SuperKombat Eurosportilla

EAA-valmisjuoma 24-pack

Pineapple Passion Fruit

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Kooykkösen ryömiessä pohjamudissa, ovat muut potkunyrkkeily-organisaatiot haistaneet rahan. It's Showtime on tietysti Euroopan suurin, mutta romanialainen SuperKombat-liiga on lähtenyt leikkkiin mukaan, ja järjestääkin tulevalla viikolla kaksi tapahtumaa, joissa molemmissa on jonkinsortin raskaansarjan turnaus. Varsinkin ensimmäisessä, 17. päivä käytävässä tapahtumassa viilettää ihan nimimiehiäkin kuten Anderson "Braddock" Silva, Stefan "Blitz" Leko sekä "Bonecrusher" Errol Zimmerman. Viime vuoden pettymysten jälkeen Zimmerman on saanut pakkansa kasaan ja onkin nyt kolmen ottelun voittoputkessa, viimeisin päättyi 15:ta sekunnin kohdalla tyrmäykseen.

Vähän epäselväksi on jäänyt kuka torstaina turnauksessa ottelee ja kuka ei, mutta main eventissä It's Showtimen raskaansarjan mestari Hesdy Gerges kohtaa Rico Verhoevenin.
Jos viikonlopun It's Showtime oli huono, niin Superkombat WGP II oli sitten vastaavasti hyvä. Ihan selkeästi parempi ilta, vaikka Alexandru Lungu olikin raahattu kehään nolaamaan itsensä. En pidä Superkombatin mestaruusvyötä paljon minään, mutta-91kg mestaruusottelu Bogdan Stoicka vs. Ivan Stanic oli kyllä täynnä vauhtia ja vaarallisia tilanteita. Turnausfinaali nyt ei ollut varsinaisesti kovin tekninen ottelu, mutta vauhtia riitti siinäkin.

Tässä vielä Superkombatin uudet sivut:
Viimeksi muokannut ylläpidon jäsen:
Jeh, oli kyllä hyviä matseja tuossa Superkombatissa. Toivottavasti onnistuvat säilyttämään tason jatkossakin.
Viime päivinä on huomio keskittynyt pyhään kolminaisuuteen Glory - It's Showtime - K-1, mutta Superkombatkin on yhä olemassa ja järjestää tänään tapahtuman Varnassa. Punnituskuvia tuolla:

Matsit Eurosportilta alkaen klo. 22.00.

Heavyweight 4 Tournament:

Redouan Cairo (SUR) vs Kolyo Ivanov (BUL) R

Tsotne Rogava (UKR) vs Konstantin Kostov (BUL) S
Benjamin Adegbuyi (ROM) vs Mladen Brestovac (CRO) S


Ismael Londt (SUR) vs Freddy Kemayo (FRA) HW T
Corneliu Rus (ROM) vs Alexey Ignashov (BLR)
Raul Catinas (ROM) vs Domagoj Ostojic (CRO)
Andrei Stoica (ROM) vs Hakan Aksoy (TUR)
Catalin Morosanu (ROM) vs Rick Cheek (USA)

Veikkauksena Adegbuyi voittaa turnauksen. Superfighteista oikea rivi on Londt, Ignashov, Catinas, Stoica ja Morosanu.

3 kpl M-Nutrition EAA+

Mango - Hedelmäpunssi - Sitruuna - Vihreä omena

Taisi mennä kaikki oikein "tulosvedossa". Kertoo ehkä jotain superkombatin matchmakingista. Morosanun jenkkivastustaja oli niin surkea, että mies valitti sitä itsekin, kun haluaisi otella kunnon ottelijoiden kanssa.


HW Semi-Final: Benny Adegbuyi def. Mladen Brestovac by unanimous decision.

HW Semi-Final: Kostadin Kostov def. Tsotne Rogava by split decision.

-95kg: Andrei Stoica def. Hakan Aksoy by TKO (3 Knockdowns).

HW: Raul Catinas def. Domogoj Ostojic by TKO (Referee Stoppage).

HW: Alexey Ignashov def. Corneliu Rus by unanimous decision.

HW: Catalin Morosanu def. Rick Cheek by TKO in Round 2.

SuperKombat HW Title: Ismael Londt def. Freddy Kemayo by split decision.

HW Final: Benny Adegbuyi def. Kostadin Kostov by KO (Overhand Right).
Eilen lyötiin taas Superkombatit.

