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Minulla on alaselassa L5-S1 nikamien maastossa jotain ongelmaa, joka sateilee hermokipuna oikeaan pakaraan. Vamma on estanyt maastavetelyn viimeisen kahden vuoden ajan. Magneettikuva on otettu, josta loytyi jotain epamaaraista, mutta en ehtinyt tutkituttaa asiaa pidemmalle paikallisesti, koska laakarin asenne oli myos vahan, etta jos selka reistailee, niin tee jotain muuta.

Kysymys: Suomessa on kasitykseni mukaan aina ollut todella hyvia urheiluortopedeja ja kirurgeja. Osaisikohan kukaan suositella kuka voisi olla Suomen ykkosasiantuntija selkaongelmissa ja lisaksi vastaavaa kirurgia?

Ajattelin lentaa Suomeen tarkastuttamaan selan ja hoitamaan mahdolliset leikkaukset myos siella. Kulut saan kansainvalisen sairasvakuutuksen piikkiin, joten tuota aspektia ei tarvitse hirveasti murehtia, mutta jos varta vasten Suomeen tuon takia menen, niin tarkoituksena olisi myos loytaa alan parhaat asiantuntijat.
Lisataan viela tahan radiologin lausunto, jos taalla pyorii porukkaa, joka naita ymmartaa:


Acute Schmorl's node at L5-S1 which measures approximately 16 x 12 mm with surrounding edema, most pronounced along the inferior endplate of L5 anteriorly.

Additional multiple chronic endplate Schmorl's node noted throughout the visualized lower thoracic and most of the lumbar spine.

Minimal degenerative disk disease, most pronounced at L4-L5 with mild bilateral neural foraminal narrowing at that level. Please see below for level by level detail.

CLINICAL INDICATION: Back Pain. Degenerative Disc Disease

TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar and multisequence MRI of the lumbar spine was obtained utilizing 1.5 T magnet. This included T1- and T2-weighted images performed in the axial and sagittal planes.


COMPARISON: Radiograph 09/21/2009. Multiple MRIs of the abdomen, most recent from 01/29/2013.


Alignment is anatomic.

Retroperitoneal and paravertebral soft tissues are normal.

Multiple Schmorl's nodes are noted in the endplates from T11 through S1 with the largest acute Schmorl's node at L5-S1 which measures 16x12 mm within the inferior endplate of L5 with adjacent endplate edema.

Mild disc degeneration is present from L1-L2 to L3-L4 and marked disc degeneration and disc height loss at L5-S1.

Marrow signal is heterogenous marrow signal which is nonspecific.

Conus is normal in caliber, signal, and terminates at L1.

At L1-2, there is no posterior disc contour abnormality. The spinal canal is patent. The neural foramen is patent bilaterally. There is no ligamentum flavum thickening. There is no facet arthropathy.

At L2-3, there is no posterior disc contour abnormality. The spinal canal is patent. The neural foramen is patent bilaterally. There is no ligamentum flavum thickening. There is no facet arthropathy.

At L3-4, there is no posterior disc contour abnormality. The spinal canal is patent. The neural foramen is patent bilaterally. There is no ligamentum flavum thickening. There is no facet arthropathy.

At L4-5, there is a small broad based disc bulge. The spinal canal is patent. The neural foramen are mildly narrowed bilaterally. There is no ligamentum flavum thickening. There is minimal bilateral facet arthropathy.

At L5-S1, there is a broad based disc bulge. The spinal canal is patent. The neural foramen is patent bilaterally. There is no ligamentum flavum thickening. There is no facet arthropathy.

This report assumes that there are 5 non-rib bearing lumbar vertebral bodies with the L5 vertebral body articulating with the sacrum. Accurate numbering of the spine levels would require imaging of the thoracolumbar spine to count ribs.


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