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Strength Level:
While Wolverine may be of an advanced age, he possesses the normal human strength of a man in his prime with his height and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. While possessing the adamantium skeleton, Wolverine's strength was increased to the human maximum, making him capable of lifting (pressing) 800 lbs.
Known Superhuman Powers:
Wolverine is a mutant with a number of enhancements to his physiology. Wolverine possesses heightened senses, making him capable of seeing things at a maximum distance greater than that of a normal human. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, and he is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if that person or object is hidden. Logan can use these enhanced senses to track anyone, with an impressive degree of success.
He possesses retractable bone claws that are housed in his forearms, they are part of his skeleton system. At will Wolverine can release these claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but bleeding is quickly halted by his healing factor. The claws are naturally sharp and tougher than that of normal human bone structure. This allows Wolverine to be able to cut through most types of flesh and natural materials. (Note: While Wolverine possessed his adamantium skeleton, his claws were able to cut through almost any material without any fear of damage to the claws.)
Lastly, Wolverine possesses an accelerated healing factor based on his physiology. While most normal humans heal injuries over a long period of time, Wolverine's healing factor speeds up that natural process. Wolverine's natural healing has been advanced to the point where he can heal extensive injuries (such as broken limbs) in a matter of hours to days. This factor gives him a higher resistance to poisons and toxins, and he can recover from almost any injury. The more extensive the injury, the longer the healing time will be.
Wolverine is not immortal, however. If the injuries are extensive enough, especially if they result in the loss of vital organs, large amounts of blood, and/or loss of physical form (such as having flesh burned away by fire or acid), Logan can die.
Wolverine, again due to his healing factor, has an enhanced resistance to disease, as well as an extended life span. Despite Wolverine's chronological age, he is still as healthy and physically fit as a man in his prime."
Known Superhuman Powers:
Galactus possesses cosmic power beyond the abilities of human beings to measure. Galactus is able to use the vast energies within him for an incalculable number of effects. Some of his most rudimentary abilities are the molecular restructuring or conversion of matter, the projection of energy with enormous concussive force, the teleportation of objects across space or even time, and the erection of invincible energy-screens and force fields. Even his heralds, whom he has endowed with a small fraction of his ever-renewing power, are able to manipulate matter and energy in ways far beyond human comprehension.
Galactus wears a full-body suit of armor constructed from an unknown extraterrestrial metal that permits him to regulate and control his personal energy. If he were to remove the armor, the vast cosmic energies that empower him would run rampant, with the potential to turn him into a small sun.
Galactus requires unknown energies obtainable only from a certain type of planet in order to sustain his life. The suitable type of planet need not be one where life is present, but it must have the potential to support life. Although he is able to extract and absorb this energy himself, he generally employs a complicated array of equipment to perform the conversion process for him. The equipment is not only more efficient than he is, but also enables him to avoid the needless expenditure of energy involved in the process. Sometimes Galactus drains the energies he needs from a planet while still leaving it barely habitable. Other times he destroys all life and water on the planet in the process, leaving its surface devastated and barren. Most often his feeding process destroys the planet, reducing it to space rubble. When Galactus was newly born in his current form, the energy of a medium-size Earth-like planet was enough to sustain him for over a century (using Earthly measurements of time). Now, for unknown reasons, he needs to feed about once a month. His body totally converts the energy he absorbs for its life functions and bodily activities without any waste products.
Galactus is telepathic, able to scan the thoughts of any mind he has yet encountered, no matter how alien or advanced it was.
torakka sanoi:Alunperin X-Menin Wolferinen rooliin oli pitänyt tulla Glenn Danzig. Perhana ku ei aika taulujen takia sopinut, onhan se nykyinenkin loistava mut Glenill on sitä karismaa mitä löytyy vaa siperian metsästä.
Ja kaiken muun lisäks Wolverine on kova penkkimies. Natuna ja RAW. :DTerminator2 sanoi:Wolverine's strength was increased to the human maximum, making him capable of lifting (pressing) 800 lbs.
