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EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

Dire Straits & Eric Clapton "Sultans of swing"
Pari viikkoa soinut tauotta...:rock:

Maailman kovin biisi eli Slayer:Raining Blood
Totta turiset. Toinen vaihtoehto ois varmaan Strapping Young Lad - Under The Waves. Se joko estää hulluksi tulemisen tai päinvastoin :D
SLAYER - Catalyst- :rock:

Attitude is my addiction
I live life with no regret
Unlike you it's my conviction
That sets me apart from the rest

I live for competition
Your cynicism only makes me stronger
I am the culmination
Setting the standard that all will follow

I live it every day
Don't know another way

Within my eyes there's devastation and fury
You can't understand
In my fight
Win by attritionI bring it with all that I fucking am

You never dealt with such rejection
Licking your wounds that won't fucking heal
You've never seen so much aggression
I am the scream to your fucking silence

I live it every day
Don't know another way

Attitude is my addiction
I live life with no regret
Unlike you it's my affliction
That creates the template of all that I am

You know and I know
No matter what you say
You'll be beaten today
Like every other day

Something about you
Keeps you from letting go
Of lame obsessions
Built up inside you
Forget the guesswork
You're starting at the source
Gazing into my eyes
You'll see there's no remorse
'Cause this is my war
All day and every day
It's all about the conflict Yeah!

Bring on the competition
Your pessimism only makes me stronger
I am the culmination
The fucking standard that all will follow

I live it everyday
Don't know another way

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Orion jää kisassa toiseksi, instrumentaalisuus pilaa mahdollisuuden voittoon. Luulen että autiolla saarella osaa arvostaa ihmisen ääntä, valintani ykköseksi siis Fade to black.


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