Super Fight -72kg Alex Tropimov (Israel) vs. Claudiu Badoi (Romania)
Tropimov on oikeasti ihan hyvä ottelija, mutta Badoi oli tosi terävänä ja pötkäytti Kaanaanmaan miehen jotian puoleen minuuttiin. Badoi olisi mukava nähdä jotain seiskakympin nimimiestä vastaan, voisi vaikka sattua pikku ylläri. Tätä ottelua olisi katsonut pidempäänkin.

Semifinal 1 +96kg Goran Radonjic (Montenegro) vs. Razvan Ghita (Romania)
Tosi huono ja sekava matsi, jonka voittajaksi Daniel Ghitan pienempi serkkupoika lopulta arvottiin hajaäänin.

Semifinal 2 +96kg Steven Banks (United States) vs. Roman Kleibl (Czech Republic)
Kehityksen pyhä kolminaisuus on tunnetusti treeni, ravinto ja lepo. Banks oli panostanut ravintoon ja lepoon. Hirveä ylipaino ja olemattomat taidot. Banksin vasuruus haittasi keskinkertaisena dieselinä tunnettua Kleiblia niin että hänellä kesti kolmanteen erään asti potkia jenkki jalasta keskeytyskuntoon. Olisi onnistunut aiemminkin, mutta Kleibl sähelsi ja syöksyi jatkuvasti Banksin syliin missä ei saanut tehtyä mitään.

Super Fight -95kg Toni Milanovic (Croatia) vs. Andrei Stoica (Romania)
Illan paras matsi. Milanovic oli yllättävän hyvä, vaikka olikin joka osa-alueella vähän Stoickaa jäljessä. Stoicka otti todella huolellisesti ja siististi varman pistevoiton, joka tosin taisi mennä kummallisesti hajaäänin selvässä matsissa. Milanovic tarvitsisi vielä vähän painoa potkuihinsa, jotka nyt lähtevät pelkällä jalalla, vaikka tulevatkin terävästi.

Super Fight +125kg Deutsch Pu (United States) vs. Alexandru Lungu (Romania)
Uskomatonta mutta totta. Lungu voitti paremman kuntonsa ansiosta, mitä ei 170-kiloiselta valaalta heti olettaisi. Itsekin 130-kiloinen Pu kikkaili ja vei ottelun alkupuolta, mutta toisen erän puolivälissä sippasi täysin, jäi paikalleen ja tuli tyrmätyksi.

Super Fight +96kg Dzevad Poturak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) vs. Sebastian Ciobanu (Romania)
Poturak oli selvästi treenannut ja vaikutti alussa paremmalta kuin koskaan. Tekemisessä oli aiemmin näkemätöntä terävyyttä ja vatsalihakset paistoivat. Ottelun loppua kohti hän kuitenkin hyytyi ja hyytyi ja Draculan Poika Ciobanu vei tilanteet nimiinsä ja selkeä pistevoitto. Poturak oli kai tosi pettynyt, kun karkasi pukuhuoneisiin heti voittajan julistuksen jälkeen.

National Title of Romania 75kg Adrian Mitu (Romania) vs. Miodrag Olar (Romania)
Olar tuli taistelemaan, Mitu vetämään showta. Mitu kikkaili, virnuili jne. mutta se ei ollut kovin vakuuttavaa kun aggressiivinen Olar pieksi häntä kuin vierasta sikaa koko matsin ajan.

Final +96kg Winner Semifinal 1 vs. Winner Semifinal 2
Ghita vs. Kleibl siis. Molemmat paransivat otteitaan ensimmäisistä matseista. Ghita aloitti erinomaisesti, mutta ensimmäisen puolen minuutin jälkeen Kleibl vei selvästi ja pommitti Ghitaa alapotkuilla niin että toisen erän lopulla näytti jo että matsi menisi pian kesken. Luultavasti Kleibl oli kuitenkin rikkonut säärensä koska lopetti alapotkut kolmoserässä paitsi ihan lopussa veti pari varmoihin paikkoihin. Jostain syystä Kleibl voitti vain hajaäänin.
SuperKombatin promoottori Eduard Irimian haastattelu. Loppupään jutuista voisi päätellä, että yhteistyö K-1:n kanssa ei ole ihan kitkatonta.

With all the hubub about GLORY's R2G shows and the upcoming events in London, Istanbul, and Milan, Superkombat has been flying quietly under the radar.

One of the two major kickboxing organizations in the world today, Superkombat is currently home to the likes of Catalin Morosanu, Raul Catinas, the Stoica brothers, Sergei Laschenko and more. The President of Superkombat, Eduard Irimia, made waves in the kickboxing world earlier this year when he announced his plan for global expansion, which involved the opening of Superkombat branches across the world, collaborations with regional fighters, managers, and gyms, and a partnership with K-1 and WAKO.

