gasvi sanoi:
Mistä olet nuo imeytymisnopeudet bongannut? Jos satut tietämään perus hera konsentraatin ja hera hydrolysaatin imeytymisnopeuksia, niin kerroppa ne... :piis:
Niitä löytyy, tässä yksi:
For all the benefits of
Whey Isolate , it also has the drawback of being digested too rapidly.
Amino acid levels peak and begin declining within 1-2 hours of ingestion, which studies show is too quick to effectively prevent muscle catabolism... anti-catabolic effects, we need more than just a single rapidly digested source of protein...
Micellar Casein with slow digesting protein sources available to bring you the ultimate
7-hour sustained-release protein supplement.
Soy protein isolate takes up to 3 hours to absorb,
whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolates are good but are in and out of your system in about 1 to 2 hours. ks. esim.
Kaavioita ks.
Mm. whey protein caused blood leucine increase rapidly, hitting a
peak in 1 hour... leucine levels decreased equally rapidly returning to normal by 4 hours...
casein caused a much slower rise in blood leucine levels, reaching a lower peak around 1 hour, but
maintained that level for almost 7 hours (see figure 1).
Erilaisten proteiinien etuja:
Fact : While whey protein sparks protein synthesis better than casein, it is not better at preventing muscle catabolism.
Fact :
Casein contains more glutamine and tyrosine than any other protein.
Fact : In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, soy isolates can increase endogenous production of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxin (T4), two substances which can increase your body's metabolism for increased fat burning.
Fact :
Whey proteins contain the
highest amounts of BCAAs
Fact : During low-calorie dieting, soy has been shown to reduce nitrogen loss and enhance fat loss more effectively than casein.
Fact : Egg protein helps delay gastric emptying through a special gastric inhibitory peptide.
Fact : Egg proteins contain the highest quantities of valine, alanine, methionine, and phenylalanine.
Fact :
Soy provides more of the "critical cluster" (BCAAs, glutamine, arginine) aminos than any other protein.
Fact : Both whey and casein stimulate the release of CCK, a hormone implicated in digestion and appetite-suppression.
Fact : Pro athletes cycle proteins effectively and blend them for maximum results.