Komisario Palmu sanoi:Tuota Origin-sarjaa en hemmetti jaksanut edes lukea. James Howlett...
Moon sen verran ould skool että Wolverine #1- ~#75-80 on mun suosikkeja. Leinil Yu:n piirtämät sarjat kolahtaa perkeleesti juuri piirrosjäljen myötä: kolmiosainen sarja, jossa Logan seikkailee Aasiassa tämän skottihitman White Ghostin perässä oli pirun asiallinen. Muutenkin Wolverinen "siviiliseikkailut" on aina kolahtanut parhaiten. Ja varsinkin nuo alkupätkän sarjat on vaan niin hyviä kun Wolverinea vasta "esitellään" kansalle...Patchina toilailut Madripoorissa ovat legendaarisia!
#75 oli muutenkin legendaarinen numero feikkihologrammikansia myöten..tippa linssissä edelleenkin luen sitä. Loganin uhrautuvuus Jean Greyn puolesta on niiiin kaunista =) #65 on jäänyt myös mieleen sentimentaalisena muistelunumerona Loganin ja Foxin (mikäsengimmanniminytolikaan) rakkaussuhteesta joka lopulta paljastui keinomuistoksi. Alun masokistinen baaritappelukohtaus on helvetin vaikuttava. Muutenkin Mark Texeiran piirrosjälki sopii tähän numeroon sairaan hyvin vaikka miehen tyyli jakaakin mielipiteet aika tehokkaasti.
Eniten olen diggaillut Wolverinen graafisia novelleja, esim. Shadow Society ja Inner Fury. Graafinen novelli, jossa Logan matsaa Cyberia (vanha adamantium-iholla päällystetty kynsiveikko) vastaan on kaikessa psykedeelisuudessan ihan loistava! Nuo novellit kun ovat monesti niiin paljon laadukkaampia piirtojäljeltään, tarinaltaan kuin paperilaadultaankin.
Jos Sabretoothista haluaa lukea laatukamaa, suosittelen viisiosaista Mark Texeiran piirtämää Death Hunt -sarjaa vuodelta 1993. Muistan vielä kuinka ruinasin Fennica Comicsin äijää jotenkin kalastelemaan mulle ton sarjan kun se ilmestyi osa kerrallaan. Nykyään ilmestynyt jo yhtenä tiiliskivenä. Muistaako kukaan muuten sitä Fennican nahkahousuhinaajamyyjää? Se kaveri oli totisesti hauska näky!
Toinen Sabretoothin ++loistava++ graafinen novelli on Back To Nature...artistina on Frank Teran jonka tummasävyinen ja erittäin graafinen tyyli sopii Sabikselle kuin mora somalin keuhkoon! Muutenkin sarjis esittelee Sabretoothin sadistisimmat puolet erittäin raa'asti (ihan niinkuin kaikki ei niitä jo tietäisi!).
Perkele pitää varmaan kaivaa vanhat pahvilaatikot esiin ja alkaa taas lukea noita! =)
tiny_tinman sanoi:Senkin kirotut, nyt olisi melkein pakko mennä divariin etsimään vanhoja sarjiksia. Perustetaanko pakkiksen oma sarjakuvafriikit-kerho :D
Known Superhuman Powers
The Juggernaut possesses untold power, mystical in nature, which enhances his strength to an as yet unknown degree and makes him a seemingly irresistible, unstoppable being. Once he begins to walk in a certain direction, no obstacle or force on Earth has been observed to be able to stop him. Apparently, only he can stop himself. Some obstacles (many tons of rock, for example) or forces (such as plasma-discharge cannons) may slow his pace considerably, but nothing has yet stopped him permanently from advancing.
Strength Level:
The Juggernaut possesses Class 100 strength, enabling him to lift (press) over 100 tons. The Juggernaut is said to be unstoppable, and the upper limit to his strength is not known.