You might already know that this year Superkombat has begun holding tryouts in a variety of countries, including Greece, Germany, and the U.K, in an effort to groom a "new generation" of kickboxing. We caught up with Eduard to discuss his plans for Superkombat's future in 2013 and beyond.

Read more for the full interview

Liverkick: The Superkombat tryouts in Athens, Dortmund, and London took place earlier this month. Could you talk a little about your thought process behind having them now?

Eduard Irimia: When I first created Local Kombat in 2003, we had tryouts on a national scale. It was at these tryouts we discovered no-name fighters that would go on to compete in our early shows. In a very short amount of time, we were getting huge ratings on Pro TV and the fighters that started without names became very well known on the pilot editions of Superkombat. We're using that same premise now, except on a global scale. I don't believe in cards featuring only famous veterans at the end of their careers. For the long term platform we need to groom new faces from a variety of different countries. This is especially important because our product is now being broadcasted in 4 continents, and the fans in those countries want to see themselves represented in the ring.

Liverkick: What do you think of the talent you've seen so far?

Eduard Irimia: It's been very interesting to see how the new faces looked against some of our more experienced fighters. For example, the heavyweight we selected from Germany sparred with Toktasnyov and Liedert, who have both participated in past Superkombat events. This was a good gauge of his skill, and I believe he has a chance to do well in SK with proper preparation.

We've found a lot of good fighters at middle-weight and some skilled heavyweights. As long as we're able to locate talent, we'd like to begin promoting more weight divisions.

Liverkick: When will we get to see some of the recruits in the ring?

Eduard Irimia: The idea for this year is that the new fighters we've selected will compete in elimination events called SUPERKOMBAT HEROES. After this they'll be paired to face veterans so that we'll be able to see who has the potential to be a SK star in the future.

Liverkick: You've still got 7 tryouts scheduled to take place before May. How many more fighters are you looking to add to the Superkombatroster?

Eduard Irimia: We're still preparing tryouts at other locations, but we'd like to add approximately 64 new fighters. Like I said earlier, these 64 fighters will face each at our HEROES events to determine who has the potential to compete in our World Grand Prix.

Liverkick: I noticed there were women participating in the Athens tryouts. Is female kickboxing going to become a mainstay of Superkombat?

Eduard Irimia: In some of the countries we've been to, the local media reacted very well to seeing women at the tryouts. Because of the good feedback, we do plan to include female kickboxers in some way.

Liverkick: 2013 looks like it's shaping up to be a big year. Could you give us any details about the events you've planned so far?

Eduard Irimia: Besides the tryouts, we'll have six HEROES events that will be broadcasted around the world from regional TV and tape delayed on Eurosport. We'll also be hosting our premium events under the WGP which will include 4 elimination events, 1 final elimination, and the big final at the end of the year, which will be shown live on Eurosport international and Eurosport Asia Pacific. We'll also be working with television stations in North America, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia.

Besides that we will improve live streaming via smart phones, and put out a free smart phone app for all Superkombat fans around the world.

Liverkick: You've said before that one of your goals is to create a new generation of stars. Could you talk about how you're going to attract fans using so many new faces?

Eduard Irimia: This is my speciality- creating heroes and making them famous. To do that we'll be using the media to create mainstream exposure. Not just sports media, either. Catalin Morosanu is the winner of Romania's Dancing with the Stars and some advertising agencies are using his image in national branding campaigns. This is the type of thing I mean. We are trying to attract not only fight fans but the general public as well, which could increase our rating by 10 or 100 times if we are successful. We want to make our stars accessible to the average person.

This will be a difficult task, but it's my main goal. We already succeeded in Romania where our product is now as big as football. If we are able to replicate this feat in a minimum of five other countries, I think it would be a huge success.

Liverkick: With all these developments it's pretty clear things are really starting to pick up speed, not just for SK but for the sport as a whole. Where do you see your organization in 2014?

Eduard Irimia: Well, 2014 is really going to show the reality of how far the kickboxing market can reach, who can survive and who can't in this business. I can personally say that some of the big projects started by others for next year might never come into being.

Superkombat has a decent budget and we pay out reasonable, but not huge, fight purses. In the short term, I believe we are the most stable organization around right now. I started Local Kombat in 2003, and changed the brand name to Superkombat in 2010. We've had ten years of steady growth and development, unlike some other companies who have quit and are trying to come back, or are re-inventing themselves with a huge budget that's impossible to cover in today's fight market.

Last year we began working on agreements with some different organizations, but we realized it was better for us to be independent. We can guarantee high quality work rather than risk being associated with the failure of others.

