I tell everyone that if you are not feeling the muscle work, you need to start from scratch: Guys will tell me: "Dude, I can do 315 for 8 on the barbell incline, but my upper chest still sucks" They think I am messing with them when I say " try using 225 and doing it right and see what happens".
You can't get caught up in how much weight you lift, or worry about what other people lift . If you are not feeling the muscle work and getting that deep burn and pump, you're wasting your time.
do the reps really slow and pause to squeeze the target muscle before getting a controlled negative and stretch. This isn't weightlifting, it is BODYBUILDING.
Using a ton of weight is great if you are hitting the muscle perfectly, but a lot of times guys just screw themselves by going too heavy and never really stimulating the muscle like they should.
Bodybuilding is all about the physique. When you walk around, people see the results and they don't know how much weight you use in the gym.