XP käyttää oletuksena vain 256kB L2 cachea?

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Asensin juuri FreshUI virittelyohjelman. No, siinä on semmoinen asetus kuin "L2 cache optimization", johon voi lyödä oman L2 cache määrän. Eikö muka Windows XP osaa ottaa kaikkea L2 cachea automaattisesti käyttöön? Katsoin pikapikaa netistä ja taitaa olla vain defaulttina 256kB käytössä ellei sitä tweakkaa. Aikamoinen parannus kun oma Core2Duo L2 cacheni on 4096kB!

Kertokaa nyt, olenko tosiaan ajanut koneeni cachea 6,25% teholla tähän asti?
Tässä vähän asiasta lontooksi:

Myth - "Adjusting the SecondLevelDataCache Registry value to match your CPU's L2 Cache size improves performance."

Reality - "SecondLevelDataCache records the size of the processor cache, also known as the secondary or L2 cache. If the value of this entry is 0, the system attempts to retrieve the L2 cache size from the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for the platform. If it fails, it uses a default L2 cache size of 256 KB. If the value of this entry is not 0, it uses this value as the L2 cache size. This entry is designed as a secondary source of cache size information for computers on which the HAL cannot detect the L2 cache. This is not related to the hardware; it is only useful for computers with direct-mapped L2 caches. Pentium II and later processors do not have direct- mapped L2 caches. SecondLevelDataCache can increase performance by approximately 2 percent in certain cases for older computers with ample memory (more than 64 MB) by scattering physical pages better in the address space so there are not so many L2 cache collisions. Setting SecondLevelDataCache to 256 KB rather than 2 MB (when the computer has a 2 MB L2 cache) would probably have about a 0.4% performance penalty."

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