This year we will be supporting all organizations if they need our help. We will not be part of any sort of war or controversial dispute. I'd like to think that our fighters will be available for all the big promotions on the market, but will still compete for their original home: Superkombat.

Liverkick: Thank you Eduard. As always, it's a pleasure.

--You can keep up with Superkombat on their website,, or you can follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
Tänään taas SuperKombatia Eurosportilta. SUPERKOMBAT® Fighting Championship | SUPERKOMBAT® World Grand Prix in Giurgiu, Romania on October 12th

Fight Card

1. Super Fight – Light Heavyweight Bout (-178 lb, – 187 lb / -81 kg, -85 kg)
Jacopo Bianconcini (Italy) vs. Ciprian Schiopu (Romania)

2. Tournament Semifinal A – Heavyweight Bout (+212 lb / +96 kg)
Thomas Vanneste (Belgium) vs. Dorin Robert (Romania)

3. Tournament Semifinal B – Heavyweight Bout (+212 lb / +96 kg)
Jegish Yegoian (Armenia) vs. Ibrahim Aarab (Belgium)

4. Super Fight – Heavyweight Bout (+212 lb / +96 kg)
Damian Garcia (Spain) vs. James Wilson (United States of America)

5. Super Fight – Super Cruiserweight Bout (-209 lb / -95 kg)
Redouan Cairo (Suriname) vs. Sebastian Ciobanu (Romania)

6. Super Fight – Light Heavyweight Bout (-178 lb, – 187 lb / -81 kg, -85 kg)
Francesco Mattioli (Italy) vs. Mirel Iacob (Romania)

7. Super Fight – Cruiserweight Bout (-201 lb / -91 kg)
Amir Zeyada (Egypt) vs. Bogdan Stoica (Romania)

8. Tournament Final – Heavyweight Bout (+212 lb / +96 kg)
Winner Semifinal A vs. Winner Semifinal B

Saas nähdä pärjääkö Draculan Poika Ciobanu edes Cairolle. Voisinpa veikata että ei. Zeyada tuskin pärjää Bogdan Stoickalle, ellei pääse kolauttamaan onnenkantamoista.
SuperKombatin lopputurnaus tulee tänään Eurosportilta. Mukana on myös 170 kiloa taitoa ja tekniikkaa, kun Alexandru Lungu astuu kehään...

SUPERKOMBAT® Fighting Championship | SUPERKOMBAT® World Grand Prix ? Final in Galati, Romania on December 21st


SUPERKOMBAT® World Grand Prix – Final, scheduled on December 21st in Galati, Romania, will end a great and busy season of 2013. After a totally of 16 events, including the Tryouts, New Heroes and World Grand Prix series, 14 fighters got their ticket for the biggest show of this year wich will be broadcasted live in around 100 countries from 5 continents. Pavel Zhuravlev, Paul Slowinski, Stoica brothers, Benjamin Adegbuyi, Alexandru Lungu and Ondrej Hutnik promise an epic event. Due the humanitarian campaign initiated by SUPERKOMBAT®, all the incomes from the tickets sales will be donated to flood victims of Galati.

This time, in the final tournament of the year will participate fighters from the new generation, while SUPERKOMBAT® stars will have super-fights or world title shots. ”Because in january we started the New Heroes project, we decide to develop the system inside of the tournaments and end with this final. Anyway, the stars have their place in this big event from Galati. Pavel Zhuravlev vs. Benjamin Adegbuyi, Paul Slowinski vs. Raul Catinas or Ondrej Hutnik vs. Andrei Stoica will be one of the most exciting fights of this year in the kickboxing scene. We will have also a entertainment fight between the internet legend and former judo world champion Alexandru Lungu and Mike Bourke at the super heavyweight division”, said SUPERKOMBAT® president, Mr. Eduard Irimia.

In the co-main-event of the night, the Romanian star Raul “Iron” Catinas (19-6-0) is set-up for another epic clash, this time against the Polish Paul “The Sting” Slowinski (105-20-1), ISKA Super Heavyweight World champion, former King of Oceania champion and K-1 World Grand Prix (Amsterdam) winner. Raul “Iron” Catinas made his come back in the ring with a dramatic KO over Ricardo Van Den Bos, meanwhile Paul “The Sting” Slowinski who is fighting out of Adelaide (Australia) scored his 105 win in his career against Cihad Kepenek. “Raul is a strong fighter, but he can’t stop me. Last year, I lost with Catalin Morosanu, this time it will not happen with Catinas”, said Paul Slowinski (1.90 m, 110 kg), who knocked-out stars as Ben Edwards, Zabit Samedov, Patrice Quarteron and Mighty Mo.

