***Affliction 2 SPOILERS***

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EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

nyt tais tulla se tauko, joten vähän kevennystä yön valvojille...

A truck driver's driving down the interstate with a truck load of black bowling balls. He sees a little black boy on the side of the road with a bicycle so he pulls over and asks if he needs any help. The black boy says to him, "Yes sir, my chain broke, I'd love some help!" Truck driver says to the boy, "Ok, but you can't ride in the cab, my company has a strict no hitch-hiker policy so you'll have to get in the back."

So the truck driver puts the boy and his bike in the back with the black bowling balls and gets back on the road. He's driving and driving and checks his mirror and sees a cop behind him. He pulls over and the cop comes up to his window and asks, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Truck driver says, "No sir, I don't have a clue." Cop says,
"You missed that weigh station back there." Truck driver says, "Oh, sorry officer, I guess I wasn't paying attention. I'll hit the next one." Cop says, "that's fine, but I'll have to check your cargo, it's policy."

So the truck driver gives the officer the keys and the officer goes to the back of the truck and opens up the cargo door.
The truck driver, watching in his side-view mirror, sees the cop hurriedly coming back to his window. In a panic the cop says, "Get the fuck out of here!" The truck driver, confused, says, "I don't understand officer, what's the problem?" "The problem?!" the cop says, "The problem is you've got a truck full of nigger eggs back there and one of 'em's already hatched and stole a bicycle.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Ite katon samaa ja mulla lukee tossa neljätuhatta katsojaa :D

edit. vai olitko jo aikaa edellä?

sama osote mut sillä on monta mirrorii, kannattaa reloadaa välillä ni se siirtää toiseen ja "tasottaa" niitä
onkos tiedossa ketä tuolla emmatv:llä on selostajina.. ääni on erilainen mutta kommentit on kuil Ruttenilla

edit: jaa oli se Bas :D
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