Anderson Silva

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Meillä päin tota kutsutaan kaverin selkään puukottamiseks.. :jahas:

..ja sanokaa mun sanoneen.. jos Vitor voittaa Jonesin, niin Silva on ekana kinumassa LHW title shottia.
Tota voi verrata varmaan siihen et suomalainen ja ruotsalainen lätkäpelaaja on kavereita, mut silti MM kisoissa kannustavat omaa maataan voittamaan..
Suomalainen lätkäpelaaja ja ruotsalainen lätkäpelaaja ovat kuitenkin valmiita ottelemaan kaveruudestaan huolimatta keskenään ja selvittämään kuka on paras.

M-Nutrition Sports Greens 1, 210 g, Lemon-Lime

Todella tykki viherjauhe

"A lot of people thought I was gay ... We would wear a dress [he would allow his sister to dress him up with girl's clothes and play with dolls], put on her shoes. And because I am very vain about my appearance, and have a high voice, a lot of people were sure I was gay."

Silva on tosiaan nuorena ollut kimeä-ääninen kuikelo, ja noussut sitten vaparin kuninkaaksi. Ei huonosti.
Haha, olis se kyllä mahtavan ironista jos mma GOAT osoittautuisi kunnon liekehtiväksi bottom gaydariksi. Menis aika monelta jampalta maailmankirjat sekaisin
Tää koko kuukausi on ollut yhtä saippuaoopperaa :hyvä:

Anderson sanoi, ettei lopettanut Leitesiä, koska on tämän kaveri. (Kaverikortti check)

UFC middleweight champion Anderson Silva has failed to finish his opponent in only two UFC fights. At UFC 112 he spent five rounds toying with Demain Maia, while taunting him with terms like "playboy" (it's a long story).

The other was at UFC 97 in 2009, which also went the full five rounds.

In an interview with Benjamin Back of the Brazilian newspaper O Lance (The Lance), Silva was asked if he had ever held off finishing an opponent to keep a PPV going longer.

“There’s no such thing as holding back" replied Silva. "I want to finish as soon as possible. The only time I did it was because he was a friend of mine. It was against Thales Leites. We went until the last round because he’s a friend of mine and I respect him."

Curiously, in an Brazlian Portuguese language interview with Leites by Tatame today, he denied that they are friends.

"First, I want to say that Anderson never attended the New Union, never seen him there, we were never friends or acquaintances besides our profession" said Leites. "No doubt he is a great fighter. If he says he feels he went easy on me because he is my 'friend', I disagree.

"I was heavily criticized after the fight with Anderson, I really should have tried to fight more and take more chances, but the other opponents who came after me did not do much better. Those who tried to standup exposed themselves, eventually they got knocked out.

"I find it funny that a champion in his interviews who always preaches respect for others and the martial arts would give such a statement. I am a fighter always, I know what a fighter does and has to do to get up there. We all have good and bad times in our careers, after all, life is a true giant wheel, being on top, middle or bottom should always keep us humble and keep us quiet. There is no super man, we are all human beings."

Thales Leitesin vastaus:

"First, I want to say that Anderson never attended the New Union, never seen him there, we were never friends or acquaintances besides our profession. No doubt he is a great fighter. If he says he feels he went easy on me because he is my 'friend', I disagree. I was heavily criticized after the fight with Anderson, I really should have tried to fight more and take more chances, but the other opponents who came after me did not do much better. Those who tried to standup exposed themselves, eventually they got knocked out.

I find it funny that a champion in his interviews who always preaches respect for others and the martial arts would give such a statement. I am a fighter always, I know what a fighter does and has to do to get up there. We all have good and bad times in our careers, after all, life is a true giant wheel, being on top, middle or bottom should always keep us humble and keep us quiet. There is no super man, we are all human beings. "
Vaikka A.Silva olisi ihan pesunkesävä perätuuppari ja ruskean reijän ritari niin yhtä paljon inhoan häntä kuin aina ennenkin. Eli ei inho kasva tuosta yhtään enkä myöskään ole ilkkumassa häntä hänen seksuaalisen suuntautumisen vuoksi.
Mutta on varmasti maailman kovin homppeli. En kyllä kosin moni uskalla häntä homoksi haukkua ainakaan kasvotusten.
Onkohan muuten UFC:ssä ketään julkihomoja?
Vaikka A.Silva olisi ihan pesunkesävä perätuuppari ja ruskean reijän ritari niin yhtä paljon inhoan häntä kuin aina ennenkin. Eli ei inho kasva tuosta yhtään enkä myöskään ole ilkkumassa häntä hänen seksuaalisen suuntautumisen vuoksi.
Mutta on varmasti maailman kovin homppeli. En kyllä kosin moni uskalla häntä homoksi haukkua ainakaan kasvotusten.
Onkohan muuten UFC:ssä ketään julkihomoja?

Nää homojutut menee kyl yli.. mutta kuka mä oon mitään sanomaan.

Jos sua nyt homous+ottelija jutut kiinnostaa, niin ainakin Joe Stevensonin hiljattain voittanut Dakota Cochrane taitaa ainakin ollut homopornoleffoissa näytellyt.
“There’s no such thing as holding back" replied Silva. "I want to finish as soon as possible. The only time I did it was because he was a friend of mine. It was against Thales Leites. We went until the last round because he’s a friend of mine and I respect him."

"First, I want to say that Anderson never attended the New Union, never seen him there, we were never friends or acquaintances besides our profession. "

Vaikka A.Silva olisi ihan pesunkesävä perätuuppari ja ruskean reijän ritari niin yhtä paljon inhoan häntä kuin aina ennenkin. Eli ei inho kasva tuosta yhtään enkä myöskään ole ilkkumassa häntä hänen seksuaalisen suuntautumisen vuoksi.
Mutta on varmasti maailman kovin homppeli. En kyllä kosin moni uskalla häntä homoksi haukkua ainakaan kasvotusten.
Onkohan muuten UFC:ssä ketään julkihomoja?

sulla on muuten ihan vitun tyhmiä viestejä.
Nyt oikeesti jotain rajaa..

Jos Silva vituttaa ni menkäähän vaikka tohon trolli-ketjuun kirjottelemaan

- - - Updated - - -

Silva took the time to reiterate a bout with Jones and himself will likely never happen:

Silva took the time to reiterate a bout with Jones and himself will likely never happen:
"We're in different weight classes and there are teammates from Team Nogueira who may face him. We have a code of conduct in our team, and I respect that a lot."
Mitäs tyhmää nyt tuossa oli. Totesin että A.Silva on ihan samanlainen ottelija vaikka homo olisikin. Minun arvostus/inho ei muutu miksikään. Äijä on edelleen oman painoluokkansa kiistaton kuningas ja todennäköisesti myös Top 3 ottelija koko maailmassa, oli se sitten homo tai ei.


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