Anothers SUPERKOMBAT® stars will compete in the main-event of the night and one of the most expected rematch. The Ukrainian Pavel “The Caiman” Zhuravlev, who is the SUPERKOMBAT® World Grand Prix 2012 champion, K-1 World Grand Prix – Final semifinalist and Legend champion, accepted the challenge of the Romanian Benjamin “Mr. Gentleman” Adegbuyi after at the SUPERKOMBAT® World Grand Prix – Final of 2012 he knocked him out in the first round. Since then, both fighters raised in rankings. Undefeated in 2013, Benjamin Adegbuyi (14-2-0) won against the K-1 World Grand Prix – Final runner-up Ismael “Mr. Pain” Londt, while Pavel Zhuravlev (62-9-1) defeated warriors as Catalin Morosanu, Sahak Parparyan and Agron Preteni.

Stoica brothers, Andrei and Bogdan, can make history in Galati if they win their fights and become the first brothers in the history of professional kickboxing winning at the same time. Official challenger no. 1, as a result of his success against Arnold Oborotov, Andrei (Romania) will face Ondrej Hutnik (Czech Republic), official challenger no. 2, for vacant SUPERKOMBAT® super cruiserweight belt. ”I’m undefeated since 2008 and I will keep my perfect record also after this fight. The world title belt will be mine”, said former muay-thai champion Ondrej Hutnik (76-9-1) who won by TKO at SUPERKOMBAT® World Grand Prix – Final Elimination against Massinissa Hamaili. ”I’m prepared for a war. I know his style and I’m not worried. I’m confident that I will be the winner”, replied Andrei.

SUPERKOMBAT® cruiserweight champion since 2012, Bogdan Stoica (30-2-0) will defend his belt against Igor Bugaenko of Belarus, the mandatory challenger as a result of his his success over Jorge Loren. ”Bugaenko is a very experienced fighter, who knows how to use his boxing skills in a successful manner. I’m the campion and I will remain the champion and I will still remain the champion. For sure there will be war on December 21st”, declared Bogdan, known for his for his flying kicks, knee attacks and axe-kick.

Dunarea Skating Hall
253 Cosbuc George St., Galati, Romania

Date & Time:
Doors Open: Saturday, December 21 at 9:00pm EET
Opening Ceremony: Saturday, December 21 at 10:00pm EET

URL: Cumpara bilete SUPERKOMBAT WORLD GRAND PRIX, Galati ~ Patinoarul Dunarea
Prices: 50.00 RON (1st category), 70.00 RON (2nd category) & 200.00 RON (VIP category)

LIVE Pay-Per-View:
URL: SUPERKOMBAT® World Grand Prix
Price: 9.95 USD

TV Broadcast:
This event will be broadcasted LIVE by in Romania starting from 10:00pm EET, Eurosport, Eurosport HD and Eurosport Asia-Pacific in more than 70 countries from 4 continents starting from 9:00pm CET and on Fight Now! TV in United States of America starting from 3:00pm ET / 12:00pm PT.

Fight Card:

1. Opening Fight – Ligh Heavyweight Bout (-85.00 kg)
Mohammed El Boulahiati (Morocco) vs. Alexandru Nedelcu (Romania)

2. Heavyweight Tournament / Semifinal 1 – Heavyweight Bout (+96.00 kg)
Redouan Cairo (Suriname) vs. Giannis Stoforidis (Greece)

3. Heavyweight Tournament / Semifinal 2 – Heavyweight Bout (+96.00 kg)
Frank Munoz (Spain) vs. D’Angelo Marshall (Curacao)

4. SUPERKOMBAT® Super Cruiserweight Title – Super Cruiserweight Bout (-95.00 kg)
Ondrej Hutnik (Czech Republic) vs. Andrei Stoica (Romania)

5. Entertainment Fight – Super Heavyweight Bout (+135.00 kg)
Mike Bourke (United States of America) vs. Alexandru Lungu (Romania)

6. SUPERKOMBAT® Cruiserweight Title – Cruiserweight Bout (-92.00 kg)
Igor Bugaenko (Belarus) vs. Bogdan Stoica (Romania)

7. Super Fight – Heavyweight Bout (+96.00 kg)
Pavel Zhuravlev (Ukraine) vs. Benjamin Adegbuyi (Romania)

8. Super Fight – Heavyweight Bout (+96.00 kg)
Paul Slowinski (Australia) vs. Raul Catinas (Romania)

9. Heavyweight Tournament / Final – Heavyweight Bout (+96.00 kg)
Winner of Semifinal 1 vs. Winner of Semifinal 2

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