorals. You can't make it bigger through exercise, that's for sure." He added that "women have told me they're curious about its size--you know, outgoing chicks who're just trying to be outrageous or horny. I hear all kind of lines, including 'Oh, you're hurting me; you're so big.' But it means nothing. Bodybuilders' cocks are the same size as everyone else's."

Asked if he felt "exploited" by women who pursued him because of his physique, Schwarzenegger said, "No, I'd feel used only if I didn't get something out of it. If a girl comes on strong and says, 'I really dig your body and I want to **** the **** out of you,' I just decide whether or not I like her. If I do take her home, I try to make sure I get just as much out of it as she does. The word exploited therefore wouldn't apply." Schwarzenegger later noted that once outside the gym, he forgets about bodybuilding: "I can look at a chick who's a little out of shape and if she turns me on, I won't hesitate to date her. If she's a good ****, she can weigh 150 pounds, I don't care."

On the practice of abstaining from sex prior to a competition, Schwarzenegger rejected that approach: "I get laid on purpose. I can't sleep before a competition and I'm up all night, anyway, so instead of staring at the ceiling I figure I might as well find somebody and ****." In fact, at the 1972 Mr. Olympia contest, "we had girls backstage giving head, then all of us went out and I won. It didn't bother me at all; in fact, I went out there feeling like King Kong," added Schwarzenegger.

When Manso asked whether he used "dope," Schwarzenegger replied, "Yes, grass and hash--no hard drugs. But the point is that I do what I feel like doing. I'm not on a health kick."

Asked whether he was "freaked out" by being in such close contact with guys at the gym, Schwarzenegger said, "Men shouldn't feel like ***s just because they want to have nice-looking bodies...Gay people are fighting the same kind of stereotyping that bodybuilders are: People have certain misconceptions about them just as they do about us. Well, I have absolutely no hang-ups about the *** business..."

Other topics addressed by Schwarzenegger included:

* His dad Gustav, who was later revealed to have been a Nazi Party member: "My father was the local police chief and he led a very regular life."

* His early days training in Germany: "I was living in Munich at the time, hanging out with night people--entertainers, hookers, and bar owners--and I had a girlfriend who was a stripper. I was an innocent boy from a farm town, but I grew up fast in Munich."

* Southern California hijinks: "Bodybuilders party a lot, and once, in Gold's--the gym in Venice, California, where all the top guys train--there was a black girl who came out naked. Everybody jumped on her and took her upstairs, where we all got together." Asked by Manso if he was talking about a "gang bang," Schwarzenegger answered, "Yes, but not everybody, just the guys who can **** in front of other guys. Not everybody can do that. Some think that they don't have a big-enough cock, so they can't get a hard-on. Having chicks around is the kind of thing that breaks up the intense training. It gives you relief, and then afterward you go back to the serious stuff."











kyllä nämä on aina niin säväyttäviä kuvia! mikä lie aina näissä iskee, vaikka nykybodarit on aivan mahottomia?? kai noissa kuvissa on myös jotain erityistä tunnelmaa.Varsinkin arska, oliva ja nubret olivat aivan järisyttäviä.. golden era..
On niitä kapeita keskikroppia matalamman tason kisoissa kuin Olympiassa ja Arnoldissa samoilla lihasmassoilla. Nykyään lihasmassat on vaan ajaneet ohi noiden Arskan päivien niin lujalla vauhdilla että kaikki muutkin paikat on ruvennu turpoamaan samaan tahtiin. Onneks on vieläkin kovia lihasmonstereita kovissa kisoissa kohtuu kaposilla masuilla varustettuna. Johan Zanekin tippuis tolla kropalla heti kärkeen pois kisoista lihasmassan osalta.:D
ei ollu zane kyllä mikään massamonsteri, mutta ei kyllä halunnutkaan. Ei tainnu olla kilpailupaino ku jotain vähän yli 80kg?! jossain kuvissa zanekin näytti pirun hyvältä. oikea veistos koko jätkä, mutta vähän "luihu" mitä katsonu zanen vapareita netistä. nykyhuipuista ainakin dexter omaa loistavan fysiikan, ja onhan noita muitakin.
ei ollu zane kyllä mikään massamonsteri, mutta ei kyllä halunnutkaan. Ei tainnu olla kilpailupaino ku jotain vähän yli 80kg?! jossain kuvissa zanekin näytti pirun hyvältä. oikea veistos koko jätkä, mutta vähän "luihu" mitä katsonu zanen vapareita netistä. nykyhuipuista ainakin dexter omaa loistavan fysiikan, ja onhan noita muitakin.
EI niin mutta pointti olikin että lajin on kehityttävä suuntaan jos toiseen. Olympiaan kun ei hirmu pieniä jätkiä päästetä ja jos kropassa ei ole tarpeeksi oikeanmallista lihaa niin ei siellä kärkipaikoilla heiluta.;)
On niitä kapeita keskikroppia matalamman tason kisoissa kuin Olympiassa ja Arnoldissa samoilla lihasmassoilla. Nykyään lihasmassat on vaan ajaneet ohi noiden Arskan päivien niin lujalla vauhdilla että kaikki muutkin paikat on ruvennu turpoamaan samaan tahtiin. Onneks on vieläkin kovia lihasmonstereita kovissa kisoissa kohtuu kaposilla masuilla varustettuna. Johan Zanekin tippuis tolla kropalla heti kärkeen pois kisoista lihasmassan osalta.:D

Juuhan Tsein. Fränkin kauon kadoksissa ollut kaksoisveli. Heh heh.
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